
An Entrance

Dominic was late leaving the office and he had to run down to the sales floor to pick up a document. When he got to Jennifer's office, he was surprised to find she was still there working. She had the Diplomat Hill sale documents sitting out in front of her. She was behind on her filing and trying to catch up. Dominic greeted her, got the document he needed from her, and turned to leave.

Dominic turned back. "Who did you sell the Diplomat Hill property to?"

Jennifer looked at Dominic with a slight frown on her face. "A Mr. Barrett and his young wife."

"Timothy Barrett is married? Are you sure?"

"Very sure, they were quite affectionate. They had just come from the courthouse." Jennifer replied.

"What did she look like?" Dominic asked carefully.

"She was small, blondish maybe." Jennifer replied, she had been busy thinking about paying off her house.

Dominic frowned, telling Jennifer thank you. He walked away becoming angrier by the moment. His sister had dark hair like all the Lanes. Not only was Barrett dragging his sister's heart and reputation through the mud. Barrett had a wife at home while he was doing it.

Dominic was going to kill Barrett. He finally had something to convince Mia to leave the snake. There was no way she could turn a blind eye to Barrett's marriage. Dominic hurried home to change wanting to rescue his sister as soon as possible.

Dominic called Liam knowing he should be arriving at the venue very soon. When his brother answered he wasted no time on niceties. "You'll never believe what I just found out."


Mia laughed when she sat down in her seat between Jasmine and Dr. Merches. Mia looked at her friend. "I guess you can't get rid of me." Mia said to Nicholas who looked startled.

"I was never trying to get rid of you Mia." Nicholas said smoothly. Mia gave him a sweet smile and turned to Jasmine.

"Where's Tim?" Mia asked her friend.

The voice came from behind her. "Looking for you. Where have you been?"

"I've been here. I didn't want to cause a scene, so I just stayed here." Mia said carefully.

"Caleb," Tim barked. "Tell me what is going on.

Caleb sighed. "They shut her out of the wedding ceremony. The two of you are not seated together at the reception. You're at the head table and Mia is here with us." Nicholas was frowning at Caleb.

"Are you telling me that my wife is being shunned at a wedding I am paying for?" Tim growled angrily.

Caleb looked at Timothy directly. "That's it exactly."

Timothy stalked up to the head table where he had a very heated discussion with Chuck, Shelly, and Sharon. Then he turned on his heal with his name tag and seeing empty seats he asked Mia, Nicholas, and his date to move down a seat. They did and now Timothy was seated between Mia and Jasmine.

The Lanes had begun to arrive. Jason and Nathan arrived together. Connor followed behind with his girlfriend Aubrey. Claude arrived solo but stopped when he saw Liam behind him. Dominic and Eva were nowhere to be seen. Mia hadn't seen Liam in forever and immediately got up and threw her arms around him in a big hug. Liam laughed hugging his sister.

"I missed you too, Mia. How are you?" Liam said chuckling.

"I'm really good. I am so glad to see you. Are you back now.?" Mia asked.

"Yes, until the next film anyway but that isn't for a few months." Liam leaned in close. "How are my favorite little monsters." He whispered an arm around Mia. The head table was motioning for people to take their seats, so Liam let his sister go with a smile. That smile fell when he saw Mia take her seat next to Timothy Barrett. Liam sat next to Claude and motioned at Mia and Tim with an irritated expression.

"Later." Claude whispered, intending to fill in his brother as soon as he had the chance.

"Barrett is married." Liam hissed. Poor Mia, he was sure she didn't know.

"I know." Claude replied quietly. Liam gave him a confused and questioning look.


Mayor Raymond Shelbert and Luna Maynard took their seats slightly down and across the table from Mia and she was glad they were far enough away that ignoring Luna's dirty glances her way wouldn't be remarked upon. Mia guessed that Luna didn't expect to see her next to Timothy. Nicholas glanced at Luna then at Mia giving her a questioning look. Mia gave him a small smile and shook her head.

Mia was busy staring at the two empty seats that were held for Eva and Dominic. Mia wondered if they had decided not to come.

Mrs. Nolan welcomed everyone to the wedding reception and thanked Aide Castle for the wonderful job they had done so far. Mia smiled privately at the praise. She was proud of her business and the things it could do. Chuck Nolan stood and gave a pretty speech about the future, but his eyes were completely empty.

Finally, Tim stood and gave a short speech hoping Shelly would have a happy life. The organizer had to bring the microphone to him because he refused to leave Mia's side. Timothy handed the microphone to Mia who was not prepared but plucked up her courage and thanked everyone for their continued patronage of Aide Castle and welcomed individuals to dream big for their event needs because the resort could meet any challenge put before them. Mia told the newlyweds to enjoy the rest of their evening and handed the microphone to the organizer.

People began to clap as they realized they were finally meeting the real owner of Aide Castle. Several people rose from their seats and suddenly the whole hall was giving Mia a standing ovation. People yelled things like incredible talent, doing a wonderful job, and impeccable business acumen. Mia gave a slight bow and raised her hands to quiet the crowd.

The organizer handed the microphone back to Mia and she kept it simple telling the people thank you and that they didn't know how much their praise meant to her. Mia laughed lightly keeping the mood festive. We had best return to our previously scheduled program before I get accused of being my own venue thief. There were light chuckles at her words and people settled back down.

As Mia sat down the glare directed at her by Luna was dark enough to draw Mia's attention. "Do you need to be such an insufferable show off Mia?"

Mia snorted. "Better than what you are. Did you tell your father about your recent escapades with a married man?"

Raymond swiveled his head sharply toward Luna. "What is she referring to Luna?"

"Nothing father just a misunderstanding." Luna cajoled her father.

Jasmine laughed out loud. "That's not what I remember."

Mia placed her hand on Jasmine's arm. "My dearest friend let's not let her sort ruin our evening. She is beneath us as you well know." Mia said in her best society voice.

"Beneath you...?" Luna screeched.

"Yes, your behavior sets you on the lowest rung. I frankly don't understand how your father lets you leave the house. You are a walking embarrassment. Do not look at my family or address us further. You are swine." Mia said angrily before turning away from Luna.

It was at that moment that a handsome couple came strolling into the banquet hall. Mia smiled briefly seeing Dominic and Eva Lane before she remembered they were at war. She really missed her family. Timothy reached over placing his over Mia's left as Dominic and Eva reached the table. Dominic pulled out the chair for Eva then after she was comfortable, he seated himself.

Dominic took a moment to greet his brothers before turning his gaze on Timothy. "I have it on good authority that you are married Barrett. Still hanging on to my sister, I see. Where is your wife tonight?"

Timothy snorted a laugh. "As usual your sources for information are woefully half-assed, Dominic." Tim glanced at Mia. Tomorrow everyone would know.

"I won't let you drag her to ruin with you. As a married man you must do the right thing and release her." Dominic swore. Jason and Nathan were having a fast conversation on their end of the table.

Mia removed her hand from Timothy's and picked up her wine glass while taking a long drink. "Dominic stop. I know about Tim's marriage very well."

"If you know then how can still associate with him." Dominic seethed.

"Dominic, I am Timothy's wife." Mia said seriously.

Dominic jumped to his feet and Liam's seat that had been pushed back on two legs crashed to the floor. "No, there's no way."

"Sit down brother, I have been married to Timothy for a month." Mia told him calmly.

Dominic sat quickly taking a gulp of his drink. "We will annul the marriage. This can be fixed." His voice was desperate.

"No." Mia said seriously. "There will be no annulment." When Dominic looked up at her she carefully placed her right hand on her stomach. "You need to let this go."

Dominic cursed loudly before standing and walking out of the banquet hall with angry strides.

Eva stood suddenly and walked around the table. She leaned down and hugged Mia tightly. "I have missed you sister. I hope we can heal now."

"Eva, I have missed you terribly." Mia exclaimed. Eva returned to her seat after a few moments.

The evening continued. Dominic eventually came back but he was stoically silent. Dinner was served and it was delicious though Mia could not eat as much as she would have liked. The wedding cake was wheeled out and people marveled at the perfect recreation of Aide Castle with bride and groom. The couple had their first dance and then they cut their cake. People ate slices of delicious wedding cake, and couples began to take the floor.

Timothy stood and held his hand out to Mia who took his hand with a smile. He spun her slowly around the dance floor as he held her close enough for others to know they were not simply dance partners. Tim smiled as people took notice of their closeness and wondered about impropriety. Mia laughed as a few older women wore shocked expressions as they dance a second and finished with a third dance.

When they returned to the table Caleb laughed at their antics. "They know you and Mia are together now Tim."

"Good." Timothy responded. "They would know tomorrow anyway. Might as well give them something to talk about."

It was late and the reception was winding down. The newlywed couple, Sharon, and Veronica were all staying tonight at Aide Castle. Sharon and Veronica would return to Bern City tomorrow. The newlyweds would move to the Nolan property. Mia had staff collect their other items from her private quarters and Tim and Mia prepared to leave. The mayor demanded that Jasmine come back to his estate with him tonight and Caleb set up a meeting with the mayor for the next day.

Mia spoke to each of her brothers briefly except Dominic who refused to speak with her. She said goodnight to Eva hugging her for a long moment. Things felt like they were beginning to settle down. Mia walked up to Nicholas, saying goodnight. He smiled at her brightly. Mia had noticed that he had barely spoken to his date and seemed emotionally distant. As her, Tim, and Caleb left the event Mia felt that the night had been successful, and she hadn't needed to even speak to the Barrett women.

Tim and Mia fell into bed when they got back to the hotel. They kissed and caressed each other for a long time as they took their time with their lovemaking. They weren't in a hurry or desperate. They simply wanted to be with one another. They weren't hiding anymore, and they had time to love each other as they wished. They reached their peaks and then fell asleep with words of love in each other's arms.

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