
Alchemy System: The Ancient One's True Descendant

Nick was a loser. Born as a farmer's son where he learned to cultivate crops and herbs. At age 10, his father died and his mother shortly took her life in depression. Without any family, friends, or source of income, Nick had to venture out on his own. His first stop was the main city, Valeria, where he tried to join the Adventurer's Guild, however, the guild rejected him since he didn't know any combat skills and only knew how to farm. Depressed, Nick was sitting in front of the adventurers guild, when an alchemist offered to take the young boy in. Read on to see how Nick gets his alchemy system and advances to becoming the most powerful and influential mortal in the world.

N_D_L · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Black Flame!! Legendary Soul Dew?

After looking at my stats I asked, "When do I know I can activate my flame?"

She was still looking at me in worry since it looked like I nearly exploded.

AN: I think I said this in the explanation in chapter 1 but only Nick has a status screen, everyone else goes based on feeling.

"ehhhhh... well, when you feel you have enough mana in your body you hold your hand out like I did before and you kinda go like 'errrr and weeee and eeeeeek' in your body and boom fire in your hand."

I look at her in shock... this is the director of the alchemy academy... 'errr, weeee, eeeeeeek....'

I then held my hand up and instead of 'errrr and weeee and eeeeeek' I thought of holding fire in my hand and all of a sudden I felt my mana run down from my head and over to my hand and FFFFFFFF (flame sounds) a black flame materialized in my hand.

Terri fell down onto the ground. "I have never seen a black flame before in my 782 years of living..."

As I was holding the fire, I looked shocked... 782 years of living??

"Terri, you said 782 years of living???"

She nodded, then pulled her black hair back showing elf ears. "I am a High Elf"

Again I was shocked... she didn't look old at all, she looked like 5-6 years younger than my mom who was 33 before she died.

"Hey... Nick can you try preforming alchemy again with your fire?"

I nod and ask, "What shall we make?"

She turned around saying, "If this is the fire I think it is, let's try this..." She turned around and ran to a closet digging through heaps of books. She pulled out a rather small book made up of torn old looking paper, the title read 'The Fable Tales of Pill Making', she flipped through the pages till she saw Legendary Soul Dew, instantly upon seeing the page per usual a message came up saying I learned the recipe, I took a look:

[Status] (noble)

Nick Lortin

Title(s): Holder of the 100% Alchemy System, Son of Master Alchemist Terri

Job: Alchemist Master+

Class: [none]

HP: 5

MP: 110

SP: 11

STR: 2

P-DEF: 1

M-DEF: 11

Power: 1

Soul: 11


[Guidance of Master Alchemist] - Produce double the amount of any concoction you make. If you use 1 set of materials you get double the output, so on etc...

[Photographic Memory] - Do I really need to explain this?

[100% Success Rate] - When preforming Alchemy you will always have 100% of succeeding. Others don't... Lower Relms [Tier 1 Alchemist: 5% of success Tier 2: 7%], Mid Relms (break through required by normal people) [Tier 3: 22%, Tier 4: 30%, Tier 5: 40%], High Relms [Tier 6: 50%, Tier 7: 55%], and finally the Master Relm (top of the top alchemists) [Tier 8: 70%]


[Immortal Undying Flame] - The perfect flame for Alchemy, you do not need to worry about temperature, all you need to do is throw your ingredients into the fire and let the fire do the rest. Never need to roll your own pills, the fire does everything! Mana: 1/sec, cooldown: 0


{Basic Soul Pill (ungraded to basic)(Market price: 5G/1 pill): Soul Water, Spirit Grass. Burn the Spirit Grass till the grass becomes ash add Soul Water, mix the two together and while it cools form them into balls.}

{HighTier Recovery Elixir Grade 6 (market cost: 500-700G or 5-7 Soul Stones (SS) ) : Firemoss, gillyweed, 20 year old ginseng, juice from the tree of life. Burn the Firemoss and gillyweed at 370 degrees F, maintain the heat and slowly add in the ginseng creating an ashy mush. Bring the juice from the tree of life to a boil and slowly add the ash mush in, stir till solution becomes ruby red and take off heat.}

{Legendary Soul Dew (upgradable-Myth)(market cost: ???G or 999,999,999,999 SS): Soul Water made of High Elf Blood, Golden Spirit Grass, Diamond powder, Blood of a virgin, SSS tier monster core, Ear of an High Elf, Crushed stick of yggdrasill, holy water of the church, 1,000 year old crimson gold ginseng, powder orchium. Can only be made with the immortal undying flame}


We both look at the ingredients and I said, "Maybe we try something else... this seems well... pretty crazy?"

She looked at me then at my flame which was still going. "Put away your flame, we will attempt to make this pill tonight."

I absorb the flame back into my hand and followed the running Terri who went into her storage room.

Here we go, {diamond powder}... {stick of Yggdrasill}... she kept digging and eventually pulled out {1,000 year old crimson gold ginseng}.

She dashed back to the caldron and laid the items out. She grabbed the branch and started slamming it against the table breaking it into many pieces.

Man was she going crazy I thought. Just wait though I was wrong it gets way worse...

She grabbed my hand and pulled me along, we went to her friend a dwarvin black smith, without saying hi or anything she ran to his back room and grabbed a small glowing rock, she then dashed out screaming I'll explain later. "{orchium} check... what else... She pulled the book out of a storage ring, and saw {holy water} and {SSS monster core}." She grabbed a beaker from her storage ring and we ran to the church... a prayer was going on when we barged in... I was looking down at the ground embarrassed, where Terri on the other hand took her beaker to behind the priest scooped up some water turned to the priest and patted his head and we dashed out.

Last was the {sss monster core}, she only knew of one person who could have it... I could barely hold on after all that running, she looked back at me and saw that I was about to faint from exhaustion. She turned and picked me up like a princess and dashed to the adventurers guild.

As we barged in everyone looked and while some people bowed knowing who she was, she ran up the stairs to the Guild Master's office and while the Guild Master was in a meeting rushed in snatching the {SSS monster core} from his desk and again we dashed out like bandits. As she was running all I can hear is "TTTTTEEEERRRRRIIII!!!!!!" presumably from the Guild Master.

Before I knew it we were back in workshop. She crushed up the {orchium} using a magic blacksmithing hammer... again something she swooped from the dwarf while he took the {orchium}.

Now all that was left was the soul water made up of high elf blood, high elf ear, and virgin blood.

Without hesitation she slit her wrist causing a flood of blood to pour out into a bucket. When the bucket was about half full, she nearly fell from loss of blood, but ran over to the storage and got {Soul Water} she then mixed the two till they were light red.

I knew we created {Soul Water made of High Elf Blood} because I instantly got notified I learnt a new recipe.

She then pulled back her hair and shook in fear about to cut her ear off... She paused and stopped. She then looked down with tears in her eyes and said, "For us elves and high elves, our ears are the most important thing to us... I can't do it..."

She then turned to me with her eyes red and tears rolling down her face and with knife in hand, flipped the knife handle towards me. "I can't do it, it will bring dishonor to me and my family, but you... you can!"

I looked at her in panic..."I...I... can't... I am your son now! If I do this wouldn't I not only be shamed for doing this to you, but also bring dishonor for our family name?"

She looked down thinking with tears still rolling down her face... "ok...", she pulled out another knife, while placing the other one in my hand.

"This is how we will do it ok... yyyou have the knife by my ear ok... I... I will have this knife by your wrist, we both cut at the same time."

I was now studdering, "wwwhy why ammmmm I I I being cutttt?"

She looked me in the eyes and then slowly looked down my body, then said, "You're a 10 year old boy right? You are a virgin right?"

I looked at her in confusion, then looked where she was looking...

I then asked, "Whaaaatttt's a v.v.virgin?" (remember stuttering lol)

Her tears finally stopped when I said that, and the panic environment that we were just in turned into laughter.

She then held my knife filled hand near her right ear as her hand was on my left arm holding the knife.

phewwww she left out a breath of air




"2..." swoop... her ear fell onto the table...

I shouted, "WHAT HAPPENED TO 1!!!!" The bucket under my arm was filling up fast, she used a paste and slapped it on my arm and the hole where her ear was.

She told me to bring my flame out... I did what she asked and right away she started throwing everything into the flame in my hand watching it vanish into thin air.

The last item was her ear, she threw it into the fire in my hand, and shhhhinnngggg (if brightness could make a sound lol)

not 1, not 2, but 3 {Legendary Soul Dew} pills were in my hand... We both looked at the 3 large pills in my hand then at each other.

She jumped with joy, then asked me, "Can I have a pill?"

I looked at her in the eyes and squinted... "What do you think? This is your ear in my hand practically..."

She wasn't frowning or smiling, but nodded and took one pill. I put one pill in my mouth and put the other pill on the table.

Suddenly both Terri's body and mine were steaming like before.... I suddenly felt pain in my head and my arm where Terri cut. I fell to my knees grabbing my head with both hands and fell forward. My eyes dimmed out, but all I could see before fading out of consciousness was Terri grabbing the area where her ear was and screaming in pain.

ugh... anyone? I can see the views... no one's gonna leave me a review? :(

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