

Alessia a very clear and beautiful girl who lost her parents on their way to Kenya after being left with her aunt.Despite the pain of being an orphan, she has to face alot of challenges with her ruthless cousin and uncle who rapes her in the presence of the maid ..... *Incase you are interested in knowing more please keep in touch with me to the end*

Bernard_Edema · Teenager
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11 Chs

CHAPTER ONE: Alessia's parents leave for Nairobi.


l was in my room as usual trying to chat with some of my friends on WhatsApp when suddenly l had my mom's foot steps approaching my room.l quickly placed my phone aside and entered into my blanket.l was trying to dodge the chores that she might have placed for me today.So l pretended that I was sleeping.

Then l had my bedroom door open.l guessed right.It was mom.

' Alessia, please wake up and follow me down stairs.' my mom tapped me .

' But mom there is still time can't we discuss it later on today.' l groaned.

' Alessia,l understand.It is important that you follow me down stairs.' said mom as she left my room.

l slangily followed her downstairs but to my surprise l found my aunt that l very much hated downstairs she was also waiting for me .It was my Aunt Elvy. She was a fat short pale looking woman.My hatred towards her increased by a look at her appearance. To come to think of it ,l had no history towards my hatred for aunt Elvy .I too wondered why l hated her that much.Maybe it was just a

natural grange.

'Hi, Alessia.How is the going.?' asked Aunt Elvy

' Am good Aunt Elvy.'l replied trying my level to give her a smile.

'Alessia please take your seat' said mom

I took my seat as mom had asked me to

'Alessia,l and your dad received a very important call from Nairobi and we are required to be there by tomorrow.We thought it would be great if you stayed with your Aunt Elvy for the mean time.You will be moving to her house tomorrow. We aren't sure of our return.' lt was mom talking trying to surmurize everything she wanted to tell me.

l was now lost in thought.' Oh my,l can't even stand looking at Aunt Elvy's face for a long time.What if mom and dad come back after a month or two or even a year.

'Alessia, Alessia' my mom called.

' Y - Y - Yes mom '

'Alessia are you alright with our decision'

l was just a bout to say that I didn't like their decision.l just don't know what came over me and I agreed with their decision.

'Its good that you have agreed with this decision.l promise you won't regret it . l will treat you just as l treat my kids ' said aunt Elvy who kept on making promises for hours.

' Alessia please trust me.Aunt Elvy isn't a bad person.'

That day was quite tiring.There were lots of things to be done here and there .l was needed in all corners of the house.Despite all that , it turned out to be one of the best days of my life coz my mum finally got me the new phone l pleaded for almost two years. The day ended. l woke up the next morning only to find a shit of paper laying at the side of my bed. l was not in the mood of reading anything that morning so I picked up the shit of paper and placed it in my cross bag. l had my shower dressed up and moved down stairs only to find that Aunt Elvy had already organized the breakfast. l had my breakfast and prepared to leave for Aunt Elvy's house . When we reached Aunt Elvy's house ,We found Raphael and Nicole Playing football. Raphael warmly welcomed me while Nicole Continued with what she was doing as if she wasn't aware of my presence. Rapheal was different from the others.He was handsome not perhaps in the conventional sense but he had that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd.His eyes were as deep and expressive where you could get lost if you stared long enough.His face had that faraway look in it which could not be described in words.His smile which reached up his eyes and wrinked them flaunted his modesty and humility.

'Nicole aren't you going to welcome Alessia.' asked Aunt Elvy who was now getting impatient with Nicole's behavior.

'Opps, Alessia l didn't see you coming but thanks.'

' For what, Nicole.' l asked trying to act innocent.'

' Oh Please Alessia, Don't act so innocent.Fine let me tell you . Your presence will bring alot of drama in this house.'Nicole said with a smack on her face.

' Alessia , don't mind her .Let's move inside.' said aunt Elvy.

l didn't take Nicole's words into heart coz l was getting used to her behavior right from school .l hated Nicole just as much as l hated Aunt Elvy.We weren't getting along even at school. We moved into the house but I wasn't my self.Not because the house was bad nor was my room.l just felt as if something bad had happened to my mom and dad.l went to my room but to my surprise Aunt Elvy had already organized it for me and she was standing at my window thinking about something.l silently walked into my room In a way that she couldn't get interrupted but she quickly noticed my arrival and walked to me.