
All People's Island: I Have a God-level

After crossing, He came to the world of Insignia where anyone at the age of eighteen can enter the Endless water and become an island owner after being assessed! Alex's activation of the god-level farm has the ability to transform everything into a god, and it can turn corruption into a myth! The effect of white radish after being transformed into a god is even more exaggerated than that of 10,000-year-old ginseng! After a dead seed becomes a god-level, it becomes a sacred tree of life, and the element elves born are all god-level magicians! A Baby Dragon born turned into God-level Dragon God...

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Chapter 1 All-people Island Era

"Hahaha, it's finally about to start."

"That's right, I'm about to enter the endless sea, and my era is coming."

"Come on, what is your era, you can successfully become the island owner, let's talk about it, do you really think it's easy to become the island owner?"

"Oh, do you think I can't?"


Looking at the people arguing in front of him, Alex was silent.

Endless sea!

Alex was very emotional, and finally this day has come!

Alex is not from this world, he is a traveler.

Insignia is more technologically advanced than its previous life, and its population is more than ten times larger.

But it is precisely because of this that Insignia's resources are nearly exhausted, and the entire planet has a tendency to perish.

And at this moment, there was a turning point!

The endless sea is coming!

People enter the endless sea, become the island owner of the endless sea, and obtain all survival resources.

Insignia survived, even stronger than before.

And Bluestar has also entered a new era - the island era!

Anyone over the age of eighteen can enter the endless sea.

The endless sea is vast, and the area that has been explored alone is already thousands of times the size of the Insignia...

There are countless races and countless beasts here...

This is an extremely dangerous world, but it is also a world of infinite opportunities for human beings. .

Because there is a special mechanism in the endless sea.

Anyone who enters the Endless Sea for the first time will be randomly assigned to an initial island in the Endless Sea.

Become a trainee island owner!

The apprentice island owner has a one-month protection period, during which he will not be attacked.

As for a month later, it will usher in the test of the endless sea.

At that time, there will be beasts attacking the island, and as long as they can resist three waves of attacks, they can become the official island owner of the endless sea.

But it's not easy.

There are tens of millions of people on Insignia who turn eighteen every year.

However, among these people, very few can become lords.

Even 99.9% of them will be eliminated.

But once he becomes the true island owner, his fate will change dramatically.

Because even the primary island owner has the ability to teleport back to Insignia at any time, and even bring resources from his island back to Insignia.

The beasts and ingredients of the endless sea contain special energy.

Ordinary people eat it to prolong life.

Especially the meat of many beasts, ordinary people can become Awakeners by eating them.

Evolvers are the mainstream in the new era of Bluestar!

The new era is a world where the strong are respected.

Black-iron-level evolutionists can raise a tripod with one hand, bronze-level Awakeners can handle bullets, and silver-level Awakeners can ignore most firearm threats...

There are even powerful Awakeners that ignore nukes.


An island that connects the Insignia and the Endless Sea is often the representative of resources.

This is an opportunity for Alex.

In this life, he grew up in an orphanage.

Today, this new era has no background and background, that is, no resources.

It is also eighteen years old, but Alex is still an ordinary person, not an evolutionary.

However, many of his classmates have become Awakeners, and even the highest-ranked black iron three-star.

The school he is in has the highest level of black iron nine-star evolutionary.

Even if it is not the first time to enter the Endless Sea, if the evolution level exceeds the black iron level, the initial island will not be allocated, and if you cannot become the island owner...

I am afraid that there are many 18-year-old Awakeners at the bronze level or even the silver level.

At this time, a middle-aged man walked up to Alex and asked again.

"Alex, do you want to think about it again?"

"No, Teacher Nick."

Alex smiled lightly.

"Oh, you..."

Nick shook his head slightly, "You are my better-looking student, but it is impossible to become the island owner by your own strength."

"Actually, you can choose to join some forces. In this case, your chances of becoming the official island owner will increase a lot."

Nick's remarks caused a lot of envious glances around him.

After all, for 99.9% of people, it is impossible to have any chance to become the official island owner.

It is naturally enviable that Alex can have such an opportunity.


Alex sneered in his heart.

For the newcomers who are new to the endless sea, the major forces will give a certain amount of investment according to their personal potential.

But once the official island owner of Endless Sea, he will become a worker of the investor, and he is subject to many restrictions.

Alex saw through this, and he rejected the investment of all forces.

These are salaried workers, to put it mildly, but in fact they are completely senior slaves in the new era.

Senior slaves are slaves too.

How could he possibly do it?

In the face of Nick's re-invitation, Alex just smiled slightly and didn't speak again.

Nick sighed and gave up.

My heart is full of regrets.

If Alex agreed, his chances of becoming the dean would be even greater.


Suddenly, Alex's right hand lit up slightly, and there was a faint faint golden mark.

Island Mark!

The reason for the vague pale gold color is because Alex is not yet the official island owner.

Only after becoming the official island owner, the island imprint will be completely imprinted.

Now, as long as you activate it once, this island imprint will disappear.

Without any hesitation, Alex directly chose to inspire!


White light flashed.

Alex found himself in an unfamiliar place, and then a voice suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

[You have entered the endless sea! ]

[It is detected that you are entering the Endless Sea for the first time, and you will be randomly assigned an initial island. ]

[You have become the trainee island owner of the Endless Sea! ]

[You have entered the newcomer protection period, and you will be protected by the will of the endless sea for the next 30 days! ]

[Newcomer protection period: 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds]

This is the privilege of every newcomer to enter the endless sea.

Then, a light screen interface appeared in front of Alex's eyes, entering the unique island interface of the Endless Sea!

The island interface can communicate and trade.

It can be seen that the authority of Island Master Xi is extremely low, and he can usually only chat.

And only with other apprentice island owners.

But Alex didn't care about his island interface.

Because at the moment his attention is focused on another interface.

system interface!


It's the system!

As a traveler, Alex naturally also has a system.

But his system did not appear the first time.

Instead, it was fully charged for 18 years, and it was not until the day Alex turned 18 a month ago that the system was fully charged.

Then, enter the activated state.

The activation system is also very simple, which is to enter the endless sea.

"System, you should activate it now!"

Alex took a deep breath, he was counting on this system now.

[Ding--! ]

Suddenly, a system prompt sounded.

[The testing environment conforms to... ]