
An Ending

After another minute the group headed back to the event. The last thing they wanted people to see was the police, paramedics, and even the coroner at the event. That was not publicity any of them needed. Shelly followed along behind the group.

Nicholas refused to leave telling Mia that he was still monitoring Angela and Ginger. He felt they were fine, but the paramedics had been busy with Chef May because the woman hit her head when she fell unconscious; they were preparing to transport her to the hospital for stitches. Mia apologized to the woman profusely. The chef had laughed telling Mia that random acts of crazy were a part of working for the upper echelons of high society.

They moved Chef May into the ambulance then calling her condition stable they came back inside and quickly cleared the other people affected. The doctor had treated them with the right medication in time. They could be seen at the hospital but the doctor there would say the same thing.

Nicholas walked up to Mia. "Why did you send for me? Connor is here as well and could have treated them all as well as I did."

"I guess I have gotten used to counting on you. I didn't even consider Connor, to tell you the truth." Mia told her friend sheepishly.

Nicholas smiled at Mia. "You can always come to me, and I think you know that now."

Mia nodded, returning the smile. "I do. Once again thank you for your help."

"I am going to return to the reception now. My date is the nervous sort." Nick chuckled.

"Well then you had better get going." Mia smirked.

"I can't believe you winked at me." Nick snorted.

Mia laughed aloud. "Your date was talking about being in your house as an unmarried woman to someone she met once. A wink seemed appropriate while you were openly flaunting your lack of care for your reputation."

Nick stilled slightly only a slight smile remained. "I only care about my reputation as it pertains to you. If we are fine, then I am fine."

Mia patted his cheek lightly. "We are fine Nicholas. Take your girlfriend on a tour of your gardens. Not my garden though, that would be pushing it. Now get going." Mia laughed.

Nicholas snorted. "She is not my girlfriend." He amended.

"Semantics." Mia said, giving him a shove toward the door before walking back to the children. Angela sat with them now looking much improved. Angela told Mia she intended to take the children upstairs for story time. Mia kissed them both and told them how much she loved them. Two security guards joined the children and their nanny as they climbed the stairs. Mia stood preparing to head to the study and find out what was happening.

Mia had just started toward the hall when Chuck Nolan was escorted out of the hall by Detective Gill and two bodyguards in handcuffs. Tim and the other bodyguard trailed behind Nolan.

Detective Gill called a couple of his officers into the house. "Put him in the car with Miss Maynard. They can ride to the jail together." Nolan was taken immediately and put into the car. Before he left the house he cast a black scowl in Tim's direction.

The detective promised to have the crime scene investigators clean up the the area before the night was over, Tim thanked the detective for his efficient handling of this situation and the detective urged Tim and Mia to return to the reception. Timothy posted two more guards at the entrance to the house with orders that only their family could enter the house. Family included Tim, Mia, Laura, Caleb, Jasmine now, and Nicholas. As well as the Lanes except Dominic because Mia and her brother were not on speaking terms. She hoped it would get better eventually but right now they were still separated.

Tim and Mia rejoined the reception to many curious stares. Dinner was brought out to them with all the courses delivered at once since they were now at the end of their dinner hour. Mia expected to pick at her food but found she was hungry and demolished her meal. Tim was happy with seeing Mia eat and sighed with relief that the emergency had gone in their favor.

Timothy knew that the situation had been so close to becoming a tragedy. Now though, Luna was in custody and with charges that meant she would never be free. They would never have to worry about her again. They could live in peace knowing that the main threat to their children was gone.

Mia was thinking much the same thoughts as she ate her dinner. Knowing that Luna could never again harm her family, attack her children, or go after Timothy made her feel slightly giddy. They were finally free to be a family without any dark clouds hanging over them.

The reception went well into the night. They drank, well Mia had one glass of champagne. They danced under the stars and ate delicious wedding cake. Tim and Mia laughed and joked with their friends. Jason and Nathan approached Mia telling her she had organized a beautiful event but asked what had happened earlier. Mia told them she would tell them later. The evening had nearly been ruined for enough people already.

Several hours had passed and now the bride and groom were off to their honeymoon. Rice was thrown and people cheered happily for the couple. The guests began to head home. Mia and Tim helped to see each of them off until at last they were alone. At least what alone looked like when a hundred staff were dismantling a party on their lawn.

Mia had checked on the children earlier and tucked them into their beds. Angela had let her know once the children were asleep. Tim had let Mia know that Angela herself was asleep in the lounge chair in Sage's room. They had decided to leave the guards in place as long as there were strangers still on the property. There had been a shift change but their children were still secured. Mia and Tim could take a few minutes to breathe and celebrate the fact that they had survived the day, that their children were whole, and their enemies caught and accounting for their crimes.


Mia took Timothy by the hand and pulled him after her deep into the garden. There was a long arch the size of a small room that was covered in ivy and climbing white roses. Mia had the staff moved one of the cabana beds into the arch. It was completely closed off from view by the outside world.

When Timothy saw where Mia had brought him, he stopped his expression full of awe. A couple dozen candles sat on half pillars underneath the arch lighting it perfectly. The place had a magical quality. Mia had done this for him? Tim was enamored of his beautiful wife. Mia walked into the space beckoning him to come to her.

Mia turned her back to Timothy. "Could you undo my corset please? I am a bit uncomfortable. Timothy walked forward and undid the laces then helped her pull the corset over her head. Her dress was just a very pretty slip dress now.

Tim's fingers traced over her bare shoulders, and he kissed her on her should right near her neck. Mia shivered at the sensation.

Timothy sighed; it was an unhappy sound. "Can you forgive me for what I nearly did today. I was so angry, so terrified. I wanted to kill her. I wanted her dead. But to lose control like that especially in front of you and the children. I am sorry."

Mia turned to face Timothy. "There is nothing to forgive. I understood then and I still do now. We were so very close to a pain I don't even want to imagine. I wanted her dead too."

"We are going to be fine now Mia. Luna is gone and we don't have any other direct threats. We can just live our lives now. We can just be happy now and build our family. I can't wait to build this life with you." Timothy told his wife marveling at her soft skin as he ran his hand along her shoulder and up her neck to her cheek. She was everything he had ever wanted, and he would never let her go.

"I love you, baby" Mia said lifting herself up to place a soft kiss on his lips.

Timothy wrapped his arm around his wife and pulled her body flush against his own. He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck, his fingers tangling in her hair. Tim was going to make love to his beautiful wife all night out here under this arch and the stars above with the heady scent of roses and ivy surrounding them. Timothy was going to take it slow and savor this as the first night of their forever. Mia eyes were dark with desire, and he knew she felt the same.

"I love you more." Timothy whispered against Mia's lips.

Mia's smile was happy, mischievous. "Impossible." She whispered back as Tim pulled her lips to his in a hungry kiss. For the rest of the night, it was just them together creating an unbreakable bond with their love.


~ an Ending ~

Hey all,

Thank you all for sticking with me to the end of this story. I will be uploading an epilogue within the week. I hope you all enjoyed the story and that I gave Meet My Brothers a proper ending. I truly enjoyed writing this novel, it was a labor of love. If you haven't done so already, please check out my other stories on my author's profile. There is something for everyone.

Please review the story. I really do want to know what you thought!!!

AmeraWolf80creators' thoughts