

    I listened to the sound of the voice whispering in the wind it seemed that I was the only one that could hear it. However I was grateful in that moment because my brother's and I needed to show our skills in the challenge ahead. The giantess glared down at me with something akin to hatred but I'd always written off as disgust. Fenrir and

Jormungand looked ready both not at their true size both had adopted animal forms and the whispering wind sighed in my ear. 

  " They are the truest forms of themselves are they not truly marvelous? You should be proud to be their sister. " Proud wasn't the word I would have chosen right now although part of me was proud they were beyond  beautiful but the challenge today would be me getting out of it alive. The part I would miss would be what they were before their transformation my brothers with hands I could grab who could teach me the right way to tie a knot or how to wield a sword or knife to shoot a bow and how to cook. I'd miss my brothers and the companionship that we had.The smiles and laughter stolen in moments of training and preparation. They had been distant as of late, but I thought we had more time. Yesterday with Jormungand's transformation complete I felt dread since I knew my time with them was growing shorter not that I had proof but my dreams said it was simple truth. 

    The air around me had gone quiet as my brothers had waited for our challenge to start. It seemed that the forest itself was accessing the threat that the two of them were.  A wolf and serpent neither with fear. Their abilities to change made me a bit jealous since I knew that the same did not hold true for me. I would forever be this in between this 

vǫrðr like being.  The giantess looked at me expecting an answer to a question I'd not even listened to while contemplating my brothers.

    The wind laughed, " Tell her yes you're ready but from here until the challenge ends stay out of your head use that beautiful mind to stay on the  task at hand. " The voice sounded so very amused but the rebuke was there none the less and I cleared my mind with her next breath looking up at the giantess I told my mother I was indeed prepared for the challenge ahead.

    Well I hoped I was because with a look that said you're not coming back we were told to begin. I had the lead and my brothers were to wait while I attempted to out maneuver them to the first of three check points. All they had to do was get to me and with their new forms their abilities would make me more than dead meat so to make it more challenging for them they had to alter their size since I couldn't alter mine my mother had told me. The whole point of this was so they could master their forms and if they couldn't and they caught me the raw animalistic urge to kill would get the  better of them and I'd die. If they did I would simply get caught and beaten but they would be in full control not just a wolf or serpent. For our mother it was a win win situation.

     The forest was too quiet I'd need to move deeper back to where life resumed in the forest so that I could use every sound I could to my advantage. Here in the silence my heart sounded overwhelmingly loud. I ran my dress trailing behind through the primordial trees. Once I  moved further I would need to find the river. I'd worked on a few things the past few weeks and it was time to see if they would work while I was under pressure. 

    "You are thinking again when you need to be running.  They will find you and theirs is a test complete. You have to be faster. " The voice on the wind told me which I was running but I'd have to strategize to succeed to the check point.  I just needed the river to end my scent trail for Fen.

   "What is it" the wind seemed to hiss at me. 

   " Water I was thinking of where to find a river " I replied.

   " There is no water to be had in this part. The forest here is thinner because of that. Also because of that Fenrir will find you faster if you don't get a move on it. "

    My plan was a waste here, sighing I began to move as quickly as I could. With hope by the time my brother's could begin I would practically be to the check point. For this challenge it seemed speed would be my option. While I ran I stopped thinking and just put all my thought into movement. The trees blurred and I knew it was a new talent so many of my talents recently I'd just discover as a mistake but this one today I wouldn't call it a mistake but my body and mind yelling at me that I couldn't afford to lost to them in this. I needed to triumph because if my dreams were correct my brothers and I were out of time and all the skills we have will be our only arsenal for whatever the feelings of dread came from we had to be stronger had to be better.  A game path opened up in front of me a brown scar that ran through the jewel green trees  making it look divided in the forest I turned to the left never slowing down only interested in what laid to the right.