
All I Want Is Your Love [Werewolf AU series]

I was told that it was an act of mercy when my Father let me leave his house to tell the tale. What tale is there ? That he is a bad father ? He was a bad father, but he did not mind people knowing, so there was no tale to tell, since I am dead to him; as he is for me. So living my life as a new person, Diana Danielle, I decided to enroll in Werewolves highest, most calibrated school in the entire Kingdom. As I was already 18, which is the whole reason why I'm only able to leave now, I'll be in my college years, and I will meet all sorts of people there. With the help of my 'faithful friend', Ian, I'm hoping to meet friends that can get me through tough times. Though, I don't mind a bit of a challenge.

azurebluesugar_124 · Fantasie
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16 Chs


Amelia p.o.v

My father had always hated the Griffin.

Lorenzo Griffin, the ex-Star in the Kingdom that everybody loved despite his scandals of being the casanova in the industry. He went out with countless women and the ladies that were head over heels for him never fazed and continued to support him nonetheless.

He continued to do so even though he was married and had a child. My father thought it was a mockery toward Moon Goddess Luna since a mate was created for him long ago, yet he chose to disobey the Goddess and cheats on his wife with many women.

Ethan was ten when his mother died. Only then Lorenzo stopped his scandalous act and left the entertainment industry altogether to pick up what Vanessa, Ethan's mother, had left.

Vanessa Griffin was an exceptional lady in the Kingdom. Intelligent yet cunning, she was at the top of the business industry in Aurelia. Lorenzo married into her family and thus took the name Griffin in his name. She was an inspiration to many young girls out there, including me. Even my father commended her when her name was mentioned.

I had always listened to my father since he was a hard-working man and had raised me since little after he lost his wife, my mother. We were only an Omega, but thanks to his diligence, he was chosen by King Joseph himself to enter the parliament. Now, he is a parliament under King Leon de Celeste.

After the change of the King, he looks a lot more pressured and tired. I wanted to make him proud, so I tried to take his path as well, studying hard and taking the exam to join the Parliament.

While I was in school, my father kept warning me not to get involved with Ethan, so I had been avoiding Ethan. He proved to me that I should indeed avoid meeting him since he began to act like his father, going out with different women every time.

Once I turned 18, I was even more confident to study hard since I am at the age where I can apply for the entrance exam for the Parliament.

The elders always said many good things happen once you reached 18, especially meeting your mate. I kept praying to Moon Goddess to smooth my path to success so I can make my dad proud. I am not particularly fond of King Leon, but being in Parliament is one of my dreams.

But, once I met Ethan again, I felt like my world shattered.

My whole body went into fireworks when his green eyes landed on mine. I could see his face change instantly seeing me, and I was sure I made the same look.

We both knew of the bitterness of our family at each other, but this sensation, even without explanation, knew that we were made for each other; he was my mate.

Though my eyes instantly fell on his hand that rested on the girl's waist, and almost instantly, my heart shredded apart. I heard him excusing himself immediately and left the cafe, and Diana was worrying about me. I had to leave there immediately. I could not speak or face anyone right now.

My mate was Ethan Griffin, the only child of the scandalous Lorenzo Griffin. He became the talk of the school for the infamous act of relationships, and that scared me the most.

I was afraid of what my dad would say, and I was also scared if I try to continue the relationship with Ethan, I might fall into the same fate as his past mother, being a pitiful mate. There was no way he could change himself overnight. If it was that easy, Lorenzo would not have done what he did.

Over the past few days, I kept on remembering his scent and it was torturing me. I felt torn apart whether to follow my dad or surrender to this love. I was afraid my dad would kick me out of the family and he was the only family I had left. If I was kicked out, there was no way I could stay in the school and I would be dropped out, and my dream to be in Parliament would break apart.

All of my studies were cast aside as I could not focus at all. I decided to walk out one night for some fresh air, to settle the messy thoughts in my mind.

It was a good walk, only that my body had brought me close to where Ethan could be, to the boys' dormitory. I was cladded only on my cardigan over my night dress, so I became flustered and was about to return to the girls' dormitory.

Then, I saw a body towering over me, and I was surprised since he seemed to be knowing that I was there. His longing eyes kept staring into me underneath the dark gaze. The ooze smell of alcohol made me scrunch my face, but my eyes continued to linger in his green eyes. My heart began to beat painfully as I caught his scent, and his presence so close to me made it impossible for me to walk away.

We were forbidden to be this close for years, and now we stood right in front of each other, knowing well that we should not, it was torturing.

No words were uttered as a tear fell onto my cheek. At this moment, I wished that the darned curse in between us did not exist at all.

Breaking the rules was one of Ethan's traits that I did not have, and how grateful I was he had it in him when he ignored his sanity and just lunged into a kiss. My lips immediately synchronized with him and we fit like pieces of puzzles. My dress rode up as his burning hand touches my hip, imprinting his palm on my skin.

After sharing the intoxicated kiss, he brought me to his room, and I just realized I had been craving for him ever since we met in the cafe. His touches burn against my skin, and the way my name was whispered into my ears from his lust-drunken state made it impossible to stop anymore. At this point, I knew that he as well wanted me so badly.

The only time when my senses snapped again into the real world was when he sunk his canines into my neck. I gasped as he did. It felt like the world came crashing down on me for the moment. We continued to make love, but I knew now the degree I had put myself into.

I loved him, but it was not meant to be.

That night was a mistake. A beautiful mistake that I could not ignore. I had to distance myself from him before he realized we just made love.

If anyone found out, my dad would know, and my life would be ruined. I did not want to disappoint him.

So I left him when he passed out after our night.

It was a beautiful night, and also the most painful I had gone through. The bed and the full moon witnessed my cries until I had no more strength and drifted to sleep.

A couple of days later, he still did not try to reach for me. Maybe he forgot everything that happened that night because he was drunk. I had expected him to forget about me and I thought everything was going to be alright.

Until my heart crumpled like paper and a fit of cough suddenly came out of me. I covered my mouth feeling liquid coming out of my throat, and once I opened it to see what it was, I was terrified.

I coughed out blood from the result of the excruciating pain in my chest. At first, I had no clue what was happening to me. The only thing that came into my mind was that I had a heart problem.

"Hmm, you may have a heart problem, but as you explained to me, you never mentioned any of your family that has a similar illness. Another thing I can tie you with is... your mate."

My whole body froze hearing that from the school doctor, and the lesson that we were taught back in middle school came back to me in a flash. The words spoken by my teacher sounded vivid in my mind and then I immediately thought of Vanessa Griffin.

Starting from that point, I constantly either cough out blood or passed out while nosebleeding. I noticed my body creating bruises I did not remember getting hit on. Seeing how regularly it happened, I skipped classes and stayed in my room. After about two weeks, I could feel my body grow weaker.

My dad called me when he got the call from the education board saying I had not been attending classes. I told him I was sick, and he wanted to come and visit me, but I strongly refused him to come and we even got into a fight.

What was the point of me hiding the fact I am Ethan Griffin's mate when I already disappointed my dad while trying to hide it ?

Almost a month passed by, and my body deteriorated at a fast rate and I started to feel my whole body growing cold. I had no friends that were close enough to ask for help regarding this, but Diana's name came into my mind and she was the only person I could think of.

While the thought of dying already came into mind, I called Diana.


Diana p.o.v

Resting my forehead on Noah, sniffing his scent calmed me. I was brought back into the world when I heard Ethan calls Amelia's name. I turned around to look at him, who continued to show on the facade of a breaking lover. Honestly, I could not stand the look of him.

I moved close to the window, looking outwards to ease my feelings that began to boil again. I was trying my best to not jump onto him for what he did, respecting Noah's request for me to continue being under control.

But, hearing his voice cracked the rationality in me.

"How long has she been hurting like this ?" he asked, sadness lacing through his words.

Although I turned to look at him quite calmly at first, my body was shaking as I was suppressing my anger. From the look of him, I knew he noticed how furious I was through my eyes.

"You tell me, Ethan," I gripped onto the side of the bed, glaring at him, "How long have you been cheating on her ?"

It seemed like he was confused yet annoyed by the tone of my voice, the audacity he had after what he had done to Amelia. It angered me more how he bluffed the obliviousness concerning his mate.

"What the hell are you talking about ? Are you saying that I made this ?" Ethan tried not to raise his voice, but he was continuously growing furious as well, mirroring me.

"The doctor said you are the cause of this, her mate !"

"Ridiculous ! I haven't even touched her yet !"

"So you're saying she's dying out of nowhere ? You cheating bastard, trying to find your way out of this easily." I spat at him, and his canines grew visible as he glared at me with his werewolf's eyes. He was growling, and I did the same showing how his little wolf was inferior compared to mine.

"Enough !" Another voice came from the door and I saw Ian standing there with two cans of drink in one hand. His eyes trailed over at Noah before he looked at me. I let go of the bed, almost pushing it as I turned to face the window again.

"There's a dying person in between you two, and you're shouting ? I thought you care for her. Now you're just helping her to die sooner." I clicked my tongue at his words. He was right, I was being careless with my action.

Though I just realized that there were bruises on Ethan's face. It seemed Noah had beat him up for me and I had no reason to continue throwing the oil into the fire. He already had what he deserved, and I was being childish.

Suddenly, I heard Amelia's moaning, as if she was in pain. I turned around, watching as she hold her head while her face scrunched, and slowly opened her eyes.

"What was that noise..." She complained, and I was just relieved to see her finally wake up from her sleep.

Thank you for reading <3

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