
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Aktion
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 50

As zodia charges up a huge amount of energy which created a storm cloud that covered the earth, he says "Come, sword of calamity" as a sword made of energy appears on his hands. Meanwhile, lady Najenda who still had her consciousness with lord Yamamoto and lady shinra laying unconscious, she is shocked to see the incredible amount of power that zodia is wielding. She is in complete disbelief as she says to herself "What kind of power is this?! Thunder cloud.... it's not just creating a thunder cloud around the continent, but the entire planet? He's doing all that with just energy?" Zodia with an overwhelming amount of energy then notices Najenda is still conscious and says "You're still conscious? Well I have to give it too you, out of all three of you, you are quite the fighter yourself. Too bad I have to kill you, guess you all weren't frauds after all." Lady Najenda then asks "How? How is it that you're so strong!! How does a threat with such power exists?!" Zodia then responds "Oh? You haven't heard of me? Well let me introduce myself. I am zodia, the God of war and chaos! The epitome of calamity in raw form!" Najenda is shocked as she thinks to herself "Zodia? The god of war? The God who wanted to end all of existence and power? I've heard of him in the legends but I never thought he was real. Wait a minute, wasn't he the one who destroyed the demon country as well as the entire continent? But I thought the spirit lord sealed him away!" Zodia then tells her "I see you have figured it out already. I was sealed away about sixteen years ago, but that doesn't matter now. What matters is the fact that the world would meet its demise right here and now!" He points his sword of calamity to the sky, turning the thunder cloud into a giant magic circle, this leaves lady Najenda in shock. Zodia then explains "I am going to destroy half of this planet with this singular attack, and I'm going to launch this same attack again, just because I can." The magic circle then starts to charge up a huge amount of energy, zodia then calls out "Divine technique:Gods punishment" the huge amount of energy then drops on the entire planet as it was able to cause a huge explosion that shooked the entire planet, not only that but the attack created a huge thunderstorm that affected the entire earth. Mountains were eviscerated to the ground, wastelands were wiped out, cities and countries were being obliterated, buildings were crumbling. Kinto along with everyone else on the planet were shocked and had nothing but terror crawling through their spine with the destruction around them. Kinto who was badly injured was so shocked along side with rin who was treating his wounds that they began to ask themselves "What the fuck just happened? An explosion? But from where? What the hell is going on right now?" Even diablo who was in the reality sealer felt the shockwaves, he then says "So it has begun huh. Dang, with the way things are, I might intervain." After the thunderstorm clears off along with the smoke the attack made with the explosion, zodia is in the air as he says to himself "My sword of calamity gives me access to seventy percent of my power, since I only have fifty percent of my power, I guess that's reasonable" he then looks down and see's that lord Yamamoto was able to create a huge wall of metal to block the attack from hitting them. The metal wall was as good as melted due to the attack, zodia then complements him by saying "You were able to block my attack? Impressive!" Zodia's expression then changes to that of seriousness as he says "However, what are you going to do about the second one?" The giant magical circle then starts to charge up the Same attack again. Lady Najenda who was in complete terror then says "If he lands it for the second time, he'll break the earth into pieces!" As the attack launches down to them, alex flies straight from the sky as a red beam of light and kicks the attack away. Lady Najenda opens her eyes as she see's Alex with glowing red hair, a cloak made out of red energy and white shining clothing made of bright energy. As soon as zodia see's alex, he see's kazuma the spirit lord in him. He then grins in excitement and asks himself "Well, well. What do we have here!?" Ukina then communicates too zodia telepathicaly as she says "Lord zodia, the millennia stones are ready. You need them in order to gain your full powers again." Zodia then tells her "Why dont we wait a little longer, I find this boy really interesting. I want to see what he can do, then I'll move to my main objective." Alex then looks behind him and see's lady shinra, lord Yamamoto and lady Najenda with injuries. Lady Najenda was in shock as she says "You're the boy from the city! The one who took down kuro!" Alex then smiles as he responds saying "And you must be the lord of the lightning country. Well we dont have time to talk", he opens up a portal with a small device and tells her to get in and go to their countries while he takes care of the situation. Lady Najenda caries lord Yamamoto and lady shinra on her back as she enters the portal. After the portal closes, alex eyes seemed to be filled with bloodlust as he turns to zodia who was floating on the sky. Alex then gets annoyed as he creates two giant balls of lava and yells out "You! You bastard!" which caused a huge amount of demonic energy to burst out of his body. Zodia just smiles as says "Give me a good fight, will you?"