
Chapter 46: sunset

Using his wand as a fishing line, Kai summons a cloud and guides them through portal space. Arturo’s presence is about as clear as the sun itself, glimmering and shimmering amidst the harsh, striking colors of the moon. It all converges at what would be the Three Moons Pier, where Arturo stands with mile-long pieces of sunstring spilling out of him. When he sees their approach, he seems neither surprised nor alarmed. He just watches them, bright sunny eyes so tired, they might as well be shut.

Kai can only imagine what it means to be a moonstricken sun mage. “Hey, man”, he greets with a hesitant smile upon his lip. With greater care than usual, he allows his cloud to drift closer, ever aware of the defensive state Wilma and Austin have taken at his sides. Kai presses his lips tightly together and looks his old mentor up and down. “You okay?”