
All Alone In Another World

I climb the mountains alone, i traverse the desolate planes alone, i bear the cold alone, i fight the ancients alone, i crossed the deepest ocean and been to its deepest depts. alone. Now your wondering if my name resound across the lands, no i am alone no one is here to judge me, i can do anything and finally be myself

CosmicRuler · Fantasie
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5 Chs

The Power Of Will [II]

Time flew by and a week had passed by the boy could be seen fishing in the river but a frown could seen on his face. ''Sigh i cant seem to breakthrough into the 7th realm of will and i cant seem to understand why but enough of this there's a big one right here.''

His eyes squinted then his hand holding the pointed stick blurred.


Water flew up in the air splashing the ground, the boy smiled then began to drag the 20 meter long and 4 meter wide fish out of the water, soon enough the big ugly fish lay dead on the ground its mouth filled with 3inch to 7inch razor sharp teeth.

The boy whistled and gathered the wood and brambles from the surroundings ad soon enough a sweet fragrance began spread out into the mountain range tickling ones senses

Nom Nom Nom Nom

The boy could be seen stuffing his face vigorously he mumbled while eating ''so this is how fish taste i never new it was so good'' soon enough all that was left behind of the fish where its huge bones the boy on the other hand could seen picking his teeth with one of the smaller bones he truly looked like a little barbarian in the wild.

While picking his teeth he thought to himself ''since I'm taking full control of my body why not merge the conscious and the subconscious mind together then infuse my will into it making mind and body becoming one.''

Now that he had gotten his fill he sat cross-legged under the tree now this was here was the really tricky part one wrong move and he would be brain dead now that he had the risks in mind he pushed forward with caution he separated his mind into three parts

Will, consciousness and subconscious

His expression turned grave as he shouted out ''Merge!''


The heavens rumbled and shook fiercely and dark clouds began to converge overhead forming a vortex in the sky his blood boiled in agitation the atoms and cells in his body began to vibrate violently causing his body to blur.

A beam of light shot down from the sky landing on the boys head his eyes flew open swirling with world annihilation aura his mouth fell open and he let out a roar the mountains shook under his cry

The scene changed to what seem to be a sex party women and men could be scene entangled together into intimate acts but there was rowdy cupule on the ground going at it.

The man thrusted in and out fiercely causing the woman to let out loud moans he then squeezed her breast into different shapes causing her to wince in pleasurer he squeezed her nipples but with that move of his her eyes turned into hearts.

''Sigh i want a man to do that to me''

The person who spoke that was the Goddess who had reincarnated Ronfell she was alone in the pool no one next to her, she squeezed her hand together causing her breast to perk up she sighed again then went to the edge of the pool

She then rested her perky breast on the pools transparent walls ''sigh i wonder how that human is doing hope he's not dead already, a small window appeared showing the current scenery

Shock, she was so shock that a weird noise escaped her mouth and her expression turned weird, she then bit her soft red lips and asked herself 'can he do it if he can reach that level i can reach the realm of [Grater God Of Reincarnation].' She stared fixedly at the screen her bright blue eyes shining with light.

The scene changed back to the advancement the small boy his eyes where like torches shining with white light

[For the heavens are great they say for the death is not the end they say but eternity lays within all life and death only a phrases spoken by mortals shed thine body and ascend to the ranks of almighty for these are the words of me the Dao of Heaven and Earth the one whos ethereal and beyond]

Hearing the words that where as heavy as mountains he gritted his teeth and said ''mind and body union, heaven severing art.'' He was taking full control no faith no karma could affect him for his body and mind had fused becoming one his actions his and his alone.