
All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call Me A Natural Disaster!

Story of: All Jobs Transfer: Necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! It's a world of job change. There are ceiling professional saints, nuron angels, nightmare assassins, dragon blood warriors... There are also C-level necromancers who are as ordinary as the protagonist White Night. Until this day, Bai Ye found that his skill level did not have an upper limit? from now on Basic skills, summon skeletons (lvmax), small skeletons turn into skeleton kings, and slaughter gods with one sword. Advanced skills, Life Link (lvmax), Summoned Immortal, I Immortal. Aura skill, legion aura (lvmax), undead legion health +1,000,000%, attack +1,000,000 percent. There are also Hell Bones, Knights of Heaven's Punishment, Skeleton Dragons, Succubus, and Night Elves. C-level necromancer? Please call me a disaster of God! Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: "All people change: necromancer? Call me a natural disaster! 》; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Zero_D_Darkness · Videospiele
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282 Chs

Chapter 123

Chapter 123 White Night is hypnotized???!!

I had heard that Bai Ye was going to break everyone's limbs.

This is also in the consideration of the "demon puppeteer".

However, after the White Night, he asked Tictes to break the teeth of this group? At this moment, even the "demon puppeteer" was dumbfounded.

In fact, he arranged for these men in black to deal with White Night, and he had no intention of relying on them to take White Night.

Its real purpose is to let Bai Ye deliberately untie the control of this group of people after injuring them.

So that they can mess up Bai Ye's mind with their words, and facilitate the subsequent "hypnotist" to hypnotize Bai Ye.

Imagine that although this group of people is controlled, it is not subjective behavior after all.

After waking up, feeling his severed limbs, his first reaction would definitely be to Bai Yekou, complaining about how Bai Ye's hands were so heavy.

Thus affecting Bai Ye's mentality and causing Bai Ye to produce emotional fluctuations.

As a result, White Night let Tyctus directly break their teeth? Doesn't that make them speechless?

How else does this affect Bai Ye's mind?

Originally, I thought that Bai Ye was strong enough to directly break the limbs of these people.

Unexpectedly, they even broke their teeth? So ferocious?

And the excuse, but afraid that they will bite their tongues and commit suicide? Hypnosis has a law.

People who are hypnotized can be controlled, cause harm to others, and even kill people close to them.

After all, after hypnosis, they can't tell the difference between friend and foe.

However, in terms of suicide.

Unless the person who exerts control is too powerful, the realm is too higher than the person being controlled.

Otherwise, it is still difficult for the hypnotized person to hurt himself.

This is the instinct of human self-preservation.

Therefore, the "demon puppeteer" concluded that White Night was intentional.

At this time, the "Demon Puppeteer" had already classified Bai Ye's mind as a pervert-level existence.

I didn't expect a new person to have such a deep scheming? In fact, Bai Ye is really afraid that they will bite their tongues and commit suicide.

Where did Bai Ye know that it was a hypnotic profession that controlled them? And because the power of Tictes is too strong, buy the strength of these men in black generally turn around two.

On the contrary, it is a bit of a tie-up.

If Tiktus kills this group of people, it is estimated that it will only take more than ten seconds.

It is much more difficult to break their limbs only.

This made Tectus unable to solve this group of people immediately for a while.

Bai Ye also did not have any ink, and continued to walk directly towards the front.

And at this time, Bai Ye also noticed the special smell in the air, but did not take it seriously.

When Bai Ye passed over everyone, he also directly saw the Lancheng City Lord on the ground, and the Lancheng City Lord at this time was the miserable appearance of losing his right arm.

As soon as he saw Bai Ye, the city lord of Arashi City went crazy, holding a giant sword in his left hand and killing towards Bai Ye.

Bai Ye shook his head helplessly, still coming? Can't you have a little fresh trick?

I saw a sword qi several meters long suddenly extend from the giant sword, slashing straight towards the white night.

And Bai Ye did not choose to simply use the "Life Link" to block this time.

Because although the "life link" can help you resist harm, it will destroy your clothes.

As a result, white bone armor instantly emerged from the white night's body, completely shrouding the white night.

It's like wearing a white bone armor.

After blocking this blow from the City Lord of Arashiro City head-on, Bai Ye didn't even shake for half a point.

Because the greatsword is different from other light blades.

You can't put it away.

However, in the hands of the City Lord of Lancheng, he was able to use inertia to swing the second slash again.

I saw that the giant sword once again drew an almost perfect arc and hit the "White Bone Armor" again.

While!!! This time, it finally caused a crack in the "white bone armor".

Bai Ye's physique value is still not high after all, even if the 10 times the value of "White Ossification Armor" is blessed, it is only thousands of points of defense.

Although White Night can also repair armor instantly, and there is also a "life link".

But now, at least in the eyes of others, the Lancheng City Lord may be able to hurt the white night with the third sword, but at this moment, the Lancheng City Lord suddenly spewed out a lot of blood all around his body, and then fell straight down.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye was also stunned.

What's the situation?

And Bai Ye also quickly guessed that the Lancheng City Lord had just exerted too much force and involved internal injuries.

Plus the previous state is not good, now, directly kill yourself to the near death state.

It turned out that in fact, the other party had never wanted to rely on the Lancheng City Lord to kill him.

Instead, he wanted to blame the death of the city lord of Lancheng on his own head? Bai Ye had to sigh that the other party's calculation was loud enough.

And the "demon puppeteer" who saw this scene once again let out a signboard-like sneer.

That's right, he deliberately let the Lancheng City Lord stay in a near-death state before, even if Bai Ye fought back against the Lancheng City Lord a little...

will directly lead to the death of the city lord of Arashi City.

In this way, he can complete the tasks assigned to him by the "Jealousy" guild and receive a rich remuneration.

It can also make the inexplicable white night cause the mental blow, making it easier to be hypnotized by the "hypnotist".

As a result, it was not expected by the "demon puppeteer".

Although Bai Ye did not make a move, the current Lancheng City Lord is not far from death.

Just as Bai Ye looked at the fallen Arashi City Lord, the "Demon Puppeteer" also hurriedly urged the "Hypnotist", that is, now, do it!

In an instant, the world in front of Bai Ye's eyes suddenly flowed like a mirror.

In the field of vision of the white night, a huge pocket watch suddenly appeared in the air and began to sway from side to side continuously.

Brush brush brush

And the "hypnotist" puppet who had been hiding on the side also walked out at this time.

I saw that on his hand, there was a pocket watch that was exactly the same as in Bai Ye's line of sight, maintaining the same frequency, swaying back and forth.

I saw him slowly walking into the white night, and at the same time constantly chanting a mantra in a low voice in his mouth, seeing the white night standing in place, the face of the "demon puppeteer", this time finally couldn't hold back.

The old appearance, at this time, was even more because of excitement, twisted into a rag-like mass, finally became!

Finally it was time to control the white night.

Chu Lao, who was hiding in the shadows, realized the seriousness of the situation at this time.

Not good!

Chu Luo also did not expect that the "Demon Puppeteer" would use the death of the Lancheng City Lord to stimulate Bai Ye.

Let White Night 1.7's mind lose its mind, making it easier to control White Night.

Now, not only the City Lord of Arashi City on the ground, but also his life is in danger at any time.

Bai Ye is also about to be controlled by the other party.

At this time, Chu Guy couldn't help sighing, "Bai Ye is still too young after all, and he is not experienced enough!" "

However, just when Chu Lang was about to personally strike and save the Lancheng City Lord and Bai Ye.

The white night that was originally standing has turned into a hideous and terrifying monster by the way.

As the corners of the skeleton-like hideous mouth seemed to turn up, the "demon puppeteer" seemed to see the white night's eyes, and the soul flame burning at this time was full of mockery.


The two terrifying claws instantly pierced the "hypnotist" in front of him.

At this time, the "hypnotist" was in front of Bai Ye's skill "Liching"

And with the power of Bai Ye's hands, the "hypnotist" was torn in half by Bai Ye.
