
ALINA- Technology is under my control

[ MATURE CONTENT ] **RAPE**. Please read at your own risk. In a world where technology is rapidly growing, can you be able to keep up with the pace? Let's imagine. Imagine you wake up in the morning and the first voice you hear is that of a robot. You enter the bathroom to meet the bathtub filled with soap being bubbled by a robotic hand from the ceiling. You stepped into the bathtub and the water adjusts it's temperature to your comfort. Interesting, right? Now you are done bathing, you lift your leg, yes your leg...no not the left, the right, yes very good. You lift your leg to come out. The moment it touches the tiles that same robot rushes to you with a towel in hand. You take the towel and wrap it round your body. You hair! You need to have a hairdo. Before you take a step to get your brush, a robotic chair rolls to you. A chair, why? Let me tell you. Because you need to sit on it to get a hairdo. You need comfort will working on you hair. Now get your butt on it. You comfortably sit on it and it rolls you into the bedroom. What does technology have in store for you? Let's find out. It rolls you in front of a mirror. Why? Seriously? You need to see what you are doing. But wait, why are two hands coming out from the back of the chair? What's going on? You need to relax, maybe they want to.... Then the hands digs into your hair and begins work. Once done, you look into the mirror in awe of the beauty you have been transformed into. After the hairdo, what's next? You need to get dressed. You get dressed up with the robot tying, buttoning and adjusting when needed. Now you are done. You leave the bedroom only to meet the dining table downstairs with different varieties of food generously spread on it. Scrumptious, right? You need to eat, the food is getting cold. The minute you sat on your chair, another robot with wheels rolls to your back and ties a napkin round your neck to prevent stains on your dress. One spoon, two spoon, three...nth spoon, now you are done eating. Another robot wearing an apron assists you with your bag to the self-driving car. You enter the car and sit on the seat. The very second you sat on it, two belts from left and right crosses each other and buckles you in. Now you are save to drive. But wait are you going to drive from the back seat? Impossible. Remember it is a self-driving car. You gave the car your desired location and zoom, it speeds off. Imagine all these things are controlled by a chip in your brain. I welcome you to my second ongoing WebNovel - Alina; Technology is under my control. ** * Had an accident, saved by her uncle and brought to Dr Jason for chip implantation, Alina George Bridge woke up to a whole new world with a fragment of her memory wiped out. * Rosella Neil Bridge, her cousin and the eldest daughter of Dr Neil, forced herself to marry Josh Stone, the heir of Stone empire and a womaniser, because she wanted to become the heiress of her father's empire and conglomerate. The same empire and conglomerate her father was ready to give her cousin. Things don't go as planned, but will she give up and let Alina take over?. * Mina Neil Bridge, a strong supporter of her elder sister's decisions. But does she just support without a reason? Don't she also have interest in her father's properties?. * Clifford Jason, a psychologist who agreed to help Alina regain her memory. But after knowing that Alina's accident perpetrator is his sister's murder, he changed plans and helped her gain her revenge. Will he only help her gain her revenge? Will he also help her fall in love with him?. * Josh Stone, as mentioned above, slept with Mina as a condition for helping her with something and decided to make Rosella his sex machine. * Dr Neil - Alina's uncle. Rosella and Mina's father. A business guru who had sensitive secrets. Dr Jason - Clifford's father. A scientist cum neurologist. Enjoyed the synopsis! Try the story

Winnie_Malachi · sci-fi
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18 Chs

The dream

She drove on the streets, her headlights illuminated the road for her, bringing everything into clear view. Her phone lied on the passenger seat playing some music in the background. When it got to her favorite music, she increased the volume and started swirling rhythmically to the beats. Two hands on the wheel and one mind absent, she accelerated.

Night had come bringing darkness with it, bereaving the once lively streets of it's boisterousness and in the process making the streets lonely, but yet the pretty damsel speed mindlessly.

As she took the next turn, out of the blue came another car with a maximum speed limit. She slammed the brakes but due to the exceeded speed limit, her car kept on moving. She trepidated in her seat, honking repeatedly for the driver of the next vehicle to hear and divert but it had no human presence in it. Who could have left a car with a high speed on the road?. Most annoyingly the car's headlights were on and blinding. She had to strain her eyes to know who was behind the wheel. As it got closer for a head-on collision, she screamed.

Alina woke up, gasping for breathe. The dream was just so surreal. She had viewed everything from the eyes of the lady driver and her mind and brain were yet to act on the same page.

Dr Jason who was just about exiting the stairs, heard her scream and rushed to the room. As he entered, the image of Alina crying got his attention. Confusion and pity stepped in and he went to her side.

' Is okay. Everything would be okay '. He did not know if that was the right thing to say to calm her down. But he give it a try, to see if it would work. She kept on crying, approving it as a failed attempt.

He knew she had a terrible dream. That was her brain helping her to remember some of her lost memories, but which part of the past did she remember that made her cry endlessly.

He turned to leave to call his wife but she arrived the room and rushed to Alina said. She too had heard Alina's scream from the kitchen and her concern had dragged her to the room.

' Alina dear, it's ok. It's just a bad dream. No need to cry about it. You are strong girl that can overcome everything and anything. Trust me when I say this '. Mrs Jason said and hugged Alina, resting her Alina's head on her shoulder.

He understood that as a mother, that was her tactic of ravishing her sorrows and pains. He joined his wife in calming her down by stroking Alina's hair.

Alina's eyes dried as she felt the two medical personnels acting like her parents. Suddenly she felt she was loved. She felt she had acquired new parents for herself as her former ones had undergone celestial transfer.

' I am okay '. Was her words of reassurance and final option, as she had tried to leave their hug but it was tightened.

Dr Jason immediately understood what she was trying to imply and stopped stroking her hair then he tapped his wife, who then loosened her hug and looked at Alina.

' How are you now? '. She asked to know if her hug affected her positively by making her stop crying genuinely or affected her negatively by making her stop crying because she pressumed they were treating her like a child and less of an adult.

' I'm fine '. Alina answered and laid down back on the table with her hands by her side and her eyes stock-still at the ceiling.

Mrs Jason looked at her husband and then at Alina again. She looked at him again but he shook his head and turned to leave.

' Jah please, she would keep on suffering if we don't use it on her now '.

Dr Jason froze when he heard his wife utterance. His wife was indeed a very smart woman and she had again shown how smart she was by intentionally and indirectly saying that Alina would suffer if he did not use the Neurotek on her.

He had rejected because the dream Alina had was still having a great impact on her regardless of their gestures and words.

When he turned back to his wife a pair of her eye and a pair of Alina's eye broadly looking at him, made him akinetic for some seconds as he looked at Alina.

' What is she talking about? '. She finally asked when she sensed a large amount of truth was being hidden by the couple. It was not large but it was one that could leave someone awestruck and dumbfounded at the same time, when revealed.

The Neurotek was meant for the chip, because it was the chip that the signals of her brain were flowing into. They could use the chip to virtualize what she remembered or what she was thinking, that is, if she remembered something they could watch her reminisce as a video on the screen. Now the problem is, how would they tell Alina that a chip was implanted in her brain without the latter being suspicious of Dr Jason. This was Dr Jason's worry.

Dr Jason looked at his wife hoping that she would remember that he told her, he was hiding something and she would get a mental picture of him hiding those secrets because Alina was involved. But if she remembers, would she be able to bring up a lie that Alina would believe and drop off her claim of something ending her suffering?.

' I asked a question. What would end my suffering? '. She shouted her question at them.

In order to avoid much suspicions, Dr Jason walked up to her. He had seen a memory deletion button on the Neurotek box, so he would first tell her then later delete it from her memory. Yes, that could do. But why do such a thing, when he can just tell her that it was the chip that saved her life?

He should tell her that.

' It is not just anything. It is Neurotek. The control box of a chip in your brain '. He summoned every courage available in the universe to tell her.

Alina eyes aggrandized at his outburst. Were this couple trying to playing with her mind. How can ....? Wait, a chip? A... this couple for sure especially the husband knows how to work on people's brain and now they are trying to play with her mind.

She gave off a light chuckle and looked at both of them. ' You guys gotta kidding me. Like seriously? A chip? I am so sorry, I would have loved to buy your cheap lie but the thing is, as you can see I am not with my ATM card so the money is unavailable at the moment Please try again later, thank you. So sorry '. She pouted her lips and held her hands together to express her insincere apologies. After that she laughed loudly.

Dr Jason and his wife had a solemn look on their faces as they looked at each other, pitying the lady that was laughing. It was the truth but she disbelieved it.

When the laugh died down, Mrs Jason looked at Alina with sadness in her eyes.

' Would you want us to show it to you? '. Evidence they say is the murderer of disbelief. And it was with evidence that they would be able to kill Alina's disbelief.

Alina looked at the woman who was ready to support her husband with his lies. This couple really know how to support each other.

' Ok then. Show me '. Proper proof is what she needs now to be able to absorb what they were telling her.

Dr Jason then moved to where he kept the box and brought it out with it's cables tied round it.

The image of the cables reminded Alina of the big machine and the cables she saw attached to her head when she woke up. Could they be telling her the truth? If it was the truth, where is the machine now. She still refused to believe them.

' Please do me a favor by staying still as I attach the cables to your head '. Dr Jason said as he approached her with the cables.

Maybe they were not lying after all. She then obeyed and Dr Jason attached the cables to her head. He moved to the screen and turned it on, then Neurotek in capital letters, displayed once again on it.

That means they were telling her the truth after all. She had a confused expression on her face. The couple saw it but Dr Jason moved towards her. He was not done yet. Apart from showing her and dilapidating her disbelief, he also wanted to know what was going on inside her head.

' Alina, the dream you had, can you please recall it '. Alina looked at him with a weary look. She had an awful dream and she could not bear it, now he was asking her to recall it. But as she looked at the screen that now gave her status, she closed her eyes to recall it.

She remembered the dream exactly the way it was and a video appeared on the screen.

As it kept on playing, Dr Jason and his wife were able to decipher who was driving the car and though the music was not heard, from the way she was swirling, they presumed there was a music playing in the background.

From the point the she took the next turn and to the point where there was a head-on collision, Mrs Jason could not help but whimper in pity for the lady. The accident from the whole video was a setup, it was planned. Why? Why her?.

Dr Jason was bowled over at the turn out of events. Firstly, why would someone in her responsible senses, no offense to the person, drive with high speed while listening to music. Didn't she know that the same way she thought no car would be on the road at that time was the same way someone else would think no one was on the road.

Secondly, why would an empty car drive on a maximum speed with it's headlights on, if the accident was not orchestrated? Why are people this wicked?. Why would they won't to kill her? She was a philanthropist and people loved her for that. She had built free educational centers like schools and skill acquisition centres for the people. She was a human right activist, always fighting for the better good. Though she was feared because of who was behind her, her uncle, the rate of love to fear was amazingly high.

This time around Alina did not scream, she only to pondered on things and as she was thinking, her thoughts were spread out on the screen in pixels form.

She remembered entering that kind of car in her dream. She also remembered driving it at a very high speed as she listened to her favorite song, Come Along by the fivefold band - Pentatonix. She also remembered taking that turn (because her own house was just around the corner, the fourth duplex on the right), only to meet a car against her. She remembered the accident and that was the last thing she remembered. So she was the one in her dream. Tears started rolling down her cheeks.

Mrs Jason who had deciphered long time ago that, that was the accident that got her hospitalized, sobbed as she watched what happened on the screen. What if she had died in that accident? Her enemies would have drunk to death. They would have celebrated her downfall.

She turned to her husband who was now very deep in thoughts.

Dr Neil gave him the chip when he brought her half dead to the hospital. He did not even care the least if his niece would die when the chip is initiated with so much energy inside her head. He did not even care if she was dying, as long as the chip was compatible with her, he was satisfied.

The girl that always accompanied him when they went for meetings and conferences. The girl that always intervened when he encountered minor problems in his companies because she was not only a doting niece, she was also a professional lawyer who was ranked high in her field. Could it be that he was the one who planned the accident?.

Could it be?. I sense that this story is becoming more interesting, don't you think?.

First that devilish smirk of Mina as our last chapter ended with it and second the accident and Dr Jason's reasoning.

Do you think the orchestrator of the accident have already been named in our previous chapters or is yet to be named?. Let me see your answer in the comment box.

Keep on reading. Clifford Jason comes into the story in the next chapter.

What will he do?.

Winnie_Malachicreators' thoughts