
All I Want to Do is Rest with my Firekeeper

Firekeeper is hot. Elden Ring + Dark Souls

balls_1124 · Videospiele
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28 Chs

Deal's a Deal


Body? Vassal? What the fuck?

""Hmhmhm~"" A chorus of soft giggles reached my ears, a droplet of sweat trailing down my neck. ""Thine body's composition is quite…fascinating to say the least. Already so strong when thou hath only invested the bare minimum number of runes. However, it doesn't end there. For thine constitution is also intriguing. Born from both ash and flame, as though thine conception was a product born from the flames of the Fell God.""

"If that were the case, then it would make sense for me to have at least some form of recollection, am I right?" I shot back, trying to gain some level of control over the conversation. "Such a significant event would most certainly be engraved into my psyche, but that doesn't seem to be the case."

""Indeed."" The scantily clad woman replied calmly, a smile curving at the edge of her lips. ""But what if, thine birth wasn't influenced by the Fell God? For it to have happened outside of our realm of existence. A universe beyond the great wall which separates everything and everyone.""

My chest suddenly tightened, clutching at the air in my wind pipe, unable to breathe. A click echoed from my lips as a smirk eclipsed her face. ""Oh?"" She uttered in faux surprise. ""Did I stubble upon the right answer? Did mine guesses prove to be correct? How wilt thou proceed now that someone knows thine origins?"

"By asking you one simple question."

""To request so little? I don't know whether to be elated at only having to reveal so little, or insulted for the same reason. For the Ashen One,"" How did she- ""to treat this goddess as though she were a common village girl, wounds me very deeply.""

She shook her head, disappointed at the events that had transpired. Before giving me an expectant look. ""Very well, get on with thine quarry, O' Lord of Ash.""

She was humoring me, definitely. Still, getting this out of the way would make things much easier to deal with in all honesty. A general layout of what was to come from this interaction. "What is your name."

Perplexed, only slightly, it wasn't long before her grin widened even further, appearing to be smug, if I were to guess anyway. ""Fufufu~. Is that all that thou ask of me? Are thou sure of thine decision?""

In truth, I wasn't very much willing to think it. I could have asked for more in all reality, just as she said. Though, this was the only thing that felt right. An idea to what her identity was other than being a writhing mass or a naked woman.

""Thine wish shall be granted. I have been called by many titles, Lord of the End and Decay, Outer God of Rot, and Corruptor of All. However, thou mayest regard me as simply, Nurgal.""

My eyes squinted, blinking several times as I did a double take. Did… did she expect me to trust her after listing all of her titles? I'm sorry? ""Mine situation isn't quite favorable, you see."" She tried explaining, her relatively calm demeanor holding up. "" Long have I been since sealed deep within an underground lake, my powers limited to the point where I could die without the help of an outside factor. Ironically enough, that also applies to this form. It would take very little for you to extinguish my life, if you so desired. I appear to you in my most vulnerable state, bearing an accord.""

"Doesn't this sound awfully familiar." I idly commented, the tension in my chest alleviating with every word. "First the maiden and now you? I've been here for barely a day, and I already have multiple people clamoring for my attention. Fine, go on ahead with your deal, you seem to need me to do anything either way."

""In nothing more than a snap, I could have thine body liquified, right here and now. And to go even further, thy plan is to go so far as to mock me."" She stated in a threatening voice.

"You need someone to do your dirty work, right?"

""Let it be known, Ashen Lord Dave, that besides thine origins, thy bravery stands above all else. Though, we have been getting sidetracked for long enough, haven't we? As it stands, I offer you immense power beyond comprehension, and total immunity to any ailment. In exchange, you shall serve as my vassal in the physical plane, with only a singular goal in mind.""

"Which would be?"

""The return of one of mine agents, Malenia.""

Off in the distance, heavy drums could be heard loud and clear, however, this noise moved closer and closer to my ears, to the point where, it was the only thing I could hear, taking over even Nurgal's voice.

What was happening?

""Would that be a yes? Or a no?""

My mind drew blank after blank before coming up with a good answer. "Do I really have a choice in the matter? You pointed a gun to my head, and I'm already infected by the Scarlet Rot. You're just giving me an antidote to a disease that you yourself gave me"

""And? I don't see a problem with my actions. There's no such thing as a fair deal. Besides, even if thoust were to force me to change our contract, what use would threatening me do? I even doubt my death would affect the world as it is now. The decay shall come for us all, no matter how much you mortals try to run away from it.""

"The game was rigged from the start."

""Of course not. For it was by thine past and present choices that brought thee here in the first place.""

"I would call you out on your words, but you have a point." I conceded, letting out a tired sigh. "Fine, I agree to your terms, shackle me to your endless charades. But know this, I will turn the tables on you. Somehow, someway, doesn't matter if it takes years or even days, I will have you as my pet."

""And I implore thee to do so."" Nurgal taunted, her body moving closer to mine, pressing her bountiful mounds against my chest. ""May the best man win."" With a snap of her fingers, the world around me shattered like glass, crumbling as my vision turned white. The last thing I felt whilst in that dream, being her rot-laden lips pressing against my cheek, a scowl etching itself on my face.

Alright, who the fuck messed with my Flame!?


[A/N: I'm going to be cycling through fics, back and forth between this and my other fic. That seems to be like a good schedule for writing since this one is more character/dialogue heavy compared to the other one which has been fighting, fighting, and fighting. Copy and paste below.

Anyways, if you find anything wrong in the fic, let me know. I would love to hear your thoughts, opinions, and what I could have done in place of what is present.

Also, join discord server. I have one.: discord . gg / eTb2kPab4z

I also have a pa- tr eon at pa- t reon / balls112. There are now two whole chapters up on the pa- t reon. Holy shit, I never thought this day would come!

With that being said, back to writing]