
All People's Island: I Have a God-level

After crossing, He came to the world of Insignia where anyone at the age of eighteen can enter the Endless water and become an island owner after being assessed! Alex's activation of the god-level farm has the ability to transform everything into a god, and it can turn corruption into a myth! The effect of white radish after being transformed into a god is even more exaggerated than that of 10,000-year-old ginseng! After a dead seed becomes a god-level, it becomes a sacred tree of life, and the element elves born are all god-level magicians! A Baby Dragon born turned into God-level Dragon God...

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Chapter 4 : Assessed in advance?

[God-level success! You get a god-level sweet potato seed! ]

[God-level success! You get a god-level tomato seed! ]

After a simple selection, Alex used the last two divine levels on a sweet potato seed and a tomato seed.

"It's a pity that both of them have only one seed, so we have to wait!"

Alex stared at the emerging sweet potato vines and tomato seedlings, and shook his head slightly.

But soon, he calmed down.

"Don't worry, it will be harvested in three hours, and there will be 10 sweet potato seeds and 10 tomato seeds."

Like god-level white radish, god-level sweet potatoes and god-level tomatoes mature in three hours.

He Alex could wait.

After all, he has a month!

Another three hours later...

[The harvest is successful! 10 experience points! ]

[You get 8 god-level white radishes, 1 god-level tomato, and 1 god-level sweet potato! ]

[You get 80 god-level white radish seeds, 10 god-level tomato seeds, and 10 god-level sweet potato seeds! ]


With this harvest, Alex couldn't wait to check the god-level tomatoes and the attributes of the god-level sweet potatoes.

[God-level sweet potato]: After using it, you can increase your cultivation base by ten years!

[God Grade Tomato]: After using it, you can increase your cultivation base by ten years!


Same as god-level white radish?

Alex frowned.

"It seems that this common common crop, even if it is god-level, will not improve much."

How much will it not improve?

If this lets other people know Alex's thoughts, I am afraid that he will be hammered to death.

Eat a white radish to become an evolutionary.

Is there anything easier than this?

To know that ordinary people want to become Awakeners, it is not a simple matter.

Even the younger generation with backgrounds needs to spend a certain amount of time in the discipline.

Only then can you leap from an ordinary person to an evolutionary person.

And there is one more difference.

That is, whether it is a god-level white radish, or a god-level sweet potato and a god-level tomato, what they increase is not the level of the evolutionary, but the cultivation base!

The correspondence of this cultivation base is determined according to the user.

Alex's ten years of cultivation was actually equivalent to ten years of his own cultivation.

Well, to put it simply, with Alex's aptitude...

Ahem, it will take him ten years to become a black iron three-star evolutionary.

If this is replaced by someone else, then it is not necessarily.

Alex didn't know about this, but even if he did, he wouldn't care.

Because after having a god-level farm, it doesn't matter if the qualifications are not enough, as long as you can eat it.

What he cares about is what level he can evolve to after using three god-level sweet potatoes and god-level tomatoes.

"Bronze rank... there should be no problem!"

Alex looked forward to it.

Then, this time, he directly planted five god-level tomatoes and five god-level sweet potatoes.

Another three hours later...

[The harvest is successful! 10 experience points! ]

[You get 5 god-level tomatoes and 5 god-level sweet potatoes! ]

[50 god-level tomato seeds, 50 god-level sweet potato seeds! ]


In this way, there are 6 god-level tomatoes and god-level sweet potatoes on Ye Chang's singer.

Then start eating!

After eating 3 god-level tomatoes and 3 god-level sweet potatoes, Alex's level increased.

[Character]: Alex

[Occupation]: Trainee Island Master

[Talent]: Unawakened

[Level]: Bronze five-star

[Skill]: None

[Equipment]: None


[Island People]: None


In fact, after eating a god-level tomato, Alex's level reached the black iron nine stars.

Alex had already discovered it.

After these crops are god-leveled, only the first three can be improved by eating them.

And if it works, it should be decreasing.

The first effect is the best.

Three kinds of god-level crops have piled Alex from an ordinary person to a bronze five-star!

This is extraordinary.

To know that when entering the Endless Sea for the first time, the evolution level cannot exceed the black iron level.

Although many forces have cultivated a lot of Black Iron Nine Stars, and even Awakeners of the peak realm of Black Iron Nine Stars.

At the same time, entering the Endless Sea this time, I also made a lot of preparations.

For example, some special items that increase the evolution level.

But even with such an improvement method, it is also the evolution level of the black iron nine-star peak.

It's only been 12 hours, such a short amount of time, unless desperate to improve.

Otherwise, it would be very good to have two bronze stars now.

Basically, those who can use means to break through are only one star of bronze.

However, over time, it might be different.

This point, Alex is also very clear.

And he understands better.

After the god-level farm has not been upgraded, it is impossible for him to upgrade the evolution level.

Only by upgrading the god-level farm to level 2, select other seeds to be god-level, and grow new special items.

This will allow him to continue to improve.

At the same time, Alex also thought of something.

That is, the deity-leveling of crops has such an effect, so what if it is something else?

After the white radish becomes god-level, it can improve the cultivation base for ten years.

Then what about the herbs that can improve cultivation?

For example, ginseng...

God-level ginseng, this is probably an exaggerated increase.

"Unfortunately, I only have ordinary crop seeds on me. If I want to get other seeds, I can only wait until later, unless..."

I took the assessment in advance and became the official island owner.

This thought flashed through Alex's mind.