
Chapter 46

Music recommendation - Lana del Rey - Born to die

 When Sarah got to the house it was pretty late as she didn't allow her driver take her to Dawn's place, she didn't want anyone keeping a close eye on her but she had become frustrated when she got to the estate gate and the securities told her they could not allow the taxi that brought her inside the estate.

She found herself calling her own driver to come pick her up, normally she would have shown them hell at the gate but she was exhausted for today and the little energy she had was probably to bath, eat and sleep.

She had barely got into the back seat when the front door opened instead, Matteo.

What was he doing here? She had specifically asked for her own driver to come and pick her up not Stephan's driver.

"Get in," Matteo ordered.

"You didn't have to go through the stress of coming to pick me up," she replied as she got in closing the door. She adjusted her seatbelt in place as Matteo paid no attention to her.

He stared at her but to be sure of something else because his looks seemed like he was really angry and pissed off about something.

"And where are you coming from?" Matteo finally asked the question that woke him up from his sleep to come pick her up instead of her driver. He wasn't one to be bothered by things like this but this was Sarah and recently she had been staying out late than usual.

He knew her work came with some emergency cases that also demanded her to be out that late but recently he wasn't aware of any such cases.

"What do you mean by that?" Sarah asked back. She wasn't used to the tone Matteo was using or even the question Matteo had just asked her. Yes they had something going on but that was just it, it wasn't like he was her baby sitter or something that needed to be bothered about her movement.

Was it because she was back late? Was that why he seemed angry?

"You know what I mean Sarah," Matteo repeated not believing he was even bothered by this. "You know what forget I asked because...."

"No, I won't forget you asked. What do you mean by that question?" Sarah cut in asking but got no reply from Matteo who seemed focused driving as he drove into their compound. He packed the car and switched off the engine.

"I am not a baby, that you should be bothered about," Sarah added.

"Exactly my point," Matteo replied.

"Are you in love with me?"

"What?" Matteo snapped at the direct question as he reached for the door handle, he felt Sarah hand on his stopping him.

"Are you? Is that what this is about?"

"I only came to pick you up Sarah, is that a bad thing because if it is...." Matteo didn't finish his word when he felt Sarah's lips on his. It was a gentle kiss but it felt deeper than it should be, when he felt her lips leave his, he found himself longing for it again.

Was he really developing feelings for her? Of course not, it was clearly Sarah putting the wrong ideas in his head. Getting worried about her was clearly normal, he wasn't an animal, he had a heart and he cared about Sarah.

Caring and loving were two different things.

"I am coming from Dawn's house, you know I don't have any friend like that around her except Dawn," Sarah answered his question as he nodded his head.

"I am sorry if i...I mean..."

"Mr Klar are you apologizing?" Sarah smiled at him. She placed her hand to his shocked face placing another kiss this time on his lips then on his cheeks as she walked out of the car.

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"I think we need to get more of this bowl for storage," Dawn said adjusting the bowl into the cupboard. It had been two weeks since she started her little cupcake business and already she had to expand the kitchen area a bit more by making a cupboard at the side to store all her appliances and ingredients properly.

She had also informed Blaire that she would be paying her for her services as her personal assistant as Blaire was in charge of delivery.

They also came up with a name for their brand, 'Just a bite'. Dawn had registered the name online and went to their office to finalize it and get the paper work. She also printed some packaging nylon in her brand name as well as for the cupcakes.

At first they had wanted to call the brand 'Dawn' but it didn't make sense when clearly it was related to food. 'Just a bite' was a better name, even when she had told Sarah. Sarah loved it and thought it was cute.

She even joked about Dawn opening a restaurant as well in the future.

Sarah had also been helpful in linking her up with top clients whose orders were outstanding and unbelievable. Currently she had an order from a woman who wanted five thousand mini cupcake for her upcoming event by weekend.

It wasn't the cupcake that was the problem but the packaging, the woman wanted it to be sealed in her name.

Dawn had to make some called to get the packaging nylon in place and she had to get a bigger fridge to store the cupcakes as production was on going.

She also had plans to get a new oven, infact at this rate she wanted to get a shop if possible but she knew she had to start saving up for it.

"Yes and also about the shop you were talking about, I saw one down the street up for rent," Blaire said kneedding the dough and sprinkling flour at interval. Earlier when Dawn had sent her to deliver some cupcakes, she had kept her eyes open for any available shop and she found one just down the street.

She even asked if she could see the interior before she concluded if it was good enough to recommend to Dawn as she knew Dawn was very selective especially when it came to space.

When she had gone in, she could see that it was very spacious and it also had a good view for people outside to be able to see the interior while passing by. 

"That's good, I will check it later on with Sarah,"Dawn smiled. "Thank you Blaire." She appreciated. She was about to come down from the stool when her phone rang, she checked it and picked it happily.

"Naughty," she chimed.

"Who is naughty?" Sarah replied. "You keep calling me naughty."

"Are you not naughty?" Dawn teased.

"I only called to check up on you and remind you to eat."

"What?" Dawn laughed.

"I am serious, the last time I came you were so skinny. You should endeavour to eat Dawn, if not for you but for the baby,"Sarah informed her and from her tone Dawn could tell she was being serious.  

The last time Sarah had visited her she had noticed Dawn was hell bent on working her ass off that actually eating on taking care of herself. Which wasn't pleasing to Sarah especially when she was clearly pregnant.

Lack of food was very dangerous for the baby and even Dawn. 

Was she planning to give birth to some premature baby?

Sarah had forgotten over there little talks but immediately she got to the hospital she remembered and decided to call Sarah immediately.

"Fine I will eat," Dawn replied.

"I will come over when I close."

"I will be expecting you," Dawn replied disconnecting the call. 

She had barely gotten down from the stool when her phone vibrated in her pocket. She came dowm to check her phone that was vibrating in her pocket. Probably Sarah sent her a message.

Lately when her phone beeped it was either a message from Sarah or a customer, Sarah had helped her with social media advertisement. Dawn had thought she could do both but when she started getting occupied with so much orders she slowly began to understand why celebrities had people who handled their social media.

All she did was reply messages even her pictures were taken by a photographer who came once in a week, he would snap enough shots to last the week as well as make videos to post online as well.

She brought out the phone from her jeans and saw it was an alert of two hundred thousand dollar, she nearly lost her mouth at who might have placed an order of that amount until she saw it was from Stephan Klar.

What was the meaning of this money? She checked again just to be sure, why was he sending her money? He had barely spoken to her for close to a month and the first thing he does is send her money.

Was he out of his mind?

"Is everything alright?" Blaire asked noticing the change of emotions in Dawn's face, she seemed upset over whatever she was reading on her phone. 

"Can you handle today's order? I need to sort out something." Dawn replied her putting back her phone into her pocket and heading upstairs not even waiting for Blaire's reply.

Blaire had barely started work when she saw Dawn rushing out with the car key, she had only changed her bum short to a blue pants as she dashed out without a word.

Dawn entered the car and drove straight to the Klar, she checked her time on the way just to be sure Stephan would be around by now. She wished she had his account number because her initial plan was transfer the money back to him immediately but she didn't have his account.

She couldn't even believe she was driving to his office when she had swore that she wouldn't see him anymore, if she kept quiet about the money it would mean she had accepted it when clearly she had not accepted it and was never going to.

When she got to his company, she drove to the park then went to his private elevator that lead straight to his office. She was sure he was aware of her presence already because while she worked at his office she could clearly see if someone was stepping in or out.

The guards at the door bowed to her and signalled her in like they were waiting for her all this while, she walked in as she suddenly found her heart beating in her chest. Why was she suddenly getting tensed? What was happening to her? All she had to do was tell him she didn't want to money and figure out a way to send it to him.



She felt her heart beating in her chest as she coughed out lightly to clear whatever tension that was brewing.

If she couldn't handle the situation, she could always just walk away.

She had barely decided on what she wanted to do or how she would go about it when the elevator door opened, she stared around the room and caught sight of Stephan and Matteo who seemed to be engrossed in some discussion. 

She walked in as she felt his eyes on hers.

Nothing had changed about him, why did she think anything wound change about him. He still had that dark look and blank expression on his face.

She opened her mouth to speak but instead she found her hand touching her chest, what was happening to her? She nearly stumbled on the floor when she felt Matteo and Stephan holding on to her.

She stared at them with faint eyes wondering when they had rushed to her quickly. 
