

Hi I am Jake I am 12 years old I like to play video games. My16 year old brother James is so annoying and I know what your thinking "I should leave this story right now" but don't, the story just begun. Oh hi I am the narrator and I will be writing the things Jake missed he is only 12 but he is tall and has fire red hair with bright blue eyes. James is very tall for his age and has blond hair and dark blue eyes. Well back to the story, Jake is poorly writing. On a Sunday afternoon I was play my games and my brother was "studying" but I know he was actually calling his girlfriend. I don't tell mom because I have better things to do like play "DUNGEON AND DIAMONDS" yeah that's my favourite game. I have many friends and online friends but my BEST FRIEND is Julie she is so nice. Lots of people ship us and I may have a tiny little crush but I dont say anything. She is a red head with bright green eyes and a snow white smile she likes video games too. We are friends with all the same people wich is nice and we live right next to each other in a place in Canada (I dont want stalker fans). I will totally will get fans ("sure Jake sure"). Quite you narrator. I am telling the story. And since it's Sunday I have to get my bag packed and get stuff to prank Mister P nobody knows what the P stands for but we all guess. I am a prankster and I love having substitutes to fool them. But I am a good kid most of the time.... yeah good kid. Unlike James always kissing girls and gross stuff. We are haveing poutine for supper and it's homemade yummy. Hi again it's the narrator I and Jake will see ya next time.