
Alex Vs The World(BL)

Having a two-faced bitch of a family isn’t scary… what’s scary is that Alex has allowed them to have the upper hand for so long. Due to his siblings jealousy, his startup was snatched away, his parents disowned him without a word, and on top of all that, he was arrested and thrown into prison for a murder he didn’t commit. On the day of his release from prison, and borrowing a bed for the night from the overly friendly stranger, Jasper McNeil, Alex takes off to set his plans for revenge in motion. But he certainly never expected to have to learn to deal with new emotions, new people and of course, new rivals.

Sakakibara9300 · LGBT+
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167 Chs

Candid Camera

The next day, with Jasper's expertise and equipment, we meticulously set up the surveillance system, ensuring a clear connection to a table at Travis's restaurant. As we worked, there was a sense of anticipation in the air, each of us fully aware of the significance of the upcoming events.

Jasper's calm demeanor and technical proficiency reassured us that everything would proceed smoothly. With each wire and camera carefully positioned, we tested the system to ensure it was functioning flawlessly, ready to capture every moment of our carefully orchestrated plan.

Despite the gravity of the situation, there was a shared determination to see our mission through to its conclusion. We knew that the success of our plan depended on meticulous preparation and flawless execution, and we were determined to leave nothing to chance.

Once everything was in place, i took a moment to review the plan with them one last time, ensuring that everyone understood their roles and responsibilities. With a nod of agreement, we left the restaurant, ready to put our plan into action and confront whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Jasper sat in the restaurant to carry out his part in the plan, Travis and I were back at his house to wait anxiously, the minutes ticking by slowly as we attempted to pass the time. Despite our efforts at conversation, there was an underlying tension in the air, each of us acutely aware of the gravity of the situation unfolding.

We busied ourselves with mundane tasks, trying to distract ourselves from the weight of what was to come. Travis checked and double-checked the surveillance equipment, ensuring that everything was functioning as it should, while I paced around nervously, my mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead.

With each passing moment, the anticipation grew, a palpable energy that seemed to permeate the room. We exchanged nervous glances, silently willing time to move faster, eager to see the outcome of our carefully laid plans.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we received word from Jasper that Emily had arrived at the restaurant and he was ready to proceed.

I watched through the surveillance feed, my breath caught in my throat as I observed their every move. Emily seemed completely unaware of the hidden microphone and camera, her attention focused solely on Jasper as he left to fetch coffee.

As Emily eagerly fixed her appearance in a compact mirror, I couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. This was it—the beginning of the end for her.

Jasper's smooth demeanor and charming smile seemed to put Emily at ease as he returned with their coffee. She responded with a feigned expression of gratitude, her voice tinged with artificial warmth.

""I know you didn't want to be seen too much, so I decided to rent part of the restaurant just for us,"" Jasper said, his tone reassuring. ""Now that it's only us two, you don't have to be uncomfortable.""

Emily put on her best sad face, which wasn't very obvious under her surgery so her face just looked screwed up, making Travis chuckle a bit. ""I hear a lot of slander on the outside but I don't care what those people say about me! Still, it's nice to have one person on my side.""

Travis's laughter subsided, his amusement mirroring my own. Despite Emily's attempt to appear vulnerable, her intentions were transparent to me. I could see right through her facade, her manipulative tactics laid bare for all to see.

""Don't talk about that awful mess, we're here for good times,"" Jasper interjected smoothly, steering the conversation away from sensitive topics. The tension in the room grew palpable, the air thick with anticipation of the inevitable confrontation that loomed on the horizon.

""Well, I guess you're right,"" Emily blushed, her demeanor softening under Jasper's flattering words. ""How did you know I liked Hazelnut coffee? You got it just right.""

My heart pounded in my chest as I realized my oversight. I hadn't anticipated Jasper ordering her favorite drink, a detail that could potentially unravel our entire plan. Would he recognize the need to abort the mission, or was it already too late?

""Oh, I was afraid I would mess this up, so I asked around at another place you frequent. Sorry if I overstepped,"" Jasper replied, his tone apologetic as he averted his gaze. I marveled at his ability to fabricate such a convincing lie, his performance flawless in its execution.

""You don't have to apologize. If you want to know about me, just ask me,"" Emily reassured him, a warm smile gracing her lips. ""I actually thought you disliked me after you saw my brother's antics.""

""I don't dislike you. I just resent that you're still so firmly on his side. It doesn't matter what your brother did, but you've always been a good girl,"" Jasper assured her, his words dripping with sincerity. Even I found myself taken aback by his adept manipulation, wondering what made him so appealing despite his dubious intentions.

Emily's tears suddenly started to flow freely as she poured out her emotions. ""Jasper, you don't understand. Those videos... I'd seen them before and tried to make them go away! If I could, I'd get rid of my brother too!""

""Emily, I'm not trying to insult the family, but your brother is an addict and not worthy of the name. If you were threatened by him, you can tell me,"" Jasper responded, his voice filled with feigned concern. Emily seemed to buy into his act, her expression shifting from sorrow to confusion.

""What do you mean?! What do you know?!"" Emily demanded, her voice rising with agitation. Jasper visibly flinched in his seat, caught off guard by her sudden outburst. Travis and I held our breath, waiting for her to unravel the deception, but to our surprise, she didn't.

""I almost arrested your brother two nights ago,"" Jasper continued, seamlessly weaving his web of deception. ""The manager saw a bag with white powder in it, and it was confirmed that he had illicit substances on him as well as a lot of cash."" With practiced precision, Jasper slid a brown envelope across the table to Emily, its contents containing the planted placebos and marked bills.

""My brother is on drugs?"" Emily's shock was palpable, her eyes widening in disbelief.

""I wish I was wrong. I'm only telling you so you can help him,"" Jasper sighed, his tone laden with faux concern. Emily remained silent, her gaze fixed on Jasper as she processed the information. With Jasper's convincing performance and her own desire to believe the best in him, there was no reason for Emily to doubt his words.

Travis and I held our breath in anticipation as we waited for the moment of exposure. Emily's reaction was crucial, and as she covered her face in feigned distress, I smiled. ""What am I going to do!"" she exclaimed, her distress seeming genuine. ""I'm done for if my brother finds out that I know! He's the one who keeps forcing me to do things I don't want to do! I'm so scared of him! You have to help me, Jasper! I don't want to be taken down with him!""

As Jasper continued his elaborate charade, weaving a web of deceit around my sister, I couldn't help but marvel at his skill. ""Well, it's all good, Emily,"" Jasper reassured her. ""I investigated Tony and saw that he had a hand in a high-profile bribe to a few judges. I think he's behind the death of your youngest brother. The trail leads right to him.""

Emily's expression shifted, her fear giving way to confusion and suspicion. ""Are you investigating my family? Why?"" she asked, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

""I just want to do what I can to make sure you're safe,"" Jasper replied, his tone soft and sincere. ""You clearly aren't involved, so I just wanted to save you from the slander. I must've overstepped again, so just forget what I said. Ah, now it's awkward again."" With practiced finesse, Jasper put on a display of contrition, his head bowed and his demeanor meek. It was a performance worthy of an award, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for underestimating his acting skills.

As my sister accepted the envelope and slipped it into her purse, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and giddiness. ""It's okay, Jasper. Thanks for protecting me,"" Emily said, her voice soft with gratitude.

Jasper's response was smooth and charming. ""Does this mean I can still walk you to your car?"" he asked, his tone hopeful.

Emily blushed, a faint hue spreading across her cheeks, and extended her hand. Jasper took it with a smile, and together they left the restaurant, leaving Travis and me to process the whirlwind of emotions that accompanied their departure.

Travis and I exchanged a bewildered glance as we removed our headphones, the weight of what we had just witnessed sinking in. "Did we seriously just get all that on camera?" Travis asked, his voice barely above a whisper, mirroring my own disbelief.

As we replayed the conversation, the gravity of the situation settled upon us. "We did," I confirmed, still trying to process the extent of Jasper's manipulation. "He's cemented his place on our side with this and it means he's willing to do this my way." We both knew that Jasper's actions had the potential to alter the course of our revenge plan, and we couldn't afford to let our guard down.

Despite my reservations about Jasper's methods, there was still a glimmer of relief knowing that he was assisting us, albeit in his own way. As much as I despised relying on him, i couldn't deny the practicality of having an ally within my sister's circle. However, I was fully aware that Jasper's loyalty could shift at any moment, even without him knowing.

Travis's observation made me reconsider the encounter. "Did you see the way she was throwing herself at Jasper?" he scoffed. "She has no shame."

"I didn't see her doing that," I replied, puzzled. I hadn't noticed any overt flirtation.

"It's about the body language, Alex," Travis explained. "She went full damsel in distress mode. You only do that when you're trying to lock a man down. It's their weakness."


I paused, considering his words. While I didn't pick up on any overt flirtation, I couldn't deny the possibility that she was attempting to manipulate Jasper in some way. "Forget it, you don't recognize subtle things. That's why you never knew who had a crush on you in high school," Travis teased.

As Travis continued to rib me about my obliviousness, I couldn't help but wonder what other subtle cues I might be missing.

"That's not important. What is important is that Jasper comes right back here and gives us his body cam so we know that we succeeded. We're not out of the woods just yet," I asserted, steering the conversation away from Travis's nonsensical ramblings.

"Next we're going to see your brother, right?" Travis asked.

"Yeah," I confirmed, refocusing on our plan to confront my brother. It was crucial to maintain our focus and ensure that this next step of our strategy unfolded smoothly.

After a long while of waiting, Jasper knocked at Travis's door. He walked in looking a bit exhausted and annoyed as he took off his shirt to rip his wire off. 'That girl sure knows how to talk about nothing," Jasper remarked, tossing us the black box containing the video footage of my sister from his point of view. "She tried to seduce me right away. I need to disinfect."

"You hooked a really big fish," Travis commented, offering Jasper a can of soda and rubbing his shoulders.

"And she's none the wiser," Jasper sighed. "Glad it's over."

"Why are you so good at acting?" I inquired, curious about Jasper's proficiency in deception.

"I was a theater kid before I became a cop. I've also had plenty of practice as an undercover cop," Jasper explained, revealing his extensive background in undercover operations with both the military and the police force.

"Ok, G.I. Jane," Travis giggled.

"My real training came from my years as an undercover operative."

As the room fell silent, Jasper recounted tales of his undercover missions, each one more riveting than the last. He spoke of the intricate webs of deception he wove, the delicate balance between maintaining his cover and gathering crucial evidence.

It was pretty…..hot.