
Alexander Black's Magical Journey

In this new world I, Alexander Black, have discovered Magic and with my Sign in System I will learn it all! None of the franchises you see here belong to me! Wish they did but sadly they don't.

ShadowRose13 · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

Almost Halloween

It's been over a month since our first potions class. It is now very close to Halloween when Quirrelmort will release a troll in the school. Speaking of him it is unbearable in his class! All his fake stuttering and jumping at the slightest shadow. I started moving a few shadows just to mess with him like a puppet. Dance, Quirrelmort, Dance!

The most interesting sign in I have gained in this time is [Background Customization] Which allows me to create backstories, for my summons, that become real. System also tells me it will also allow me to create my own backgrounds if I ever enter another world. This will be super useful if I get an ability that let's me cross between worlds though for now it is quite useless.

Sebastian also notified me about all the 'evidence' we have made I mean found on the Dursleys. Since my first life was in a world that was further in the future than this one my hacking skills are near godly in this time. So I managed to even hack into a few places I really shouldn't have access to just to plant an account of treason on those low lives, or at least Petunia.

Other than that, and a few other things, the evidence is real, more or less. Vernon really was embezzling from his company after he didn't get a promotion but not as close to the amount we are setting him up for. We also got some drugs to give to Marge Dursley's dog, Ripper, that will make him more aggressive. Now normally I wouldn't go after an animal but from what I know he goes after Harry whenever he see's him.

On the other hand my Prank went over well. It was just a few banners over the house tables, heavily enchanted of course. That had something for each house written on them. Such as Ravenclaws banner said "Knowledge is Power, Power Corrupts, Study Hard Be Evil". Hufflepuffs had fun facts on the viciousness of honey badgers. Slytherin had "Home of the most fearsome danger noodle" with a cute basilisk with a fancy hat on it's head drawn on it. Lastly was Gryffindor which said "House of Brave Sir Robin. He who nearly fought the Dragon of Angnor, Nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol and he who personally wet himself at the Battle of Badon Hill."

I got a bunch of mixed reactions to those banners but the muggle borns laughed very hard at the Gryffindor one since they knew the reference. It took a week for the teachers to get the banners down. Dumbles did nothing to help remove them as I am sure he found them a bit amusing.

We had our first flying class and it is my least favorite! Why? Well I could barely get my broom a few inches off the ground. Apparently I don't sync well with brooms well screw those brooms I'll make something much cooler! Nothing will deny me a way to fly! Harry, like in canon, got made seeker and I got to release my frustrations on Malfoy who conveniently forgot my warning. Ah gotta love my Twilight Healing! All the pain with non of the evidence.

"So you two are telling me you are both using used wands?" I asked Ron and Neville during my get together with my brother and his friends which didn't include Hermione because right now she is still all gung ho about studying like she was in canon. We got onto this topic by discussing how it felt when we got our first wands

"Y-yea. It's my dads." Said Neville

"Mine is my brother Charlies." Said Ron

I couldn't help but rub my temples. Of course I knew these things from my knowledge of canon but it was still a bit annoying. "Neville you need your own wand, in fact it's probably why your magic isn't as good. The wand just isn't compatible with you"

"B-but Gran says if it was good e-enough for dad it is good enough for me" More annoyance, he is afraid of his grandmother.

"Look Neville, no offense to your gran but that is just stupid. She should know well enough that the wand chooses the wizard. It even took Harry a few wands before getting the right one because the first few broke things when he swished it." He looks down downtrodden

"As for you Ron I'll make you a deal. I'll pay for you to get a new wand in exchange for your rat."

"Why would you want scabbers?" He asked

"Well you said he has been in your family for years but the common rat lives only about 2 years. So I am interested to have a magic rat as that's the only explanation I can think of why he lived so long" Yea that's just some BS to get Pettigrew.

I had correspondence with the lawyers asking what to do if I found and 'hypothetically' caught the real traitor. They told me I would have to hand him over to Amelia Bones and have her do the interrogation under veritaserum and that would greatly improve the chance of Sirius being freed.

"Hm alright. I'll get him for you later." Between a new wand and an old useless rat of course Ron chooses the wand. Anyone would.

"We'll talk with McGonagall later to see if she will take you both to Olivanders this weekend. Now how about you two tell us about your homes. Me and Harry grew up with muggles so I wanna know what a wizards house is like"

"Well" Ron starts off "Me, Mom, Dad, my five brothers and my sister all live in one home. Well Charlie and Bill moved out. Charlie is in Romania working with Dragons and I think Bill works for Gringotts in Egypt. We don't have much money but we get by. We have a bit of farmland that we have to kick gnomes out of every Summer and there is a ghoul in the attic that bangs on the pipes when things are quiet. Mom makes delicious food and dad works in the Ministry but he really loves messing with muggle things. He even got one of them muggle cars to mess with"

"Interesting are these gnomes or ghoul dangerous?"

"Gnomes are just pest and ghouls are mostly harmless. Mom says they eat bugs and other pest. That's why she told us not to let Scabbers up into the attic."

"Nice. What about you Neville?"

"Oh um well…" Neville is still quite shy "M-my Gran is very traditionalist and strict. She teaches me about proper etiquette. We have a nice manor and um I spend a bunch of time in the green house. I d-don't really interact with others in my family. They all thought I was a squib until my Uncle Algie accidentally dropped me out a window and I bounced"

"WHAT?!" It took me a moment to process what he had said as I had forgotten about all that happened to Neville before Hogwarts but now that he mentioned his Uncle it is coming back to me. "Your Uncle dropped you from a window?"

Neville was startled at my yell "Y-yea?"

"Why were by the window enough that you could be dropped from it?"

"Oh my Uncle was trying to s-scare the magic out of m-me"

I face palm at that answer. "So he puts you in danger to try and get you to do magic? Is that a common thing in pure blood houses?"

"Well not um common but it does happen sometimes. He gave me Trevor though as a present."

"Fucking wizard logic." I mumble under my breath