
an End, A New Beginning 1/3

Shelly turned to look at Timothy. "Tim, can you believe it? Mia said she is the real owner of Aide Castle."

Timothy gazed at Mia in surprise, wondering if she really was the owner of Aide Castle.


Mia sighed and swirled the wine in her glass before finishing it in one long gulp. One thing she had wanted more than anything was to never have to worry about the obscene antics of the Barrett women in Norde City and now they were here, terrorizing common decency with every breath they uttered.

Mia rose with grace, finally leaning forward with both palms flat on the table and stared Shelly down. "You're pathetic," Mia said quietly. "With the exception of Grandma Laura, the women in your family are classless and no longer worth my time or energy." Mia swiveled her head to Sharon, "Time is up, you have twelve hours, or I will have you removed by force. Finally turning her attention to Timothy, Mia turned her displeasure on him, "You should really bring your bitches to heel before they destroy your reputation here like they have been doing for years in Bern City." With that Mia turned and walked away.

"How dare you?" Shelly screamed as Sharon screeched with rage.

"How dare I? How are you not embarrassed?" Mia shook her head, not even bothering to pause.

"Tim, you can't let her get away with this." Sharon screamed.

He was stunned, Tim had never heard Mia talk like that and he could not help the chill that ran down his spine. Something terrible had just happened here and he felt like everything he had been carefully working toward was unraveling at this very moment.

Tim stood and tossed his napkin on the table intending to stride after Mia but was stopped by his mother as she tried to rise as well and follow him. "You will stay here," he barked. "Do not follow me or you will not like what happens." Timothy hurried after Mia praying, she wasn't already gone.

Timothy walked through the entrance doors and out into the courtyard, finally spotting Mia. He knew the instant that she detected his presence. Mia crossed her arms tight across her chest. She looked like she was trying to ward off an attack. Mia looked around like she was hoping a sinkhole would open beneath her and stop this moment from happening.

When Timothy came to a stop in front of her everything in him wanted to reach for her and pull her into his arms, but he couldn't bring himself to try. Mia was just too unapproachable right now. The air felt heavy, electric like right before a thunderstorm.

"I will take care of this," Tim started carefully.

Mia scoffed derisively. "No, you won't, do you have any idea how many times you have said those words to me, Tim? Nothing ever changes. You can't change your family, who they are as people. Do you really think I would collaborate with Barrett Group when Sharon and Shelly would be the spokespeople for my success or failure? Honestly, do you believe I would ever allow my children to be subjected to that kind of trash for the rest of their lives? All other issues that we have aside, your family and mine are not a good match."

"You mean that the Barrett name is not good enough to be associated with yours," Timothy said bluntly.

"Yes, that is what I mean, but don't twist this. My stance has nothing to do with the things that you conveyed to me recently and everything to do with keeping my children from living a life filled with scandal and ridicule. You are great at business but have never been able to manage your household." Mia sighed, "I should go."

"Wait. What do you mean exactly?" Tim asked, emphasizing the last word.

"Fine. Let's tick them off then," Mia raised her hand and started ticking off the items on her fingers. "Me, the divorce, Maya, Luna, attempted murder of a toddler, jail, probation, Ralph, and now your mother being associated with those people on yellow island. The never-ending base behavior of the women that surround you is appalling and somehow it always seems to blow back on me. I will not allow it to touch Ginger and Sage, I can't. This is the line that I must draw. Tonight's events have gone well past it." Mia sucked in a lungful of air; she had not known how heavily those words had been weighing on her.

Mia glanced at the hurt expression on Tim's face that he was trying and failing to hide. She knew she was being harsh, but she did not know how else to make him see that they would never work. Timothy needed to stay out of Norde City and get back to his life. He needed to take those shrews far away from her children. Her car pulled up to the curb and she signaled for Peyton to wait a minute dropping her arms in the process.

"We can get past this, Mia. Why can't we at least try?" Tim tried to catch Mia's hand, but she stepped back.

"Don't you see, there will always be too many things to get past," Mia sighed sadly. "This is never going to happen; you need to accept that." Tim looked like she had struck him.

Mia was surprised that she felt no joy when confronted with his pain. Didn't he deserve to be hurt as badly as she had been? What she really wanted was for him to stop looking at her the way he was at that moment. On impulse she stepped forward placing her hand on his cheek before leaning up and kissing him softly on the mouth. "I'm sorry..." Mia whispered, her breath brushing across his lips.

Too afraid to see the look on his face she turned and climbed into her car. As they pulled away from the curb, Mia realized she was crying. It occurred to her in that moment that for all the times she had told Timothy and herself that they would never work things out, some part of her had been holding out hope that she was wrong.


Tim stared out into the night in the direction that Mia had gone not really seeing anything. He felt like he had been kicked in the chest. He could still feel Mia's soft lips on his and somehow that made it worse because how was he supposed to accept that he would never feel it again? Tim's eyes felt glassy and burned pricking in a way he didn't recognize until he felt the wetness on his cheek. He reached his hand up and touched the spot marveling at the liquid on his finger. He had not even known he could produce tears.

"Tim, are you out here?" Caleb's voice was followed by his fast-approaching footsteps.

Tim turned away from him sharply, trying to pull himself back together, but he was struggling to regain the stoicism he was known for. "I'm here," he started but the words got caught in his throat making him sound like he was choking. Tim cleared his throat and tried again. "What is it, Caleb?" He finally managed. Caleb watched him intently for a moment, his expression betraying his concern.

"Are you all right? What happened?" Caleb asked slowly.

"I'm fine, what did you need?" Tim's voice was gruff but steadier.

"You have been gone awhile. People have started to notice and are whispering some lewd things about you being gone together." Caleb cringed at the hostile expression that crossed his friend's face. "Hey, don't shoot the messenger. I just thought you would want to know."

"What was said and by whom?" Tim barked.

"Well, uhm," Caleb hedged.

"Tonight is not a good night to mess with me," Tim growled out. He knew what was coming was bad as his friend was not generally one to mince words.

"Fine. One person implied that Mia could not hack it as your wife and now has had to settle for being your mistress just to hold onto you and you both disappeared so she could work off the cost of her dress." Caleb cringed internally watching as Timothy's posture went ramrod straight. He knew him well enough that this was an indicator of how close his friend was to black out rage.

"Tell me who said this so I can kill him," Tim seethed. He watched his friend sigh.

"Your mother," Caleb answered flatly.

"What? Where?" Tim questioned looking around.

"It was your mother that said this about Mia, Tim."

An eerie calm seemed to settle over the two men for a few moments before finally shattering when Tim turned on his heel and marched back into Aide Castle with purposeful strides.

Timothy stopped in the entrance hall snagging a glass of deep amber whiskey from a server as they went to pass. He held the server up as he tried to continue his rounds. Tim downed the drink, placed the glass back on the tray and took another waving the man off. He took a slow drink from the second glass before pulling out his phone.

A moment later Heath's voice came from the phone. Tim snapped off a few quick instructions and hung up. Finishing his second drink he managed to still his shaking hands. He was not sure if he had ever been this furious with anyone before. Absently he noted that Caleb was waiting close by.

Straightening his tie, Tim walked into the banquet hall with an unhurried pace. While he was anxious to deal with this matter, he wanted a chance to overhear what was being said. Shelly's nasal voice carried across the few tables that separated them.

"Look, Aunt Sharon, no Mia. Maybe she ruined her dress with all the time she spent on the floor." Shelly said her tone dripping acid. Luna cackled from her seat beside Raymond.

"Shut your mouth Ms. Barrett, have you no shame?" Jasmine retorted appalled. "You are not even fit to clean Ms. Lane's shoes and if they remarry, I hope she tosses you out in the street to live as a beggar. You are beneath my father and I, do not open your vulgar mouth near us again." Jasmine turned away from her as much as her chair would allow. She was determined not to acknowledge her in any way ever again. Shelly spluttered and looked on the verge of responding but Mrs. Barrett grabbed her arm to silence her.

"Quiet, he'll hear," Sharon hissed. Shelly's face took on a petulant expression. She was irritated that she was being held back from her favorite pastime, slandering Mia.

Timothy's face took on a predatory expression. Caleb had seen that look many times usually right before he bankrupted the corporation of someone, he truly despised. "It's too late for that, you both need to come with me right now." Timothy's voice sounded like he was chewing gravel.

"What, why," Sharon huffed. "The banquet isn't over, and we still haven't met the owner yet. Why would we leave just because of a couple of harmless disagreements and a joke? We will lose the collaboration if we leave. Don't let Mia get in the way of a good deal for Barrett Group." Sharon looked at her son imperiously knowing he would have to concede to her logic. "Sit down, Timothy."

Tim laughed humorlessly, "the owner just left. I spoke to them. This party is over for you, it is over for Barrett group so let's go."

"Shelly flipped her hair. "I'm not ready yet. I'll get a car later. It was just a joke Tim."

"A joke? All right then, since you both love making jokes at my wife's expense, we will do this here. Let us see how funny words are when they are all heaping shame and ridicule on you." Sharon started to speak but Tim held up his hand. He waved to a half dozen bodyguards that had been waiting in the entrance hall. The squad headed toward them. Tim knew every eye was on them now. The squad stopped behind him waiting patiently.

"You are both cut off and I mean not a single penny. You will both return home, and you are not to leave that house. If you try to step outside of it, I will toss you out in the streets. Neither of you can be trusted to behave befitting the Barrett name so you will no longer be part of polite society. The housekeepers will be dismissed. If you want to eat you will keep Barrett Residence clean. Your life of luxury is over." The room swirled with hissed conversations and shocked looks.

Shelly jumped from her seat and charged toward Timothy. "How can you do this? You can't, not for that wh..." she screeched.

Tim clapped his hand over her mouth before she could get the word out but her intended sentiment was clear to all present. "Be incredibly careful cousin with your words right now. You will find a husband within the next thirty days and leave my household, or I will find one for you based on my perception of your worth. Do you understand me?" Tim asked looking into her eyes menacingly. Shelly finally nodded jerkily, and Timothy released her face from his grip.

"But Tim," Shelly started shakily.

"Be silent. You will learn to hold your viper tongue. You should be extremely glad that I do not hit women." Jasmine stepped up beside Tim and gave him a questioning glance toward Shelly. "Please do." and before Shelly pieced together the meaning of Jasmine's query a resounding smack resounded through the hall. Shelly's face reddened instantly.

"That's for Mia." Jasmine hissed and gracefully returned to her seat. Shelly's face went apoplectic with rage, but she wisely chose to stay silent.

Timothy signaled for one of the guards to take Shelly in hand before turning to his mother. "Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Sharon shook her head mutely.

She knew it would do no good to say anything to her son now. Sharon had not seen him like this since before his divorce was final. Whatever had happened with Mia tonight had spelled disaster for the new peaceful Tim they had been experiencing. The ruthless head of Barrett Group was here in full force. Sharon moved past Timothy toward the bodyguards trying to ignore the hushed conversations all around her.

Tim turned toward the two women. "I'm warning you both, do not embarrass me or Barrett Group any further." Tim turned to the squad of guards. "You have your instructions."

"Yes, Mr. Barrett," the head guard affirmed as they propelled the two women out of Aide Castle.

With a sigh, Tim turned to Jasmine. "Thank you for standing up for Ms. Lane. I owe you." To Raymond he continued, "You raised a fine daughter, keep this one close to you." Tim strode out of the venue to the sound of Luna's disgusted scoff. He didn't care and was glad that he no longer had to put up with her. Tim headed toward his car while removing his jacket and loosening his tie.

Caleb caught up to Tim as he reached the car. "What now?"

"I need a drink. A lot of drinks," Tim grumbled.

"Well then to getting drunk it is," Caleb murmured as they both climbed into the black sedan.