
Back To The Inn

Once we had made it out of the brothel, I honestly can't remember much. Everything had gone by in such a tired daze. At one point on our way back to the Inn, I remember Nicklos wrapping me into his arms and hastily making his way through the City. The night air had bit into my skin and almost froze me to death before I was draped in a long and fur lined cloak. All I could think about, was how warm and comfortable Nicklos's arms where. I remember coming in and out of sleep as we made our way back to the Inn. At some point I could make out Seria and Michael's voices, along with another young male.

They must have successfully saved Maxwell from the dungeon, which means we must have succeeded all around. This put my mind at ease, despite how useless I was through out the entire process. Instead of finding paperwork, I ended up becoming a wantonous woman who had practically begged Nicklos to divulge himself in me. Thankfully though he kept a straight head and didn't waste time trying to pacify my needs. I don't think I could ever look at him the same way, and maybe he couldn't look at me either. I had embarressed entirely. But I couldn't dwell on it forever, we had a lot to get accomplished now that things where set in motion.

But the soft mattress underneath my body was begging me to stay. The aching of my body after the drug wore off, was almost impossible to shake. If anything I felt more tired and fatigued than before we started this whole ordeal. My body had felt like it had aged, and with it, so did my brain. Even as I opened my eyes, they where stiffen and swollen from sleeping for so long. The light from the window blinded, making me wince as I tried to adjust to it's glare. I groaned as my head began to pound, making my discomfor that much more intolerable. If I hadn't known any better, I'd say I felt hung over. But it's just the reaction from the drugs wearing off.

Beside me, I felt the mattress move and couldn't help taking a peak over. My breath caught in my throat as Nicklos's eyes stared right at me. Immediatly my face blushed, feeling embarressed and guilty.

"Good morning beautiful." He whispered with the small sexy smile of his. My heart fluttered and I smiled in return. His arm laid lazily across my waist, but held me firmly against him so I couldn't escape.

"Good morning handsome. I'm sorry about last night, I honestly didn't think the drugs would effect me that badly." I muttered, not feeling comfortable enough to talk about it. Nicklos grunted in return, and then nestled his head into the crook of my neck. His warm breath tickled my exposed chest.

"It's hardly anything to apologize over. I am just glad you are okay now. We managed to grab proof, and Maxwell, so all in all a job well done." He mumbled, his voice lined with sleep. I guess I wasn't the only one exhausted. I let my hand run through the black silk locks of his hair as we continued to cuddle. It honestly felt relaxing having him by my side like this. I didn't feel like I had to manange this disaster by myself any more.

"Although, we need to discuss about last night's events. There has been another change so to speak." He paused for a moment before going over the entire encounter with Uriah. I couldn't help but pause my hand, mid stroke in his hair as surprise over came me. This was an unexpected turn of events. If the Counsel already knew what was going on, and where willing to help, this would take a huge load off my shoulders. But the frusterating part was not knowing if it was true. this whole time I was starting to plot against them, and now they are working with us?

It wasn't something I could trust completely. After all they had been against me from the very start. Whose to say that this also wasn't part of their plan to over throw the Kingdom. All i could see, was this one big dramatic mess and honestly I was growing tired of being apart of it. For now, I would go along with Uriah's plan, but I still wanted to keep my back up plan on the table in case things decided to go sideways.

"I don't trust Uriah one bit, but he did give us the evidence we need to over throw my father and stop Laylia's plans. For now let's head back to Stratheom and gather everyone else up. Then we will head home and discuss things with Uriah's father." The rest would probably be made up on the fly, as it normally was.

"With the information being leaked before she planned, she will become desperate. I don't think she would care about everyone knowing that she was your father's first illigitimate daughter, but you aren't dead. Seeing as how you are a legitimate daughter, she can't over see the throne. Our journey might become more perilous on the way back." Nicklos muttered angrily.

"Hopefully by the time she realizes that that she has been tricked, we are long gone to stratheom." Although she had more powerful people at her back. The other two crime lords would have no problems tracking us down. That would also mean Uriah would be in danger of being exposed if he in fact is actually helping us.

"You should probably know one more thing before going back. The mole you where so worried about, it's Illia. I found letters of her and Laylia writing back and forth to each other. She is assisting Laylia in over throwing the throne as she has no desire for it." Nicklos was so quiet. I wish I could say that my silence was because I was stunned. But all Nicklos did was prove my suspicions. Her hatred for my life choices is what drove her to try and get rid of me. I tsked quietly, disappointed of my family.

"We should probably get ready to leave then. It's only a matter of time before she realizes that Maxwell is gone, and so is her evidence. The bigger the head start the better. I'm not even close to being at full health, and I am unsure if I would be any use in battle." Thanks to Nathanial, I wasn't as limber as I use to be. The arrow that struck my leg, made doing anything over the top very difficult.

"Nathanial will be repaid with his kindness, don't you worry."Nicklos growled against my chest. I smiled to myself as I resumed with running my fingers through his hair. I couldn't help but counting myself lucky once again, knowing that he was with me. He was mine, and no one would stop us from getting what we wanted. It was time that I returned to ascend the throne, and with Nicklos at my side. It was amazing how different my life turned out to be. I always imagined that things would end in a happy manner, that everyone would live in this beautiful fairytale inside my head. But in reality, my life had become more dark and twisted then I realized.

I was played the fool, my father and sisters, where the tunes that kept on beating. A change in pace and scenery, will finally end this old song. Hopefully with the strings I held in my hand, I could change this tune forever. Who knows what's going to happen in the next couple of days. Pray it works out in my favor.