
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Aktion
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240 Chs

Chapter 149: Who stays who goes

The players and the Awakened looked at each other.

They all heard the meaning of the words.

Those who stayed behind probably had no hope of going out alive.

"Team Gold, I'll stay!"

Lu Shuangshuang was the first to speak up.

Her strength has improved a lot in the past few days, and she has reached the strength of a third-level awakener.

If you stay, it should be able to play a lot of roles.

"I'm staying too!"

"Me too, how can you be separated from your teammates for so many years!"

"Count me in, I'm going to kill you today!"

"I just woke up yesterday, and I can show my skills today!"

All the team members, whether awakened or not, expressed their willingness to stay.

And a few outside Awakeners seemed a little hesitant.

They obviously prefer to survive.

"Xiaolu, why don't you stay?"

"Survivors still need someone to lead the team."

"Besides me here, you are the strongest, it would be a pity to sacrifice."

Jinbao advised.

"Who do you look down on, Team Gold!"

"I'm going to stay!"

"It's settled!"

Lu Shuangshuang said very unconvinced.

Why let her escape.


"All right."

"He Xiang, you are responsible for leading people to evacuate."

"Don't refuse, your wife and children are also among the survivors, right?"

Jinbao patted a teammate on the shoulder.

He Xiang sighed and nodded.

Not just because of the wife and children, someone has to organize the evacuation.

"Okay, that's it!"

"Leave, prepare for battle with me."

"He Xiang, you are in charge of organizing the evacuation. Attention, the elderly and children will be given priority in arranging cars."

"In terms of supplies, bring some as much as possible, but don't be greedy and focus on withdrawing people."

"Everyone act, time is running out!"

Jinbao clapped his hands and ended the short and heavy meeting.

A group of people followed Jinbao and rushed to the door to set up a line of defense.

The rest is to follow He Xiang to arrange the retreat.

The door of the food station.

Jinbao and Lu Shuangshuang and other teammates began to pour gasoline on the road.

This is to prepare a fire line of defense.

They have gained some experience in the process of fighting with zombies. The water in zombies is much less than that of humans, so it is particularly easy to burn.

Fire works wonders against ordinary zombies.

However, the corpse tide composed of thousands of zombies would definitely not be able to burn all the gasoline alone.

Moreover, there must be many mutant zombies in the corpse tide, and those guys are not easy to deal with.

How much can you kill.

After pouring gasoline, Jinbao took them to build a simple city wall.

In such a short time, it can only do so.

"Everyone, find some weapons and get ready for the first wave of battle!"

"Behind us, there are some unarmed civilians!"

"How many people can be evacuated alive depends on our performance!"

As Jinbao spoke, he pulled out a strip of cloth and tightly entangled his hand with the handle of the fire axe.

When fighting like this, the axe is not easy to let go.

Other teammates also took advantage of the weapons.

Not far away, a large amount of dust floated up, and the tremor on the ground became stronger and stronger.

It is estimated that within two minutes, the corpse tide will rush in front of them.

A dozen people used their bodies to form the last line of defense.

Among them, some people trembled with fear, and some people started to cry, but none of them took a step back.

They know that if they retreat, there will be a gap and the survivors behind them will have less chance of evacuating.

At the back door of the granary, He Xiang is organizing everyone to evacuate.

"The elderly and children get on the bus first!"

"Youth and middle-aged people walk!"

"Take all the food you can get!"

"Don't mess up!"

He Xiang said with a loudspeaker.

At this time, there is no need to worry about attracting zombies. This sound has long been covered up by the huge roar of the corpse tide.

Although some people maintained order, the scene was chaotic.

Some people ran in the opposite direction in order to bring their luggage, and the door was congested.

In order to get out as soon as possible, some people were desperately pushing and shoving others.

There were also people arguing over some food they couldn't take away.

"Why don't you let me take the car?"

"I'm too fat to run. Wouldn't it just kill me to not let me ride!"

"Come down, give me a place!"

A fat middle-aged man grabbed a child who was about to get into the car.

Lu Mao, who was maintaining order by the side, looked cold.

Captain Jinbao and the others fought their lives to buy time for everyone to evacuate. Why are you fighting for a place with a child here?

"Come down for me!"

Lu Mao looked at the fat man and said coldly.

"You don't care about me!"

"How old are you!"

"Do you know that I used to...hey! You don't do it!"

The fat man was directly dragged out by Lu Mao.

After this contact, Fatty knew that Lu Mao was an awakened...

"Brother, don't do it, can't I go by myself!"

The fat man immediately succumbed to it.

Lu Mao glanced around and found that many people were looking at him.

The way he handled Fatty himself was likely to set the tone for the order of this evacuation.

Lu Mao took a deep breath and grabbed the fat man's neck.

The fat man's eyes were about to pop out, his face was flushed, and his hands and feet kept struggling.

"Lu Mao!"

He Xiang reminded him.

This seems to be a bit heavy...

Lu Mao paid no attention to it, and his hands slammed hard.

With a "click", Fatty's neck was twisted, and his entire body fell heavily to the ground.

Survivors around made a lot of exclamations.

Really kills!

Soon, all the survivors packed up and began an orderly evacuation.

It seemed that Lu Mao's move this time was quite deterrent.

"Okay, forget about the food!"

"Go quickly, life is the most important thing!"

"Come on, the corpse tide will arrive in less than a minute!"

He Xiang desperately urged the survivors.

More than 100 old people and children took the lead in a dozen cars and three buses to stay away from this area.

There are awakened people on the bus, and this wave of people is expected to survive.

Others ran wildly in the direction where the car disappeared.

Some people run and hide in nearby buildings. In their opinion, it should be fine to hide.

Still others, deliberately strayed from the large force, believing that the probability of survival would be higher this way.

To be honest, in front of the corpse tide, these are all in vain.

Where the corpse tide passes, even if it is hidden in the basement, it will be picked up by the keen mutant zombies.

"Okay, anyway, everyone was evacuated."

"How far you can run is up to fate."

"Next, I'm going back to help the Jin team!"

He Xiang took out an iron rod and walked in the direction of the corpse tide without hesitation.

His wife and children were already in the car, and he had nothing to worry about.

"Yes, count me in!"

Lu Mao also followed behind with two axes.

Two other Awakeners were also touched, they gave up their escape and followed He Xiang.
