

"Yo! This is a recording as you've probably realized so it is after this happened that I wrote it. Anyway, the world's gone to shi* as you've seen unless you're a filthy parasite then screw you and try and be a good person by listening to this at least since I'd to be known for the horrors I've experienced so please just listen...with that, we go to part one. Schedule = Wednesday patreon.com/Filler_Chan

Auther_Uchiha · Horror
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25 Chs

File #16

A Couple Minutes Before~


As the morning light filtered through the window, Lord stirred from his slumber in a nondescript house, chosen randomly as his temporary abode.

With a sense of purpose, he made his way to the small recording device that had become his confidant throughout this chaotic ordeal.



"Ah, welcome back, dear reader. It seems you've returned for more of my insights," Lord greeted his invisible audience, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "During my time away, I've delved deeper into the study of these repulsive creatures known as Parasites."

With an air of fascination blended with disdain, Lord continued his monologue, his voice resonating with a mix of scientific curiosity and cold detachment.

"Parasites, my dear reader, are truly revolting creatures. However, they do serve a purpose in my grand experiment. The best part? They come free of charge."

He proceeded to share his findings, detailing the distinct characteristics of these Parasites. "The basic Parasite, with its varying shades of light and slightly darker hues, possesses an insatiable hunger, sluggish speed, infectious blood, and night vision. These abilities are a result of their built-in and hidden sight receptors, allowing them to navigate their environment with gruesome efficiency."

Yet, Lord's insatiable thirst for knowledge compelled him to push the boundaries further. His research led him to discover a rarer variant, which he dubbed "Circles" due to their spherical shape.

These Parasites exhibited a more sporadic distribution but retained the same set of abilities as their basic counterparts.

"Now, here's where it gets truly intriguing," Lord exclaimed, his voice tinged with excitement. "After consuming a significant number of humans, around ten to be precise, these Circles transform. They become what I refer to as Carriers, a state where their true potential is unlocked. Unfortunately, the specific nature of this transformation remains a mystery, as I terminated the specimen before it could reveal its secrets."

"But that's not even its final form! After studying why these red balls can undergo such a transformation, I found an element unknown to mankind! Sadly though that means someone will 'discover' this before me since that's how the world works".

Lord revelled in the power of his discoveries, particularly an enigmatic element he had aptly named "Modium." This replicated element defied conventional understanding, rendering the significance of physics and genetics mere shadows in comparison. "Physic is trash, and genetics is just a word," he declared confidently. "Modium holds the potential to revolutionize manmade materials if harnessed correctly."

As his monologue reached its crescendo, Lord's attention was drawn to a commotion nearby. Curiosity piqued, he realized it was Marie's squad, led by Derek, embarking on a mission. A whimsical notion whispered in Lord's ear, compelling him to follow them discreetly, intrigued by the unfolding events that seemed to converge with his interests.

Little did Lord know that this impulsive decision would lead him to witness a turn of events he had not anticipated. As he observed from the shadows, Marie, in a fit of impetuosity, disregarded Derek's orders and approached a stranger she mistook for him. However, her assumption proved to be gravely mistaken.

In a matter of moments, the stranger spoke cryptic words, "The Bird is in the cage," before a literal cage descended from the nearby rooftop.

Without warning, a container filled with sleeping gas was thrown in Marie's direction, enveloping her in a cloud of unconsciousness.

Lord, hidden from view, furrowed his brow. "Foolish girl," he muttered under his breath, a mix of disappointment and frustration tugging at his thoughts. "Falling for another trap. How utterly predictable."

The situation unfolded before his eyes, and while his attachment to Marie was a mystery even to himself, a sense of concern flickered within him.

He contemplated his next move, knowing that he held the power to shape the outcome of this unexpected turn of events.

But as he stood there, pondering his options, a familiar aroma wafted through the air. His senses tingled with anticipation as he spotted a plate of bacon and eggs left unattended.

A sly smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he claimed the delectable meal for himself, savouring the flavours that provided both sustenance and a momentary respite from the chaos that surrounded him.

With each bite, Lord's mind raced, calculating the possibilities and potential consequences.

Marie's capture had injected a glimmer of interest into his otherwise detached existence.

He knew he had a role to play, a role only he could define. Bacon and eggs fueled his determination as he prepared himself to intervene, to unravel the secrets that lay hidden in the shadows, and perhaps, to find answers that had eluded him for far too long.

And so, with his belly satisfied and his mind alight with purpose, Lord embarked on a path that would intertwine his fate with Marie's, setting into motion a sequence of events that would challenge both their limits and reshape the course of their intertwined destinies.




Side-Story: Morning Schedule

Info: {Hi It's the Author with a side story which is canon so don't worry this has relevance but It's mostly just to give a bit of a clue}


[Filler Received]

As the sun peeked over the horizon, I rose from my slumber, ready to tackle the day that lay ahead. My morning routine was an intricate dance, carefully choreographed to make the most of every precious moment.

I stepped into the shower, toothbrush in hand, the warm water cascading over me. It was the perfect time to multitask, so I started brushing my teeth, the water providing the necessary lubrication.

Efficiency was key, and I revelled in the time-saving technique.

Looking at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I couldn't help but smirk at my lack of body hair.

A clean-shaven face suited me just fine, and I was content knowing I wouldn't have to deal with the hassle of a mustache. Sometimes, the simplest choices can make all the difference.

In the kitchen, I moved with precision, preparing a delectable breakfast for two. The enticing aroma of sizzling bacon and freshly brewed coffee filled the air, awakening my senses and bringing a sense of comfort.

A well-prepared meal sets the tone for a productive day, after all.

Before venturing out into the world, I took a moment to assess my surroundings. I scanned the area, making sure there were no prying eyes or unwanted attention. Privacy was a precious commodity, and I guarded it fiercely.

With breakfast devoured and my mind sated, I turned to my beloved books. I plucked a couple of volumes from my extensive collection, choosing at random.

Each one held the promise of knowledge and inspiration, a journey into the recesses of the human mind and beyond. From literary classics to scientific discoveries, I indulged in the wealth of information at my fingertips.

For hours on end, I delved into the written word, losing myself in the intricacies of language, ideas, and stories.

The turning of pages was a soothing symphony, transporting me to realms both familiar and unknown. It was a respite from the chaos that plagued the world outside, a sanctuary of intellectual exploration.

As the clock approached 10 AM, I closed the books, their stories imprinted in my mind. It was time to venture out, to embrace the challenges and mysteries that awaited me.

But before I stepped outside, I took a moment to gather my thoughts and survey the room. Everything had to be just right, every detail in its proper place.

With a final glance around, I left the confines of my sanctuary, ready to face the day's adventure. It was a journey that would test my wit, resilience, and resourcefulness.

But armed with the knowledge I had acquired, fortified by a breakfast shared with an absent companion, and cloaked in anonymity, I embarked on my path, determined to navigate the labyrinthine landscape of danger and intrigue that defined our new reality.

With a face that was lost in thought, Lord said "I think that I made my morning schedule a little too exciting...meh" and went on his merry way.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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