
Alicaine Chronicles: Roselyn Knight

*Excerpt*: “Submit.” A soothing, male voice crooned inside the girl’s mind. Ice wrapped around her legs and reached up along her body. With every passing second, her chance of victory slipped further and further from her grasp. “Just relax.” The voice said soothingly. Listening to it was dangerous to the girl. The too familiar voice spoke in time to her heartbeat in phrases she’d heard it say many times before. A shadow passed over her half-frozen body. Looking up, the girl saw the shadowed body of a dragon passing under the sun above her. The dragon’s head was lowered and the she could feel its piercing, demanding gaze on her skin. “You’ve done extremely well but you don’t have to fight so hard.” The voice said. The girl’s eyelids fluttered. She was so cold. Her breathing had slowed considerably as the ice was now at her waist. White mist formed as she exhaled. Fuzzily, she knew she was losing. She’d tried everything, but nothing she could do, none of her magic, could pierce those armor like scale. The voice was wrong. Everything was at stake for her, her heart, her freedom, her life, but she was once again powerless. The dragon swooped low over her head. It’s light blue scale’s glittered beautifully in the afternoon sun. The ice had reached the girl’s chest now. Each breath she drew was laborious and took a herculean effort. “It will be over soon.” The voice crooned softly, “Just rest.” The girl foggily knew that if she caved and relaxed the fight would be over. She wanted to fight; she needed to win, but she was so tired. The dragon landed in front of her. She blinked groggily at it trying to bring her eyes into focus. The dragon watched her expectantly as its ice climbed higher still on the girl’s body. The girl could feel her pulse slowing as she tried to shake her head clear again. She couldn’t the ice had reached her chin. ‘Why?’ she thought fuzzily, ‘how can it end like this?’ She worked so hard, but it hadn’t mattered. Despair choked her as her eyelids drooped and then closed. The ice covered her head as the girl fell into darkness. *** Release rate will be a min of 3 chapters per week! The maturity rating is for the scenes that will come later in the book! It will be necessary! Alicaine Chronicles: Roselyn’s Book is about a woman, Roselyn Knight, trying to prove her worth in a society that views females as commodities. The only path she has open to her is gaining her proficiency at the best school of magic in her world, Alicaine. However, this is a double-edged sword, because as Ro gets stronger, she begins to attract the attention of several males at her school. Her race against time begins. Can she become the best fighter in the school before she loses the freedom that is finally almost in her grasp? Everything is at stake for her, her future, her life, even her heart, and one misstep could spell disaster.

SandiBell · Fantasie
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61 Chs

Another Exchange with Rin

They once again stopped in front of the large wooden doors. Ro looked at Shiki.

"Why does he want to see both of us?" She asked. Shiki shrugged.

"He didn't tell me, and I didn't ask." Ro turned to Momo with a frown.

"I don't like this." Momo said quietly as Shiki pushed open the door for them. Ro looked back at Shiki.

"I'm not going in there." She told him as she began to walk away. Shiki's mouth fell open in surprise.

"But you have to." He said. Ro shook her head.

"Make me."

"I'll make you." Rage's voice cut across the hallway. Ro felt a tug around her middle and she went flying back to the door, landing on her feet just in front of Rage. Ro felt anger welling up inside her as she glared at him. "I see you've forgotten lesson one." He said with a small, frightening smile.

"You can't forget something you never learned." She spat back. He let out a fake long-suffering sigh and turned back into the room. Ro was pulled after him. Momo looked on eyes wide and startled.

"You too girl." Rin called. Momo hesitantly followed them into the room.

Rage crossed the room and sat in his throne like chair once more. He gestured for Momo to stand beside him. Ro, he left in the center of the circle of chairs. His magic released her as the door swung shut again. She watched it close with feelings of hatred for Rage. "Now," Rin said turning to Momo. "Have you ever tortured someone before?" he asked calmly. Momo's normally pale skin went white. She met Ro's eyes as she slowly nodded her head. "Good. How did you do it?"

"I filled their lungs with water." Momo said quietly after a long pause. Rin smiled cruelly.

"I think that will work very well. Do it to the Nug." He ordered. Both girls turned sharply to stare at him.

"But she's my friend." Momo stated firmly.

"I know. That why it is good punishment for you. Perhaps this will make you think twice before accepting the attentions of my brother again." Rin turned his angry gaze from Ro back to Momo. "Now do it." Ro sighed and Momo looked at her with fear in her eyes.

"It's fine Momo. I'm tough. I can take a little torture and he won't make you kill me." Ro told her. Rage's attention snapped back to Ro. He smiled again.

"Is that what you think, human? Just because it's against the rules, I won't do it. Deaths happen all the time here. They are called training accidents." Ro shrugged, and her nonchalance made Rage's temper rise.

"I don't like you enough to give you the satisfaction of killing me." She stated flatly. Rage's smile deepened.

"Momo, do it now. I tire of her hearing her voice." Rin ordered his eyes never leaving Ro's. Ro met Momo's eyes and nodded. Momo shakily raised her hands. Nothing happened. Ro stared at her for a moment and then began to cough. She brought her hand to her throat pretending like she couldn't breathe. Rin watched this interaction for a moment and the rolled his eyes dramatically. He turned his head and looked straight at Momo.

Suddenly, Ro didn't have to pretend anymore. She felt immense, painful pressure in her chest and her body heaved. Water poured from her mouth onto the ground. She shuddered and heaved again, and more water came out. White lights began dancing behind her eyes as the lack of oxygen started affecting her brain. Her body began feeling faint and distanced from her mind as her chest convulsed. The faint feeling increased in intensity and her legs gave out. She dropped to her hands and knees.

Then it was over. She coughed and the rest of the water that had been filling her lungs splashed onto the grey and white tiled floor. She continued coughing and dragging down deep lungsful of air. The faint feeling receded and her vision began clearing. She hadn't realized that drowning would hurt so badly.

"Doesn't she look nice on her hands and knees where she belongs?" Rin asked Momo rhetorically. "Now you do it." He ordered. Ro looked up into Momo's eyes and nodded. Momo frowned and raised her hands again.

Once more Ro couldn't breathe. More quickly than before her body faded into faintness and her vision clouded over. She lost track of time as her body convulsed as water poured from her.

Hi All!

Sorry for the recent sporadity of updates. School has started again. I am going to pause this story soon, so I can continue on my other novels. This will be resuming in late December. I hope you will keep it in your libraries until then!


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