
Chapter 4

I then spent my day, as usual, going to a remote place near the town. This time it was a wide grass field. I had never gone to this place, yet it felt familiar, anyway, I started practising my magic as normal. It felt like I had gotten a boost will standing in this field, but, once I stepped into the forest nearby that feeling disappeared. I tested this a couple of times and it seemed there was a well of magic with the main element being of the shadow category and was naturally being confined in the field. It was a weird phenomenon that I hadn't heard of before so it was new to me.

I hadn't even gotten back to the town when I was ambushed by a bunch of bandits. Typically bandits would say, drop all your valuables or prepare to die or something along the lines of that. But these guys just attacked me straight away without saying a word not typical of bandits if I would say so myself. So I guess they were sent to kill me, I mean it's pretty common nowadays with my type of job, but these guys were hella strong and it looked like they were trained especially to combat my strengths. They were more like a bunch of soldiers than a bunch of bandits, "oh I remember that guy what's his name again… ah, Walter, he's the only one that has figured out who I was! So you guys work for Walter?"

"..." they didn't say a thing to my question. Surprise, surprise.

"I guess your silence means yes," after I confirmed my guess, they started to attack with heavier hits, that hurts not just physically but mentally too. I need to get to the town as quickly as possible, cause, I can't keep this up. It's also a big problem that I just came from training but they probably waited for me to start coming back. I managed to get back to town with just a few wounds but nothing fatal. I stayed here for two more nights until I recovered.

This is a short chapter.

Norito_Mentevalcreators' thoughts