
Final Fight

Tomura's Pov

How is posible how can uses One For All all power.I am losing now.No I will win.I destroy every think only touch Deku . Hhmmm I know solution.I steal Kurogiri's quirk.I did now good by hero.

Deku's Pov

I will stop Tomura and save him . I see a purple fog then a hand touches my left arm.My equipment and my body are rotting. Tomura. He did this ıf it's the end of me I'll stop his.I punch Tomura's gate this is my final smash .I using gearshift , fa jin and One For All %1,000,000 then all I see is Tomura's smashed head then I find myself a different every place --------- but now is doesn't matter I must transfer One For All.I find a little boy his hand was cut and bleeding then I am transfering One For All .