
all for a copper

Fallen into madness book one Reskeme is not one to let the little things keep him down. After all, taking a beating having his soul torn apart and then treated like trash is not the worst deal. He realizes that there are some bright sides to pushing back against the world even through pain and suffering.

Bearscholar · Fantasie
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82 Chs

Chapter 1

In the slums of a Border city known as Drent, there was a group of individuals standing around a circle chanting. Judging by the red squiggly lines, ominous red lights and cackling of the leader. Anyone paying attention would realize that something evil was happening. A guard in bright gold armour carrying a spear glanced through the window. After looking in and seeing the creepy red lights, he shivered at the disturbing presence raising the hair on his neck. He decided that whatever was going on in there was far above his pay grade.

The boy, or in this case, the unwilling test subject, was Reskeme. Bound, gagged and spread in an awfully unpleasant position. Reskeme was currently contemplating how screwed he really was. Reskeme a homeless boy had been looking for food when a man offered him some copper for a service. Being hungry and gullible, he took the man up on his offer. After following him back to his place, he entered his house. They grabbed, gagged and tied up. And now he found he was in his least favourite position.

What was he thinking? Reskeme thought. He should have known that that shady man was up to something fishy! In his defence, the man had offered Reskeme a solid copper! The copper was enough to buy a whole loaf of bread. The group kept chanting, waving their hands and singing with a horrible sounding tune. One man, who appeared to be the boss, (judging by the fact he was not doing anything too exhausting). Was twirling a tablet and a broken-burned remnant. The remnant was something that looked like an unnatural animal-like horn. The item gave Reskeme the shivers!

The chanting changed, and so did Reskemes level of pain. It felt like something was trying to enter his body through every pore. He tried to scream! But couldn't make a sound. The runes and bonds kept him immobile and unable to react. Taking his cue, the boss lifted the object into the air. With a few high pitched and horrible sounding words, the cloaked figure roughly thrust the foreign object halfway into Reskemes chest. Reskemes veins burned. his body screaming as though he had every bone broken in his body.

( Enis Pov)

Enis the boss. Also, the ass who had lured him over with the promise of a copper, was grinning. In this ritual he had started, Enis was currently trying to see if he could summon a demon to this world. He had heard that it was impossible to summon a demon or a devil. Until he found the tablet and the bone horn of what once could have only been a demon. The tablet gave instruction to this unholy ritual. It demanded a component ironically being a piece of a demon, and something living or someone Enis thought.

This was a problem, however, as they said demons to be myths and legends. This of course couldn't stop Enis. How could he call himself a master of dark magic? If he couldn't summon something so powerful and malicious as a demon? In the city, there are plenty of homeless just lying around not doing anything. They were willing, or in this case unwilling victims he could use to try it out. So far Enis had tested it out on Five other volunteers, which were all complete failures. He hoped that this one could be a success.

Enis picked up the horn and nearly dropped the damn thing. It was creepy as hell!!. He thrust the horn the rest of the way into the boy's chest without remorse. Enis quickly stepped back. This part was usually quite messy. If the last 5 times were anything to judge from. He thought. Members of his guild were chanting the last verses of the ridiculously long and complicated chant.

Some of his guild members, like that ass Terrance. Were off key and almost made it falter. This was a bad thing as the last time they did that, it took the whole guild a week to clean up the mess.

"Hey focus up! I will make you scrub the privy for a week if you mess this one up.." shouted Enis.

With renewed determination, Terrance refocused and got back to singing and dancing. Finally, after the five failed attempts and wayyy more blood than even dark guild members wanted to see. They made the ritual work.

Enis noticed that the boy had passed out somewhere along the ritual and was lying on the floor covered in sweat and blood. Well, that was weird. He didn't remember any blood on the boy's skin? After taking a cloth and walking over to him. Enis wiped the boy's skin. Blood came off but there was something odd, his skin was almost red. Enis jumped back in disgust. What the hell? Seeing the shock on the guild master's face. The other guild members moved from their current positions and examined the boy. After realizing what was the problem, every guild member took a step back and cringed. The boy, or now what could only be described as a demon. The boy was lying on the floor unmoving and only lightly breathing.

After Realizing that the thing was of no threat to anyone, Enis let out a loud cry of excitement. "Yessssssss!!! It worked, we finally did it. A real demon. I can't believe it worked". shouted Enis

The minions sat there giving congratulations, as this occasion was truly momentous. No guild, whether they were evil or good, had done something like this before. That was probably because of a lack of ingredients for the ritual. 'It could also be because of the massive risk to the host and the summoners, Enis thought. Enis could now be called a summoning master and would be feared immensely by the so-called good guilds. While also getting the respect of the dark guilds.

If only he knew he never had a chance, being a lowly commoner and all. Starting out it was hard for him to get anywhere with his guild. Nobody would join and he was going bankrupt. So naturally, he started stealing. And that is where it began. Creating a thieves' guild, Enis found more members easily. He found most people don't like to work for the money, they would rather just take it. This led to the formation of his guild. It was too bad it was in this shit hole, Enis thought.

Enis had gotten lucky, he heard rumours of a massive find. It was a tablet and a piece of something sinister. Researchers found them while excavating some old crypts. It turns out having thieves take things from archeologist, was quite easy. As they rarely had many guards. And why spend gold on something so easily taken?. Besides, who would be foolish enough to mess with something clearly demonic? Enis sent his cutthroats to retrieve it. When he laid his eyes on the artifacts, he knew he had found the real deal. Enis was lucky, or in this case unlucky enough to find the remnants of an ancient angel. Well, its evil counterpart!

(Reskeme Pov)

Reskeme was in shit, both literally and figuratively. It covered his skin in a thin layer of awful. Being mixed with sweat and piss made it worse. After passing out from the pain of the ritual, he woke up in a cell. It was small, dark and smelled very unpleasant. Reskeme's body throbbed and his head hurt. Reskeme still hadn't got the wealth that was promised. He lifted his hands and heard a clanking. What! Chains!? What the hell?" He thought. After a few attempts at loosening them, he realized there were only two ways to wear chains. One was uncomfortable, and the other was downright painful.

Deciding he could do nothing about this problem, Reskeme ran his hands through his hair. He realized there is something in his hair. "What the hell?" Reskeme said to no one.

There was something hard on the right side of his head. It was small, round, and right above the temple. After some effort, he decided it was permanent, and it was not coming off. Maybe someone glued it to his head as a prank? He thought. After checking the other side, Reskeme realized he had two identical round bumps, one on each side of his head. Each horn, if they could be called that, was about a half-inch long. This was a disturbing thought. He hadn't heard of any potion or magic spell that gave someone horns. Not that Reskeme knew much about magic.

He knew magic existed, and that there were powerful people in the world. Being a low gutter rat, he had never learned evened a simple spell. Whatever Reskeme was, was not human, which was scary. There seemed to be a bright side to it. He could feel something, It was like he was melding with his surroundings, like the darkness was his friend. It called to him and wanted him to embrace it. "Wow, creepy!" Reskeme said.

Soon he had something more pressing on his mind, hunger!. He hadn't eaten in hours, or was it days? Well, for a long time, he thought. Reading his thoughts, the gods answered. A loud rattling came from the other side of the door. After a few seconds, a curse and more rattling ensued. Reskeme feeling in a joking mood after waking up to what seemed like a terrible nightmare spoke, "is it in yet?" Hearing a loud curse from the man on the other side the door, he chuckled to himself. The door screeched and swung open.

Blinking rapidly to clear his vision of the bright light,

"Welcome." Reskeme said, the guard entered the cell.

"It wasn't this messy when I got here, so please charge it to my tab." Reskeme said

The man, clearly in a foul mood, stepped forward and smacked him upside the head with a rough palm."Listen here you little shit, I'm not in the mood for your taunts. I came here to get you to come to meet with the guild master. You are going to come with me quickly and quietly." said the man in a brown and red cloak.

"Oh sure, we wouldn't want to disturb the other honoured guests in this fine establishment. Can you at least take off these fancy shackles they are very uncomfortable?" Reskeme said in a sarcastic voice.

"Shut your mouth or I'm going to shut it for you." Yelled the guard raising his fist.

Knowing when he was pushing his luck too far, Reskeme decided to be quiet and follow. His chains clanked as he trudged up the stairs and out of the basement. They arrived at a thick door. The guard then used a key to get past the mysterious runes. 'Not that Reskeme could have deciphered them. Looking at his hands, Reskeme decided that his new handcuffs were more than just steel.

They had the same squiggly lines all over them. There wasn't a single spot on the metal that wasn't covered with a squiggly line. With a shudder, Reskeme moved forward and into the hall. It had fancy rugs, a couple of paintings. The paintings were probably from famous artists; he thought. All Reskeme saw was colourful mud on paper. He had to admit; it was pretty fancy mud on fancy paper.

After a couple of minutes of walking around the massive building, the two people, man and boy, passed tons of priceless art. More paintings, statues, and other useless garbage, thought Reskeme. After all, what were paintings and statues compared to his empty stomach? The headache he had from that dammed foul ritual was like someone had repeatedly bashed with a stick and then pushed him down a flight of stairs. They passed painted wooden doors. Someone pointlessly decorated most with more shiny colours than others.

Now the doors, Reskeme thought, What is wrong with these people, putting all the mud colours on doors! People are really confusing with their decoration. His mind drifted back to his recent pain, loosing track of his feet, stumbling to his knees. Reskeme focused on one foot in front of the other. He couldn't exactly get to upset about something like a door being muddy.

He had plenty of mud, blood, and other unpleasant things he did not want to think about all over him. They arrived at the door that was the most pointlessly shiny and muddy of all. Who in the hell would make a door out of a metal? Especially one that looked like coppery-silver and was that gold lining?

22-Reskeme had seen a gold coin once. He saw it while some noble was buying a horse. The noble, upon seeing the spectators gawking at him, had pulled out a handful of coins that were yellow and larger than the biggest copper Reskeme had ever seen. One of those coins could have supplied food for years, if he used it sparingly. What reason to waste all that wealth by putting it on the door?

The guard knocked on the door, only glancing at Reskeme briefly.

After a moment the voice of a man shouted: "come in"!.

The guard upon opening the door bowed and let Reskeme in. After entering, Reskeme scowled at the man who had tricked him.

"Welcome to the dark fell hunter guild house. I am Enis and I would like to welcome you to the guild." Brows furrowing, Reskeme took a step back what!!?