
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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213 Chs

Second Visit(Part 2)

Shannon Watts, now Shannon Bertucci, entered the warden's office with a look of confusion. Her appearance was unremarkable, the very epitome of plainness, especially in her uniform which did nothing to enhance her ordinary features. As she noticed me, her confusion deepened.

"Take a seat," the warden said with a reassuring smile, trying to ease the palpable tension in the air. "It's nothing bad." Shannon seemed somewhat relieved by these words and took a seat across from me.

"Shannon, this is Mr. Todd," the warden introduced me formally, establishing the context for our meeting.

I nodded to Shannon, offering a professional smile to set the tone for a constructive dialogue. "Thank you for joining us today, Shannon," I began, deciding to ease into the conversation with some general questions about her role before delving deeper. "I'm interested in understanding more about your work here. Could you tell us about your daily responsibilities and if there's anything you feel could be improved in your department?"

Shannon shifted slightly in her seat, appearing more comfortable as the conversation progressed. She began to share her experiences, her tone reflecting a mix of pride and concern.

"Working as a prison guard has been a fulfilling experience in many ways," Shannon began, her voice steady and confident. "I've seen a lot of changes over the years, but there's always room for improvement."

I nodded encouragingly, prompting her to continue. "What do you think could be fixed from a worker's point of view?"

"Well," she paused, collecting her thoughts, "the main issue is often communication. Sometimes, the flow of information between shifts and among different departments isn't as smooth as it should be. This can affect how we manage the inmates and maintain security. More structured briefings and better integration of information systems could really help."

I considered her points, recognizing the importance of internal communication in such a critical environment. "That's insightful, Shannon. Improving those areas could definitely enhance operations. Anything else you think should be addressed?"

Shannon looked thoughtful for a moment before responding. "Training is another area. While we do receive basic training, the nature of our job is always evolving. Ongoing training programs that address current issues like mental health awareness and conflict de-escalation could be invaluable."

"Thank you, Shannon. Those are important points," I acknowledged, appreciating her straightforward analysis. "Your feedback is very helpful. I'll make sure to bring these up with the relevant authorities. Now, if we could shift slightly—could you share more about your interactions with Jasper McNeil? It's essential for us to understand all aspects of our team's dynamics."

Shannon's face drained of color as I mentioned Jasper McNeil, indicating that the mention of his name triggered a strong reaction. When she denied knowing him, I knew I had to press further to get to the truth. "Don't lie to me, I'm not here to do anything to you," I sighed, trying to reassure her while signaling that I was aware of the falsehood.

"I don't know him," she insisted again, avoiding my gaze, which only confirmed my suspicions that there was more to the story.

"You two worked together seven years ago," I reminded her firmly. "For some reason he was fired, and you're somehow connected to it. I want to know what happened."

Shannon's anxiety was palpable as she asked, "Did Jasper send you?" The question was cautious, laced with fear and suspicion.

"No. But I met your husband a few months ago and he told me about things. Tell me your side of everything," I demanded, not leaving any room for evasion. "Don't even think about lying again."

After a tense moment, Shannon gulped, visibly gathering her courage to speak the truth.

"Leonardo and I had been close friends from childhood, and everything was fine until high school," Shannon began, recounting the past with a hint of nostalgia. "That's when Jasper started hanging around us. Initially, he just seemed eager to fit in, and eventually, we just accepted him as part of our group.

"However, it became clear that his interest was really only in Leo. He was quite hostile towards me, probably because I was Leo's best friend," she continued. "I often told Leo that something about Jasper didn't sit right with me. There were times when Jasper's glares made me feel truly threatened. As time went on, he began to dominate all of Leo's attention. By our senior year, they were a couple."

"And that bothered you?" I prompted, seeking to understand her feelings about their relationship.

"Yes, but Leo is bisexual, and I knew a relationship could develop. How could I object to two people who seemed to be in love?" Shannon responded, defending her acceptance of their relationship while acknowledging her discomfort.

"Ok, continue," I encouraged Shannon, sensing there was more to the story that needed to be uncovered.

"Well, Leo and I would sometimes hang out alone, and Jasper really hated that. He was awful to me, to the point where I just couldn't stand being near him, so I spent time with Leo without him. Then Jasper confronted me about telling Leo that he was too clingy. I didn't know at the time that Leo felt the same way, but he did talk to Jasper about it," Shannon recounted, her tone reflecting the tension of those moments.

"Did it escalate from there?" I probed, intrigued by the deteriorating dynamics between them.

"After he confronted me, I realized that all my electronics had been bugged, or had a GPS on them. Then, Jasper started showing up everywhere Leo and I went. When that tactic wore out, he began spamming both our phones until one of us responded. It was like he didn't trust Leo at all!" Shannon explained, her frustration palpable.

"What happened when they broke up?" I asked, curious about the conclusion to their tumultuous relationship.

Shannon paused, collecting her thoughts before continuing. "It was messy. Leo finally saw Jasper's true colors—the controlling behavior, the lack of trust, and how his actions were driving his friends away. They had a big fight, and Leo ended it. Jasper didn't take it well. He blamed me for their breakup, claiming I had manipulated Leo against him. Leo was hiding out at my house, and Jasper knocked on the door. I told him that Leo said it was over, and to my surprise, Jasper just left it alone. A few days later, we heard from a mutual friend that Jasper had signed up for the military and was at a boot camp. We didn't hear a word from him for years," she explained, marking the end of that chaotic chapter.

"And how did you and Leo end up falling in love?" I pried further, curious about the transition from friends to life partners.

"I was just always there for him, and he trusted me more than anyone," Shannon responded fondly. "We just decided to be together after Leo had gotten over Jasper. We've been married for a long time."

Yet, the simple explanation felt lacking given the complexity of their past. With such a plain recounting from Shannon, I wondered if there was more to the story. Wanting to understand the professional implications of these personal dramas, I shifted the focus back to Jasper's professional fallout. "So why was Jasper fired, and what did it have to do with you?" I asked.

"That. Well, years passed and I was surprised to see Jasper back and better than ever. He seemed healthier and... different, I guess. Traumatized maybe. That's probably why we got along at first," she started, her voice tinged with a mix of regret and confusion. "But a few months in, Leo came to pick me up at work as a surprise. He overheard us talking to a coworker about our plans to have children and went on a bit of a verbal rampage when he saw me the next day. He accused me of terrible things."

"Like?" I probed, wanting to understand the specifics of the accusations.

"Breaking them up on purpose. Sabotaging the relationship by putting bugs in Leo's ear, how this was my plan all along. He called me a lot of derogatory names and didn't stop even when management had to step in. I haven't seen him since then," Shannon confessed, the hurt evident in her voice.

"Hm, were you aware that Jasper tried to move on and Leonardo sabotaged that for ten years?" I asked, introducing a piece of information that seemed to surprise her.

"Sabotage?" Shannon echoed, clearly taken aback.

"If someone was chasing Jasper, he would find them and tell them things to make them stay away from Jasper," I explained. "He even tried it with me."

"Well... what's wrong with warning people about a bad person?" she asked, trying to justify Leo's actions.

"Shannon, Jasper did indeed go overboard, but did you ever ask what part of that was Leonardo's fault? Did you just assume it was all Jasper?" I challenged her perspective.

"Yeah, I did. I didn't agree about him lying to Jasper, but I understood feeling the need to," she admitted, her expression somber. "We had no idea what he was capable of."

"So you told him to go away and he did. Why did your husband then go sabotage Jasper moving on? Did you know about it?" I pressed, seeking clarity on her involvement or awareness.

"I had no idea, or else I would've told him to just leave Jasper alone. I hate what Jasper did, but I could tell that he wasn't a bad person, he should've been able to live peacefully after this," Shannon said.

"You're not making sense! Why would your husband do this?"

"Because he still has feelings for Jasper!" she confessed through tears. "He never lost any feelings for Jasper!"


It was clear I had touched a sore spot that had been festering for some time. I attempted to console her, but Shannon's emotions overflowed as she grappled with the realization of her situation. "Why would he marry me and have kids with me when he's still in love with Jasper?!" she cried out. "I've been nothing but the perfect wife! I've always stood by his side no matter what! I even raised the children alone while he was busy getting promoted at Titan Industries! I created a home! He told me that he loves me and only me! For what?! So I can hear Jasper's name during our sex?! So I can be consistently worried that at any moment he'll run back to Jasper?! So I can always be afraid that I'm in the way of his happiness?! I wasted all this time so I can just be abandoned?!"

Seeing her distress, I attempted to provide some assurance, albeit awkwardly. "No need to worry. Jasper and I are married and there's no way he'd take Leonardo back," I said, hoping to alleviate some of her fears, but it only made her cry harder.

"You don't get it! My husband is gay! Everyone told me and I didn't listen!" she sobbed. "I look like a fucking idiot! I have two kids and a mortgage with that motherfucker!"

Recognizing her need for a fresh start, I offered her a potential exit strategy. "If you need a change of scenery, there's no need to worry. I have an open security position at one of my companies," I said, giving her Mr. Wallace's card. "Should you choose to divorce Leonardo, and only after that, call this number for a job and relocation. Tell him I told you to call for the position and that we'll send help so you separate cleanly without the extra expenses."

Shannon looked at the card, then back at me, confusion and suspicion mingling with her anguish. "Why are you helping me? Aren't you mad at me? You're Jasper's husband, right?" she asked, seeking clarity on my motives.

"Yeah, but it looks like you and Jasper were given the short end of a bad deal by Leonardo," I lied, crafting a narrative that aligned our interests.

"That doesn't explain why you would help me, a complete stranger," she countered.

"I like to help," I tried again.


"Fine! I don't give two shits about your terrible life, but your husband is very two-faced and he works with my two-faced mother that I'd like to destroy. Anything to hinder them will make happy. I'm giving you a dream opportunity to cut all contact, divorce him and live the life you always wanted free of him," I offered bluntly. "Or just navigate this yourself, I really don't care. Just know that you have two real options and taking my offer will give you a chance to not be legally attached to your gay husband anymore."

"I can't cut all contacts with the father of my children," she whispered, a quiet admission of her torn feelings.

"Why not? He lied to you and your children, and you did all the work yourself. What part of the family is actually his? Isn't he just sponging off your hard work? Why not take the chance to find someone who isn't in love with a married man?" I smiled, presenting her with a stark choice.

While I knew manipulating the situation was morally dubious, in my view, I was offering Shannon a way out—a chance to rebuild away from the shadows of deception.

Shannon burst into tears again before nodding.