
Alexander Black's Magical Journey

In this new world I, Alexander Black, have discovered Magic and with my Sign in System I will learn it all! None of the franchises you see here belong to me! Wish they did but sadly they don't.

ShadowRose13 · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

A Sirius Trial

Monday, December 19th, 2011

Today is the first day of Winter Break. Or break goes from today til the 28th. Sadly before me and Harry can enjoy it we will be attending the trial for my father. So instead me and Harry are being guided into the Ministry by my lawyer Martin Prewitt, who is Molly Weasley's only living brother apparently.

"Don't worry Mr. Black" Martin tells me as we enter the Ministry "With all the evidence we have gathered there is no way your father won't be free"

"I hope so Mr. Prewitt" was what I said 'Oh they better free him or else there will be hell to pay and I will gladly bring it to their doorstep.' was my thoughts. I have already claimed Sirius as mine and I will my father free one way or another even if I have to tear down the British Ministry of Magic.

I am even more protective of those I claim as mine due to one of my sign ins in the last month. I got [Dying Will Flames Awakening] with this I awoke Sky Flames, Cloud Flames, Earth Flames, Forest Flames and Night Flames. My bloodlines are responsible for me having the last three but it is the cloud flames in particular that are the reason for my sudden hike in protectiveness. I apparently am an inverted cloud who instead of claiming a place as my territory I claim people.

The Night Flames scare me though. Not because I have them but because of Vindice. I do not want to deal with the Mafia Police I really hope Bermuda can't sense that another person has them.… Just jinxed myself didn't I? DAMNIT!

Well other than that the only interesting thing I got was [Skill: D*sney Music Magic] which, from what the system tells me, when activated I and others around me and even REALITY ITSELF will bend along to the song. Though as a safety cap I guess, it is D*sney, that the skill will not cause harm to myself or others. So I can't start singing something metal to harm my enemies.

While I was lost n my thoughts we seem to have arrived at the court hearing. Me and Harry were lead to the guest seats "Don't worry Mr. Black we will handle this." Martin said again before walking away

Soon others, who weren't already there, began to show up including Albus Dumbledore, The Pink Toad, Amelia Bones, and Cornelius Fudge.

"I still don't understand why you won't tell me why this hearing was called into place Amelia." I can hear the man say to Madam Bones.

"I have explained that the defendant will be obvious soon Minister. We are merely keeping it a secret so that unsavory elements will not attempt to kill or rescue said defendant to stop his testimony"

"Alright. Bring the defendant in!" He said as he and they took their spots. Soon a person was brought in wearing the prisoner garb of Azkaban. The defendant had a bag over his head to hide his identity until he was put into a chair and had his hands and legs bond by chains. Only then was the bag taken off to reveal

"Sirius Black! Amelia I demand to be told what is going on right now!" Yelled Fudge.

"All will be explained soon Minister" Prewitt was the one to speak this time as he takes his place next to Sirius. "In the meantime" He looks to Sirius "You are free to go Mr. Black"

"He most certainly is not!"

"Ah but you see Sirius Orion Black never received a trail therefore was never convicted of anything before being put in Azkaban. This of course is a major breach in our own laws as every wizard or witch is to be given a mandatory trial. This of course means he is free to go until he is given a trial. Bellatrix LeStrange got one and she didn't even bother to hide her identity during the raids. By law even if we captured He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named he would be put on trial. So Sirius Black not receiving one is a grave breach of justice."

"Amelia is this true?"

"I'm afraid it is Minister. There was no trial transcript or any proof that a trial was held for Mr. Black ut there are trials for every other caught Death Eater." She replied.

"Fine fine we will hold his trial right now!"

"It's about… bloody time!" said Sirius is a raspy voice.

Fudge looked over some papers "Sirius Orion Black you are being charged with 13 cases of murder to muggles, one case of murder to one Peter Pettigrew, two counts of premeditated murder of James Charlus Potter and Lily Rose Potter, and one count of terrorism by being a Death Eater. How do you plead?"

"Not Guilty"

"Right bring out your evidence please." He addressed Mr.Prewitt.

"Alright our first evidence is Alexander Sirius Black." There was some murmurs around as I got up and headed down to the stands. "Alexander here is the biological son of one Sirius Black and Lily Potter. To further prove this I present his birth certificate" He brings forth the certificate

"Alex? Is that really you?" Sirius was looking at me now

"Yea dad."

"...You grew"

"Yea 10 years does that to a person" I say with a light chuckle

"How does this prove Sirius Blacks innocence." Asked Fudge

"The date and time of birth" Which was July 31st 2000 at XX:XX "Shows that Alex was born on the same day as Harry Potter, they are in fact twins."

"That's impossible!"

"I would like to present my second piece of evidence. A letter given to Alexander Black from his vault written by Lily Potter." He hands over the letter for them to read.

"A new potion that allows a which to have two children from separate fathers… incredible" Mumbled fudge

Amelia looked at the paper then down to me with an uncertain look.

"I ask you if Alexander and Harry Potter are twins would they not have been raised n the same house. The very house that was attacked that night of October. What kind of man would endanger his own son?" Prewitt said

"That doesn't prove anything. Perhaps he was offered his son wouldn't be harmed." exclaimed a random wizard

"I then call forth my last piece of evidence" He makes a gesture and a man brought in a caged rat.

As soon as Sirius saw the ratt he tried to lunge at it "Pettigrew!"

"Calm down dad!"

"But he but he"

"Calm. Down. It's going to be alright"

"I present to you Peter Pettigrew. He has been hiding as a rat for the last 10 years. A rat missing one finger. A finger that was found at the site with Sirius Black"

"Hem hem" Ugh the toad is going to talk "Are you suggesting that Peter Pettigrew, one of our beloved war heroes, is that rat just because it is missing a finger?"

"I am not suggesting that Madam Umbridge. But I will give the stand to Madam Bones to explain why this rat is here."

Amelia spoke. "A concerned student sent me this rat suspecting the rat to be an animagus. Of course I took it seriously and when revealed to be an animagus the man claimed to be Peter Pettigrew. Of course I wouldn't take a man who has been living as a rat for almost a decades word so I put some veritaserum in him as is my duty. He revealed he was indeed Pettigrew but when asked why he was hiding he explained he was afraid he would be killed. Upon further questioning he said the death eaters would kill him because he lead the dark lord to the potters" This got shouts both from disbelief and outrage.

"Can I say something?" I asked the people once they got settled down.

"Hm oh I suppose" Said Fudge not knowing what I want to say

"That rat or rather Pettigrew has been in the Weasleys possession for the last 10 years. Now I am quite certain they did not know as they called him scabbers and he was treated as a beloved pet. However he is still an adult wizard despite him being a rat at the time and I watched him, in rat form, on Ronald Weasleys lap. Ron is 11." This got them talking more and some murmers of disgust and the word pedophile got tossed around by a few

"Order Order!" Fudge banged his gavel. "While I trust Amelia I would rather have this confirmed personally so change him back and give him three drops of Veritaserum.

Pettigrew was hit with a animagus reversal spell and now laid on the ground apparently he was stunned as a rat. They put him on a conjured chair and restrained him before hitting him with a rennervate causing him to wake up and look around in panic.

"The veritaserum has been checked and has not been tampered with" said a wizard who brought the potion before forcing Peters mouth open and putting three drops on his tongue.

"Is your name Peter Pettigrew"


"When is your birthday"

" August 31st 1980"

"The potion is working Minister"

"Good good" Said fudge. "Have you been hiding as a rat for the last ten years?"


"Did you lead the Dark Lord to the Potters"

"Yes" there were outraged cries again.

"Order order!" Fudge yelled "Was Sirius Black the Secret Keeper"


"who was?"

"I was"

"Why did you lead the Dark Lord to the Potters."

"I thought the Dark Lord would reward me"

"Are you a Death Eater?"


"What did you do after the Dark Lord was defeated."

" I ran. I knew Sirius would know I was the one who betrayed them so when he caught me I yelled that he betrayed them before casting a bombarda at a muggle gas line. In the chaos I caught of my finger and changed into my animagus form to hide in the sewers. Then I hid at the Weasleys as their pet rat knowing no one would suspect me there."

There was more loud exclamations that fudge had to settle

"Give him the antidote" said fudge

They gave Peter the antidote "Y-you don't understand! He would have killed me! You don't understand the power the Dark Lord has!" Someone then hit him with a silencing charm.

"I think that is enough all for innocent raise your wands" 52 did so "All for guilty" 12 raised their wands. One of them was Umbitch. "All abstained" the rest didn't vote.

"Alright by my order as Minister of Magic Sirius Black is free of all charges and will be reimbursed 10,000 galleons for every year spent in Azkaban" He banged the gavel and the trial was over

So peter isn't really a pedo in my story I am just pointing out the facts that he has been hanging around and on young wizards as a rat. Blame Screen Junkies Honest Trailers - Harry Potter for giving me the idea

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