

The crowded alleyway immediately gives way for the two Mercs to walk into, behind them is a huge cage with three bandits in it, the other Mercs immediately recognized these three bandits they are a Thug rank bandits known as the Doom Trinity.

People are suddenly asking how they caught the bandits alive; these are not just regular bandits that you can easily defeat. Most thug rank bandits will fight to their death rather than being caught alive. People are started talking to each other, Mercs, Merchants, and Common folks.

These people are whispering the same thing "It's the False Knight"

On the other side of the alleyway

Three Mercs at the side are talking trash while staring at the duo

"I still can't believe that they caught the Doom Trinity with just the two of them."

"I know right, it is impossible I believed they did some cheap trick like steal the Doom Trinity from a major Merc Guild to gain all the credits. "

Suddenly the man that is called Shade stopped for a moment and turned his head towards the group of Mercs talking about them.

"If you have something to say, why don't you say it in our face? A true Merc doesn't gossip like a little girl." Shade said

The people around the alleyway suddenly burst into laughter, they are all laughing at the group of Mercs who Shade talked to.

One of the three Mercs approached shade and stands in front of his face; this Merc is wearing a yellow armor with a helm that has phoenix wings at both sides. He holds his weapon in his right hand, a sword with a sun crest in it. He is Rab Sunfire, a Merc of the Sun Swords Merc Guild.

"Who do you think you are? Just because you are famous, you think you are strong and mighty?"

Shade is looking at the Merc with his drowsy eyes; he looks like he is bored and not thrilled with the Merc.

"Then I challenge you to a duel, mighty Shade!" Rab shouted across the alleyway

Shade looks at his partner who is currently behind him

"Hey what do you think about this? Are you not going to do something about this?"

"I'm not the person who can't control his temper against some gossips and besides, I'm not the one who is being challenged to a duel, so you're on your own." The False Knight responded

"You piece of..... You're the worst partner ever. Ugh…. This is such a hassle; I should've never talked back." Shade looked at his partner with a disappointed face

"Fine! I will accept your challenge." Shade annoyingly answered

The crowd moved to a much wider space the center of the city where the statue of Laughing Edward is located. The people created a huge circle and in the middle is where Shade and Rab will be facing each other. Arunna and Kaleena are excitedly waiting for what will happen next since it is their first time to see two Mercs who will battle each other.

"The rule is simple the first one to yield shall lose, simple as that." Rab announced

"Fine…. Fine…. Whatever you say.." Shade annoyingly answered while stretching

Rab gets furious when he heard Shade's reply

"Tsk! This lowly being is looking down on me; I shall show you the power of a member of Sun Swords." Rab stated

"Hey, big fella! Why don't you be the referee, so you can do something good in your life for once?" Shade told his partner

"Is it okay with you? Mr. Rab" The False Knight asked

"Fine!" Rab replied

The False Knight walked slowly in the middle of Shade and Rab

"Get to at least 12 meters distance before starting the match, the match will be over when one of the Mercs yielded or died accidentally."

"Are both sides ready?"

"Yes!" Rab shouted

"Yes..." Shade responded

"Then you may now begin"

Rab suddenly charges in

"Heat Steps"

Rab's movement speed is suddenly increased and it emitted a heatwave that the crowd felt. His foot is on fire and the ground he steps into is blazing on fire. He then uses his sword to slice Shade, but Shade easily dodged with a quick step back.

"Fire Breath"

A huge fire came out of Rab's mouth towards Shade; it is so hot that most of the crowd steps back because the heat is affecting them. Shade dodges it but his cloak is on fire. He jumped out to the right side.

"You bastard, you almost burnt me to death."

"Hey, referee! Is that even legal?" Shade shouted at his partner

"I told you, you can die accidentally so you should be careful next time."

Rab used his heat steps once more changing direction to where Shade is standing he increased his speed more and when he is close enough he is ready to swing his sword, when suddenly…..


Rab is floating in the air, he can't move his body

"Yes you are fast I will give you that, but what speed is going to do when you can't even move." Shade smiled at Rab

He walks slowly towards Rab; he then moved his cloak and raised his right hand

"I think our match is over, Death Orb"

A small black ball is being formed in the right hand of Shade it slowly moves toward Rab who is currently floating in the air, when the ball touched Rab's armor the ball suddenly blasted him away. His armor shattered to pieces and fell to the ground. The whole crowd was surprised, Rab flew away so far and the match is instantly settled Rab is unconscious his eyes are pure white. His two comrades rushed in to check on him, he has a few broken bones on his ribs and a purple bruise on his belly.

"You will pay for what you did Shade!" one of Rab's comrade shouted

"I think our problem here is over partner, shall we get moving?" Shade turned to look at his partner who is facepalming at the side.

The duo then continued to walk towards their destination; Arunna and Kaleena were surprised at the same time amazed at what they just witnessed, they never thought that Mercs can be this strong. After some time the crowd started to disperse. While heading back home Arunna and Kaleena went past the weapons and armor district there are different kinds of weapons they saw, swords, axes, maces, spears, and many unique ones. Arunna saw a rapier she was so in love with that sword that she asked the merchant how much that sword is.

"This sword is 150,000 silver coins"

Arunna was left speechless the sword is so expensive that you can buy a decent house for the same price. Kaleena on the other hand saw a magic shop where there is a huge glass in the front where you can see the items they are displaying inside. Kaleena saw scrolls of different kinds of magic, these scrolls can help you learn the spells faster but it is also possible to learn a spell but it will be harder without using a scroll.

It is already getting late, Arunna and Kaleena saw the sun already going down and it is beginning to get dark. They decided to head back to Ed's house when they entered the house. The old man was sitting there drinking a cup of tea, basically, he is just chilling.

They immediately went up to the old man and started to tell what they saw today at the town square, they told him every detail of what just happened, the famous duo, the thug rank Doom Trinity, and the duel that happened in the town square. They were so thrilled; the old man saw happiness in their eyes. They are just like little children who for the first time saw a clown, after telling the story to the old man

the old man looked at them and smiled.

"So you ladies already met them."

The two ladies are surprised and left there hanging and thinking what the old man is talking about.