
The Field Trip

starts running. wearing a blue jins and white shirt with round glasses and beautiful blue eyes.

Miss. Kelly, "slow down girl! It's been a year since I've been seeing your going to university running! can't you wake up lil early!"

???"aunt Kelly sorry~ahhh.. I've scanned it . the money will be transferred."

Miss. Kelly," ohh ! Dousy ! be lil careful!"

Dousy," yahh!!"

saying that the girl Dousy with Blue eyes ran away taking the cup of bubble milk tea and white chocolates. Dousy lives in neighborhood with the memories of her let family . She is just 19 reading in a university and doing major in mathematics. She is talented indeed. She is alone from the age of 15. She can't remember how her whole family died in a night. The night indeed was a nightmare. The thunder Strom, the drizzling all were horrifying her and the last thing she remember she found her brother Dian and mum dad lying next to her being cold like ice and looking too pale . When she went near them she found out they are already passed. since then she is living on her own. Living expenses, don't worry Mr.Dylun , Dousy's father was too much rich as a planet researcher. She just can pass her whole life time on her father's money.

she reaches the campus. It was still crowded. but.. everyone should be in the class instead of the campus. what's going on! Dousy is so curious!

Soon she feels a light tap on her shoulder. oh it's none other than Trivia . Her childhood friend.

Trivia, "bubs , don't tell me you're still wondering about the crowd!'

"and how you know that!?"

"you sucks ! Are you really a human or something else!! How could you forget today!?"

"what about today !? isn't it only Monday?"

"Bubs , it's freaking Field Trip day!"

"oh , what's so exciting in it! you're behaving like I'm gonna visit another planet and meet my dream alien partner!"

"Not again those bullshits!"

"yah Trivia!!! I'll sue you with my soon to be alien husband's power!"

"Oww, did I make you offended? you Look cute though! haha !"

" enough of jokes let just get in a bus ! "

"yah as you say!"

they both go towards the bus. Dousy takes the window sit. The journey start . The weather was tremendously beautiful. Cool breeze with rainy smell feels amazing. Lara pops up out of nowhere making Dousy and Trivia choked on their saliva.

"Aish man! you guys got scared.hhaha!!"

Dousy,"I'll smack your head Lara!"

Trivia,"count me in "

Lara, "sorry gurls!"

Trivia and Dousy, " Whatever!"

Lara , "Aish you're so meannnn!!"

The beautiful journey goes on with their small chit chat and enjoyment. Finally the forest comes. The green vibes. now the weather is lil sunny . Dousy wears her sunglasses. Her blue eyes aren't visible now. Trivia gets down from the bus wearing a hot revealing dress . Boys are staring at her figure!

Lara,"Did you just change in the bus!?"

Trivia, "no bubs in the sky ! "

Dousy , "Don't Tell me you guys are starting again!"

Trivia, "I'm not the one though!"

Lara, "now don't tell me you're gonna wear the backless, thigh reveling dress through the trip! it even has cut from up to down!"

Trivia, " it's no my first time wearing those types of dress! "

Lara, " Be careful gurl! All eyes are on you!"

Dousy notices that all the boys are drooling over Trivia, just at the moment Daniel comes approaching Trivia .

" Hey my lady !"

Trivia, " Yes ! "

Daniel indeed her crush!

Daniel, "Wanna have fun together?"

Lara , " Sorry for interrupting but what kind of fun do you wanna have ?!" she said with a smirk.

Trivia and Daniel, "yah what do you mean!"

Dousy , "I guess there is gonna be a new couple today Lara, bubs let's just go!"

saying that they both goes away. Almost everyone was shocked as Dousy never talked with anyone except Lara and Trivia. Before going out of Trivia's sight she looks behind and tells Daniel,"Hey just don't make her pregnant!!" Everyone out there brust in laughter with shock.

Living everyone behind Lara and Dousy go to the inner forest . It is too much enjoyable. Dousy collect a blue flower in her hand.

Lara, "its color is alike your's eyes . they are indeed beautiful!"

"thanks I guess"

talking little about some stuffs they come near a stream. it is heavenly beautiful. water falling down on the stone making beautiful sounds. they become amused. Lara put her backpack off saying ," I'm gonna take a healthy shower!" saying that she takes off her polo shirts and jump off.

"Aish gurl! you're so energetic!"

Lara," aren't you coming?"

"I hate water"

saying so she started taking some photos of the the view and Lara and her. She took off her glasses . Her Angelic eyes!

" I would have jump to the water if it was my Alien hubby not you Lara!"

Lara, "so you ditched me!"


Lara, " wait !"

saying so she throws some drop of water to Dousy. it is fine until it hits her wrist . she feels a sensation through her body. she sits on the ground as soon as she can. a tear drop escapes from her eyes. It was as blue as her eyes! Lara didn't notice yet. turning around she notices her . she yelled, "bubs you okyh?"

no reply.

Lara comes to her. She is about to touch her when Dousy stops her saying, "Don't I'm afraid I'll harm you ."

Lara can't process and understand any of the word . she sits beside her and after a while Dousy falls fast asleep in her lap. The they passes away. They come home again. But Dousy can't find her pendent with blue stone. She's desperate to find it . Her father's last gift. probably she can find it in the forest . but How will she find it?? It's a huge forest!