
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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167 Chs

Mr. Azure

The aftermath of the mayor's scandal unfolded spectacularly, with each major news outlet competing to reveal more sordid details. The once bustling government offices were now scenes of FBI raids, leading to arrests and charges that rocked the city to its core. The public's reaction was one of outrage and swift calls for justice, significantly shifting the political landscape overnight.

Mr. Chambers, Mr. Wallace, and Mr. Azure gathered around the television in my office, watching as news anchors detailed the latest developments with a mix of shock and glee.

"You tricky bastard. I've seen many people devote their lives to politics but I've never seen someone's approval rate drop by 80% in just a few hours," Mr. Wallace said, giving me a pat on the shoulder.

"I looked at the news when I got out of bed this morning, and it was exactly as you said," Mr. Chambers nodded in approval, his face showing a rare hint of admiration.

"I won't risk bribing the opposition; that's a waste of time. So, I brought a few reporters to the mayor's favorite dining spot and we innocently overheard their conversation," I explained with a sly grin, enjoying the simplicity yet effectiveness of my plan.

"Nonsense, this guy can't resist a chance to step on someone!" Mr. Wallace chuckled, shaking his head.

"Mr. Azure, is there any chance you have the true predictions of the elections?" Mr. Chambers turned to our guest, eager for insights only someone with his resources could provide.

"They say Damien Quinn has no chance in politics in the future," Mr. Azure said with a smirk, clearly pleased with the turmoil. "You've murdered your competition, Alex."

"Unless there's an unexpected event, Mr. Carter should win," I confirmed, allowing myself a moment to revel in the chaos I had orchestrated. This was the real game of power—subtle, deadly, and supremely satisfying.

"Alex, how about you leave the new media city construction to me?" Mr azure grinned. I guess this is where the superiors step up to take credit for my work. I'll be damned. "What's with your face? Don't like my idea?"

The energy in the room had shifted dramatically, and Mr. Azure's proposal to take over the new media city construction project didn't sit well with me. I sensed his desire to claim more than his fair share, perhaps more than he deserved. His suggestion that he handle the government subsidies while relegating my role to a mere subcontractor was almost insulting.

"What exactly do you mean leave it up to you?" Mr. Chambers interjected, sensing the tension.

"Just as I said, this means the entity signing the contract for the government subsidies would be one of mine," Mr. Azure explained. "Of course, it goes without saying Chen Construction will play a big role."

"In this case, we would subcontract?" I asked, unable to mask my irritation. The notion of 'cooperation' Mr. Azure proposed felt more like a takeover.

"In this case, it's called a cooperation," Mr. Azure corrected me with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"Except it's not, you can't be serious," I replied, my teeth clenched.

"This is too much for you to handle," Mr. Azure dismissed. "I don't joke around about business, and this could turn into a national project after all."

"But it's too hard for me?" I challenged, disbelief coloring my tone.


"Then just give me a hand. You don't need to take everything," I countered sharply.

"A hand? Have I not already given you a hand? If I don't step up, this project is going to be torn apart," Mr. Azure argued.

"Your employees are integrated with my employees; that's cooperating enough," I declared firmly, standing my ground.

"Why are the young so stubborn?" Mr. Azure sighed.

"I can say the same about you older folks," I scoffed.

"Has my help not been enough already?" Mr. Azure raised his voice slightly, his frustration evident.

"The number of companies with the Azure and Todd label gradually increases by the month, and at some point, you're only good for helping. There was really no need for you to leave your house this morning," I retorted, my words sharp and unexpected.

"Even older people like to go out when it's nice outside," Mr. Azure replied calmly, trying to regain control of the conversation.

"Are you that impatient?" I probed.

"About?" Mr. Azure played dumb.

"The moment Mr. Carter takes office, I'll push this business forward. Right now, we are the only companies I know strong enough to jump into this kind of business and survive. While I can share, there's no way you're getting the entire pie," I stated firmly, making my position clear.

"Will that go according to—"

"Are you afraid that you won't have a chance and are losing control of the protege you scouted? Isn't that why you ran here? Did I impress you that much?" I challenged, rolling my eyes.

I couldn't tell if Mr. Azure was testing me or genuinely trying to usurp control, but either way, asserting my will was paramount.

"We'll take the lead, and you can just help us," I declared decisively. "A reliable partnership is the only offer on the table."

"If you overestimate your abilities, you'll get seriously hurt," Mr. Azure warned ominously.

"Children grow up by getting hurt," I shot back with a smile.

"Are you turning me into an enemy?" Mr. Azure asked, his voice laced with caution.

"That would be stupid. We made a deal to be partners. I never agreed to be an indentured servant to anyone," I affirmed, ensuring my stance was unequivocal.

The tension in the room had been palpable, a delicate dance of power and ambition between me and Mr. Azure. His query lingered in the air, heavy with the unspoken complexities of our relationship. "You sure you won't regret this?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and challenge.

"I know the risk," I responded with unwavering conviction, aware that Mr. Carter might favor Mr. Azure's counsel over mine. "But even if I don't make a penny, I won't regret a thing. I'll fight you if I have to," I added, my smile unyielding, signaling my readiness to stand my ground.

"You're really serious," Mr. Azure observed, clearly taken aback by my determination. It wasn't every day that someone countered his seasoned maneuverings with such directness and it showed.

"Yes. I've started to look at you a bit like a father figure, but if you're going to steal everything from me, you'll understand if we don't speak for a while," I declared, laying bare the stakes of our confrontation.

Mr. Azure's glare was piercing, as if he could unsettle my resolve with his gaze alone. But as my confidence held, he relented with a smile, perhaps recognizing my sincerity or merely amused by my audacity. "That's a bit petty, even for a threat," he remarked.

"It's you who wants a protege for your empire, not me," I pointed out, emphasizing that my value in this dynamic was not to be underestimated or played with.

His chuckle then sliced through the tension, hinting at a more amicable path forward. "Just like that old man would say. Come have breakfast with me this Saturday. We'll sort it out amicably," he proposed, offering an olive branch that I was ready to consider.

"I'll see you Saturday then, hopefully, we can come to a more reasonable agreement," I agreed, nodding in acknowledgment as Mr. Azure excused himself from the room, his departure marked by an air of amused contemplation.

Mr. Chambers and Mr. Wallace exchanged looks of disbelief and concern. "Are you insane? We could've lost him!" Mr. Wallace exclaimed, his worry palpable.

"Yeah, but we didn't. I'm sure Mr. Azure and I can definitely work something out. I can't let him take away all our hard work," I assured them, my tone even but firm.

"I understand, but that was very risky. You're very lucky Mr. Azure has a playful side to him," Mr. Chambers remarked, the weight of his experience lending gravity to his words.

"Luck isn't the word. As long as I can entertain him, we should be fine," I mused aloud, though inwardly I felt a twinge of fear, akin to having stirred a sleeping giant. Jasper's advice echoed in my mind, urging caution.

Hopefully, everything will turn out okay.

By the time the workday came to a close, my patience had worn thin. Mr. Chambers and Mr. Wallace had spent the entire day hovering around me, their apprehensions about my confrontational stance with Mr. Azure casting a shadow over every conversation. Mr. Chambers, ever the mentor, took every opportunity to lecture me on managing my anger more productively, his voice filled with a mix of concern and frustration. Meanwhile, Mr. Wallace incessantly criticized my demeanor, pointing out how my blunt approach often left me isolated in our corporate circle.

Their constant critiques grated on my nerves, turning the usual buzz of the office into a nagging drone that followed me as I left for the day. I couldn't shake off the irritation as I stepped into the car where Jasper was waiting. The drive home was quiet; Jasper seemed to sense my mood and chose not to press for details. His silent understanding was a small relief, but the echo of Mr. Chambers' and Mr. Wallace's words lingered, a reminder of the tightrope I was walking in my professional relationships. As the city lights blurred past, I found myself wrestling with annoyance and a begrudging acknowledgment that perhaps they had a point.