
Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin

After Harry's victory over Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry is stabbed in the back by the man he thought was the kindest and wisest man in the world. Puppeteering by Dumbledore, deceiving a friend, exploiting love. After death, Harry finds a beautiful rebirth. Advanced Chapters: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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My New Little Brother

- I agree," Snape said, looking at the young lord. He smiled happily, even Darius smiled, which was rare.

- I'm glad to hear that," Alex replied.

- If you agree, then go with my lord to Slanted Lane, and I will finish one thing, - the lord frowned at that, as he had a hunch.

- What business? - Snape asked.

- Getting rid of your father," the man answered honestly. To everyone's surprise, the boy reacted quite calmly, though he was a little put out by the man's honesty.

- No noise, no dust, and fast, - Alex reminded the man.

- You offend me, in half an hour I'll meet you in front of Gringotts, - with these words the man went further along the pavement.

- Well, let's go," with those words Alex took Snape's hand and apparated away.

The pair appeared in the Hole Cauldron. Snape, who was using the apparatus for the first time, expectedly grabbed his stomach and fell. To which the young lord grinned.

- You'll get used to it after the third or fourth time," Alex said understandingly and helped the boy up.

- What was that? - Snape wheezed.

- An apparition. A way of travelling. Quite difficult and unpleasant, but possible. You'll learn in time," the lord replied. As Snape came to his senses, Peverell, paying no attention to anyone else, led the boy through another door. Beyond the door was a small space surrounded on three sides by a brick wall. Nothing else but a rubbish bin.

- Remember, - with these words, Alex took out his wand and touched it several times on different bricks. After that, the brick wall opened up, forming a passage. The boy took it calmly, though he couldn't help the nostalgia, but Severus, who was probably here for the first time, looked at everything with curiosity.

- Welcome to Slanting Lane," the young lord said in a slightly solemn voice.

- What are we doing here? - The boy asked, stepping back from what he had seen.

- Getting you some proper clothes for starters, and then to Gringotts," Alex replied, heading for Twilfitt and Tatting.

- Gringotts? - Snape inquired.

- Gringotts is a magical bank where all the gold of this country is kept, also there you can do different rituals, blood tests, and other things," Alex quenched the boy's curiosity. Snape wanted to ask another question, but didn't have time, as Alex came and opened the door to one of the many boutiques and went inside, Severus hurried after him.

- Where are we? - Snape asked again, waggling his head, much to Alex's amusement; he liked the small, curious, and slightly naive Snape much better than the unsociable, gloomy, and creepy potions.

- This is Twilfitt and Tatting's dress shop," an unfamiliar voice sounded, startling Snape. A middle-aged lady stepped into the couple's field of vision, Alex recognized her immediately, recognizing her as one of the shop owners, however, the lady also recognized him.

- Oh, young lord. Welcome. Who is this young man? What can I do for you? - The girl asked, stopping a meter away from Alex.

- Good afternoon. This 'young man' is my ward and it would be nice to dress him appropriately. Take out three sets of casual clothes and one set of holiday clothes, also one more dressy one, let him wear it now, - replied Peverell, thinking.

- Good. Quality and colour? - The girl asked.

- 'Best quality, and colour,' with that word the young lord looked at Snape.

- Black, please,' the boy muttered.

- 'Well follow me,' the girl replied, beckoning Snape behind her.

- 'Go on, I'll wait here,' Alex said, giving Snape a nudge. After the girl and Snape disappeared into the fitting room, the boy sighed heavily. At that moment, someone else entered the shop. Turning around, Alex saw a middle-aged blond-haired man and an equally blond-haired boy of about eleven. Both of them looked vaguely familiar to Peverell, especially their blond hair, but he couldn't remember where he'd seen blond hair like that before.

The blondes had barely taken three steps when another shopkeeper came out to meet them.

- Lord Greengrass, welcome. What can I do for you?" the girl asked, looking at the man. - "I see. That's why they look familiar. The Greengrass sisters' father and grandfather," Alex remembered.

Alex knew very little about the Greengrasses since his life as Harry Potter. The Greengrass were an ancient, pure-blooded, and noble family, which numbered more than twenty generations. The Greengrass had always maintained neutrality. As a result, they had lost nothing in both, magical wars. In his time, they had two daughters. The older one was named Daphne and the younger one Astoria. The older one was known as the Ice Queen of Slytherin for her coldness and aloofness, was in the top ten students at the school, and was considered one of the prettiest girls in the school, while Alex knew next to nothing about the younger one except that her name was Astoria Greengrass. 

Peverell's musings were interrupted by the return of Snape and the second girl, carrying packed sets of clothes, and Snape was dressed in a new black coloured robe and a robe of the same black colour.

- Lord Peverell here is everything you asked for," the girl said. In response Alex, silently and nonchalantly, under the shocked gaze of Snape, Lord, and heir to the Greengrass swung his hand, reducing the purchase, after tucking it away in his pocket. - And these are his old clothes," with these words the girl pulled out another black-coloured package.


And the clothes hovered in the air.


All of Snape's old clothes burned away, leaving no ashes.

- Thank you, how much do I owe you? - Alex asked the girl.

- One hundred and fifty galleons," the girl replied, and Snape looked shocked. It was clear that while his mother was alive, she had managed to enlighten him about the magical world, including money.

After paying the girl, Alex and Snape were about to leave when they came across the Greengrasses, who were waiting patiently.

- So, Lord Greengrass, what do you want? - The girl asked.

- A set of robes for Hogwarts of the finest quality,' Lord Greengrass ordered.

- 'Follow me,' said the girl, turning to Greengrass Junior. After the girl and the boy disappeared, Lord Greengrass turned his attention to our couple.

- Lord Peverell,- a welcoming bow.

- Lord Greengrass, an identical bow in return. The man then turned his attention to Snape. - My ward Severus Snape," Alex introduced the boy.

- Mr Snape," the man nodded, and Snape nodded silently in response.

- It was a pleasure to meet you, Lord Greengrass. I'd like to talk to you, but business is slow, I'll meet you some other time," Alex said.

- That 'some other time' might be in a week, it's my son's birthday, and I suppose you wouldn't mind visiting Greengrass Manor with your family if I sent you an invitation? - the man asked.

- Certainly," Alex answered after a moment's thought.

- I dare not detain you any longer," said Greengrass and headed towards his son, who had just come out of the fitting room.

Having said goodbye to Greengrass, our couple went further down Cosy Lane.

- Will you be going to see them? - Snape asked.

- Yes, I will, and so will you," Alex answered, looking at Snape.

- But..." he tried to protest as he was interrupted.

- No, I'm not changing my mind and there are no buts. It's already decided. Besides, he said 'with your family' and I intend to induct you into the Peverell family, so you're going. If you received an invitation, accepted it, and then didn't come, it would be considered an insult," he interrupted the boy's protest at the root. - Let's go to Gringotts, Darius is probably already there, we'll do the ritual of entering the clan, then the ritual of the heir, and then we'll treat ourselves to ice cream, - on the last word Alex smiled contentedly.

- Okay," the boy said with a heavy sigh.

- There's no need to sigh. It's just a birthday party. You have clothes, position, and invitation, what are you nervous about? - Alex asked, looking at Snape.

- 'But, I don't know how to act and besides I don't know anyone there,' complained the boy.

- Big deal. It's a week before the feast, and in that time I or Darius should be able to get the basics of etiquette into your head and don't worry about the other one, I don't know hardly anyone there either," Peverell smiled.

- That's reassuring," Snape grumbled.

The slanted alley was crowded and noisy. The Gringotts Bank towered majestically above it all. They walked up to the white-washed building and stopped at the marble steps.

- Darius is running late," Alex said, and just a second later there was a thud behind them.

- No, I just got here," the kids turned around and saw Darius.

- How did it go? - The lord asked.

- Without noise and dust, though it took a long time to change the memory of neighbours and close acquaintances of this Muggle, - the man answered, approaching Alex.

- What about the body? - posed another question to the boy.

- 'Gone,' the man replied simply.

-If that's all, then let's go, -with these words, Alex walked up the marble stairs, Snape hurried after him and the last Darius stepped through the bronze doors, and then through the silver ones that were engraved on them:

Come in, stranger, but don't forget,

That greed has a sinful nature,

Who doesn't like to work, but likes to take,

It pays dearly, and that's what you should know.

If you've come here for a stranger

You'll never get out of here!

It sounded a bit ominous, which Snape informed Darius of.

- Not surprisingly, goblins don't like humans very much, but they keep quiet about it so as not to cause trouble. But that doesn't mean they don't intimidate them. Everything here is built to inspire terror and fear, they want to show the majesty and power of the goblins. Even these bronze and silver doors and this poem all point to that," the man replied as he looked at one of the goblin guards. A campaign of two Peverells and one would-be Prince entered the main hall of Gringotts and headed towards one of the loose goblins.

- Good afternoon," Alex addressed the goblin.

- Good afternoon, - replied the goblin in an indifferent voice, not taking his eyes off his work.

- We need to meet with Peverell's attorney," Peverell said to the goblin. The goblin looked at the arriving clients with a completely indifferent gaze and looked at the faces in front of him. Noticing the ring of the head of the family, the goblin became animated.

- Follow me," Snape said in a very good-natured voice, to which Snape was surprised and looked at Darius with a look that demanded an answer.

- All wizards are the same as goblins, we are just a way for them to make money. Some, such as my lord, are promising with a lot of capital, while others are just ordinary clients who are worth little. With the promising clients they are the very epitome of courtesy, and with the unpromising ones they are just cold politeness," Snape's shocked mind reverberated, and the trio, led by the goblin, walked down the corridors and stopped in front of a door. Knocking on the door and hearing "Come in," the goblin opened the door and invited everyone inside.

The office of Golbin, the solicitor of the Peverell and Slytherin clans, hadn't changed a bit since the last visit. The same round room, a large black desk, various swords and axes hanging on the walls, and a goblin sitting behind the desk. However, since the last visit, the office had been littered with parchments and papers.

- Good afternoon Golbin," Peverell greeted the goblin.

- Good Lord Peverell," the goblin replied, looking away from the papers. - What can I do for you? - He asked Peverell.

- Conduct a blood test," Darius replied. The goblin looked at Snape, who didn't say a word.

- Him, I presume? - Golbin asked the obvious.

- That's right, you do," Alex grinned. - Can you do it? - He asked in a calm voice.

- Yes, I can," said the goblin under the table and came out a minute later with a ritual dagger and a parchment. - Sprinkle the parchment," the goblin reiterated the obvious.

- Severus come over, and hold out your palm," Darius said, taking the dagger and pulling up the parchment. The boy approached the man with a little apprehension and held out his right palm. With a completely calm face, Darius ran the sharp blade over Snape's hand and everyone watched as a warm, red liquid began to fall onto the parchment. 

Taking the parchment, the goblin began to read out:

Name: Severus Snape, half-blood.

Father: Tobias Snape, Muggle.

Mother: Eileen Prince, twenty-second generation pureblood witch.

Magical guardian: Darius Peverell is the guardian of the Peverell family, recognized by magic

Godfather: absent.

Godmother: absent.

Right of inheritance: heir of the Prince family, by blood and magic. 

Ancestral gifts: Potions, Dark Magic, Mind Magic.

Property: Prince Manor.

Safes and finances: Prince family safe 127 million galleons.

After studying what was written, the goblin looked at a shocked Snape, a pensive Alex, and an unperturbed Darius.

- He can't accept the legacy, am I right? - Darius asked.

- Yes, all purebloods that are twenty generations or more old have a few similarities in the family code, including that they must be purebloods to become heir or lord and head of the family," Golbin said with a sigh.

- That's exactly what the ritual is for," Darius said, looking at the lord, as he was the only one who could perform such a ritual.

- An acceptance ritual? - The goblin looked at Alex in surprise. - 'Ah, I see. By accepting him into the Peverell bloodline, you want to burn out the Muggle blood, leaving only the blood of Princes and Peverells," the goblin said.

- Yes that's true," Darius agreed.

- I hope you know it's going to hurt," the goblin said.

- Yes, - said Alex with a sour face.

- In that case, let's go to the ritual hall, - with these words, the goblin jumped down from the chair and went to the door, the others also hurried after him. The company did not walk long. Five minutes later, the goblin opened the door to the ritual hall. Grigotts' ritual hall was no different from Peverell's, except for the rune circle in the centre of the hall.

- Lord Peverell and Mr Snape will step into the centre of the circle. I will recite the spell and you must mix your blood through a handshake. Hands must not be released until the end. The ritual will destroy weak blood, that is, Muggle blood," the goblin instructed. Once everyone had taken their proper places, and Alex and Severus had cut their palms and held hands, the goblin read out the spell. There was nothing for the first few seconds, and then the silence was broken by a cry of pain from Snape. The screams didn't subside for two minutes while the goblin read the spell. By the end of the ritual, Snape couldn't take it anymore and fell to his knees.

- Congratulations Lord Peverell, Mr Peverell. The ritual has been successful. Now all you have to do is accept the title of heir to the Princes, and if you wish, the title of Lord," the goblin said in a satisfied voice.

- Thank you," Snape, or rather Peverell Junior, replied in a sarcastic voice.

- Don't be sarcastic little brother," Alex grinned, glaring at Severus. And 'little brother' gave 'big brother' a sour look, though he smiled.

When the ritual was over, the whole company returned to the study. When everyone was seated in the chairs, the master of the office pressed something and another goblin entered the office, but he was much younger than Golbin.

- Call the Princes' attorney," Golbin ordered. The young goblin nodded and left. Five minutes later, another goblin, who was probably the same age as Golbin and looked a lot like him, entered the office. - Meet Corbin. He is the Prince's solicitor and my younger brother, this is Alexandros Peverell-Slytherin, Darius Peverell, and Severus Peverell-Prince," Golbin introduced the seated men to each other. - Bring the box with the heir's ring from the Princes' safe," Golbin said to Gorbin, to which he nodded and left. The goblin returned ten minutes later with a black box in his hands. Opening it, everyone saw a beautiful ring of gold without a stone.

- Put the ring on," Gorbin said to Severus. As he did so, everyone saw Severus enveloped in a white light, recognizing him as the heir to the Princes.

- Congratulations, you are now officially the heir to the Princes," Gorbin said in a solemn voice.

- Thank you," replied the Peverell Prince, looking at the ring.

- Now please follow me, we need to discuss your finances," the goblin said the last word with particular pleasure.

- Ah yes, we have some family business to discuss as well," Golbin said to Darius and Alex.

- Go, meet me in the main hall in an hour,' Lord Peverell told the Prince. - 'Go with him,' the boy added, looking at the man, he nodded in response and after saying goodbye to Golbin left the office.

Three hours later, the tired, angry, and incredibly irritated Peverells were coming out of the main entrance of Gringotts. Without a word, Darius grabbed the younger ones by the hands and apparated to Peverell Manor. Everyone was so tired that they forgot about the ice cream.

We're in 98th place, on the rocks. I think you deserve a bonus chapter. I look forward to your support. Have a good day, everyone. buymeacoffee.com/fanfictionforge

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