

"I just can't believe I've survived my whole freshman year without any friends. Its been a whole fucking year and I still have not settled yet. Crap!" I sighed looking into the mirror.

"Don't cuss, filthy mouth. I could hear you even from the kitchen" mom retorted as she entered into my room with a bowl of doritos and salsa. "Dont you think your filthy mouth could be a reason for no kid in school being friends with you?" She added. 'Mom, one needs to talk to cuss. No one talks to me. How 'bout that?' I thought this to myself. Arguing with her is something I would not suggest anyone to do. Moreover, I am a lazy ass. So instead, I hogged over the doritos she just brought.

Last summer when we moved to Seattle from India, I expected everything to be fun. New place, new friends, new things, new culture, exciting! Least I knew, I'd end up being a loner. Since childhood, I was a bubbly kid. I was that happy-go-lucky kid that everyone wanted to be friends with. I was like an anime character who has lot of emotions and laughs unreasonably and oozes off too much of positivity. Overreaction to just fucking everything, not in a bad way though. But here, in Seattle, I had no friends except for some kids whom I sometimes waved, smiled or exchanged notes with. But that was all. Bored of my boredom, I decided to join tuition classes. I didn't need any but mom wanted me to make friends.

"So, you're going to Mr. Jones from tomorrow?" Mom asked

"Who's that?" I cluelessly asked chewing unto a mouthful of doritos and dipping another one in the salsa.

"Your new tutor" she replied with a ticked off look. I had no idea about it.

"So what are you wearing tommorow?" she asked

"I am not going for any swing dancing mom"

"But first impression does matter. Don't you want kids to befriend you?"

"That sounds another level of desperation, mom"

"Wear that pastel yellow kurti I bought you last Dussehra"

"So that everyone could pick on me saying that I smell like curry and I look like turmeric?"

"No one is that racist these days, honey"

"You don't know anything-"


I just blankly stared. That was all you could do infront of an Indian mom.

"I am making bhindi for dinner. You like it, don't ya?" she said. I gloated. I always crave for Indian food here in Seattle but mom makes it rarely. Getting the Indian vegetables and ingredients here is quite tough, you know.

The next day, I went to Mr. Jones tuition. Yes, I was wearing that 'pastel yellow kurti". FML.

Anyways, Mr. Jones seemed nice and somewhat friendly.

He asked me to introduce myself to the class. So I went like "Hello.. uh.. everyone. I am Nidhi Clark. I'll be joining you here since now and I hope.. that we all get along well" I could hear some bitches in the back crackling into laughter. I knew it right there that this wasn't going to be easy...