
Bloodshot Eyes

It was the month of summer, the scorching sun high in the sky was spreading heat onto the streets of a certain coastal city.

Even though it was so bright outside, the sunlight cannot pass through the windows of the room, having a thick yellow curtain drawn shut, the heat in the city didn't affect the coldness of the airconditioned room.

Joey who is sitting in front of his laptop is searching on the web for some kind of material for his enjoyment. It was Friday, his mother and sister are on the work, being alone in his room he believed that it was the right time to do the good deed.

Cold sweat dripped down on his forehead, Joey is staring at the screen waiting for the buffering of the video to stop. After waiting for three seconds the familiar music of the intro sounded on his ears.

The fifteen-second intro of the video is done and the start of the main story is playing, the pumped up Joey that was anxiously waiting has changed his face into a wicked smile. It was a disgusting face.

Suddenly, the screen of his laptop blacked out.


Joey that was ready for some action slammed both of his hands on the table, infuriated by his old laptop that suddenly shuts down when the CPU memory and temperature exceeded its limit. Because of being an undergraduate student and a lazy bum that didn't find a job, he can't afford to buy a new one, so even if his laptop is old asf, he still patiently took care of it.

"Sigh, It seems that I just have to load it again," Joey said and pressed the power switch of his laptop.

The windows logo appeared and the four color lights of the logo are thumping just like a human heart, in just a few seconds, the loading of the computer has finished. Joey placed his hand on the mouse and clicked the icon of a web browser then typed ctrl, shift + t to recover the tabs that were closed.


Abruptly, a loud ringing sound was heard, it was a siren that is used for an emergency from service vehicles, Joey who was busy finding something new on the web experienced an excruciating pain from his head.

"Aargh! What the f*ck is this?!" Joey collapsed on the floor, the fingers of his hands kept rubbing his temple, the sound kept ringing directly on his brain seemingly trying to cause it to explode.

Joey felt his head spinning, his body is trembling and sweating profusely, he looked around his room and the images he saw was numerous line of lights forming a vortex from the walls, floor, and ceiling. Even the items of furniture inside the room turned into lines of light except for the laptop.

In the laptop's screen, drops of red light rained down until the whole screen was covered, a blinding bloody light lit up from the laptop for a few seconds and some words were shown from the screen.

Joey who was laying on the ground gasped a mouthful of air, eyes bulged, he read the few words that appeared on the laptop before finally fainting from pain.

[Welcome to Mobile L..]


Shallow story, don't expect more.

Transcendentcreators' thoughts