
Alchemist lament

“Your going to make me stronger by fighting?” “I’ll be able to block bullets with my bare body?” “Ok I’ll take any training.” “I was wrong I’m sorry please let me run away.” Our Mc is not some kind hero he does what he feels like when he feels like whether that’s good or bad. Also I’ll be releasing two chapter a week or maybe three depends on how I feel

Daoist75 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: The Blood Leaf

"That woman. One day I'm gonna beat her more than she ever beat me." Said Zale as soon as he opened his eyes. He knew his master wasn't around, after developing his reflexes and senses through his training he had almost like a sixth sense that can detect things nearby.

He definitely felt bloodlust when he called his master a fatso, he got beat up a lot that day.

He sat up, he was in some part of the jungle somewhere. On a Tree nearby was the holding bag and he had a backpack on his back in the backpack was a note along with a weeks worth of dried fruit and meat, along with a pocket knife.

The note stated: there are monsters all over this island you can kill these ones with your bare hands. Collect the body's of the monsters you kill and when its full come back, by then you should be able to know the terrain so find you way back here then. Have fun. P.S. don't attack any wolves they're under onyx's command. P.P.S. don't come back till the holding bag is full.

Zale crumpled up the note and threw it in his backpack.

He finally had some free time, Ajax never gave him any free time he knew almost nothing about this island or her but the training remade him he trust Ajax now.

He tied the holding bag around his belt and checked his surroundings, the trees here were huge and Zale fought against Ajax in them more than once. And through that became comfortable in the trees here.

He started to sprint towards the tree, grabbed ahold of a thick vine while running and ran around the tree going up and up while wrapping the vine around the tree while climbing after he ran out of vine to run with he grabbed ahold of the bark and started to climb up it, which shouldn't be possible for a regular human but for Zale it was nothing. When he got near the top of the tree he jumped backwards, and grabbed ahold of a limb and stood up on it to get a better view of his surroundings.

The island was huge, zale couldn't see the end of either side of the island, he wasn't even sure it was an island anymore.

They were mountains that looked like they were former volcanoes. Zale decided to go to one of those closer mountains. And thats where would set up his camp.

After getting a good look at his surroundings he then proceeded to jump off the limb he was sitting on.

Zale carefully fell towards the ground, when he came to last part of the vine, he wrapped around the tree, he grabbed ahold of it to pull it loose and started swinging with the vine and yelling like Tarzan and sliding down the vine all the while wing away from the tree.

As he reached as far as the vine could go, he then let go and flew towards a smaller tree and slammed into the top of it.

It made the fall a lot softer when compared to if he just slammed into the ground.

He jumped off the tree and started jogging towards the closest mountain he saw.

He continued to jog for around 2 hours before and he felt something coming towards him.

He could almost see it the bloodlust it was like red wind in the air and it made him feel sick to his stomach.

His surroundings are still in the jungle so he jumped to the top of a small tree to hide and wait for whatever was coming.

Zale nearly screamed when he saw it.

A huge spider, near the size of a Great Dane. All of its eyes were red and it seemed to be hungry, it was foaming at its mouth and searching all around. Is it sniffing for me? Zale wondered.

Zale was just about to jump to another tree before he realized that almost all the trees were covered in web he couldn't get out of here without going on the ground.

He grabbed ahold of the tree trunk and slowly brung himself down to the ground, and barley made any noise ,almost impossible to hear.

He walked swiftly away from the spider using all his strength to make sure he remained quiet.

As he was nearing the edge of its web in the tree's, he felt the bloodlust being directed straight towards him. His body reflexively dodged to the side and just in time because the spider went flying past where his head just was.

Zale could probably outrun this but he didn't want to.

Something that his master said was great about him was his smile when they fought, it terrified people. She said "people if they think no matter what they do it doesn't hurt you and smiling does that to them." Zale didn't realize it most of the time but he enjoyed fighting, and thats what made him smile.

The spider hit the ground and recovered almost instantly, it turned towards Zale and raised the back half of its grotesque body at him. Web? Zale wondered.

And he was right, web shot towards him like an arrow, Zale reflexively leaned just slightly to the right and it missed him my centimeters, at speed that most people couldn't follow, Zale picked up a small branch laying on the ground and sung it into the web to start twisting it around the branch, so he could drag the spider towards him.

The spider was not as dumb as he thought instead of pulling away it charged at him and used the we to pull itself towards him.

Zale wanting to test how hard its shell was met it head on, pushing his fists into its head right above its fangs. Its head is softer than Master's cheek. Zale thought.

His fist went through its head, but instead of dying it wrapped its legs around zale and tried to bite him with all the fangs in had left, Zale picked up the body that was as light as a pillow to him and swung it towards the ground, bug juice splattered everywhere, "Ewww, thats nasty." Zale said.

Zale got ready to jump out of all the slime but right before he jump he saw something shining in the sun. He reached down, trying not to barf as he picked it up and slung the slime off. A purple crystal, almost like an amethyst but more pure the inside seemed hollow because there was a small light inside of it rolling and twisting around it was almost like a ball of sun.

Zale grabbed the leather sack on his belt loop and dropped it down inside of it, it seemed to disappear, the bag was still flat and didn't weigh more than before.

Even if she said to bring the bodies back, there is no way I'm going to touch this, zale thought.

Zale left the body there and continued towards the mountain, thinking the entire way.

That was definitely a monster, but it was really weak you wouldn't think it would be but its face was a lot softer than master's face.

I guess I didn't give it anytime to use alchemy and its shell was soft, other monsters are probably stronger. By this time zale was almost to the mountain he chose to stay at.

As he climbed up the mountain he saw multiple caves that he can live in for now, one of them has a stream of water outside of it.

Zale wanted to check his surroundings first, so he climbed up to the top of the mountain, by this time the sun was setting. The sun was blood red with purple/pink coloring sky around it.

"Beautiful" zale said. Zale finally got a look at the surrounding on this island, and it was huge.

It was probably 30+ miles on all sides except where he's at, he was near the edge and close to the beach.

While zale was taking everything in he felt something brush up against his leg.

Zale knew there was nothing that could sneak up on him without being a monster, and he reflexively kicked towards it. right after, he heard a yelp as he saw the thing he kicked, go flying through the air. "Ah whoops." Zale said out loud then he bolted, and caught it before it hit the ground.

He could feel its fur so he knew it was an animal, probably.

It was a wolf, it was even smaller than a regular wolf. And seemed kind of pathetic compared to onyx. But zale could tell by looking at it that it was intelligent and it was able to touch him without him hearing it.

Zale wanting him. " did onyx send you?" Even though it didn't answer, it seemed like it knew who he was talking about.

zale started to set him down, when he yelped again and zale realized that he had broken the wolf's leg. Zale decided he would nurse it back to health, before zale started to go back down the Mountain he realized the wolf had a small bag wrapped around its neck, "I'll look at that after we get back to the cave. Sorry for kicking you, it was reflexively. And I'll take care of you till you're better. I wonder if I'm talking to myself or you can understand me?" The wolf looked at him like he was a retard.

As he was jogging down the mountain the mountain the wolf in his arm's bit his hand, but it didn't hurt, he felt the force but no pain. " what are you doing ?" Zale asked.

The wolf nodded his head towards a blood red plant, with a beautiful red flower. "you want me to get that ?" the wolf nodded.

Zale walked towards the flower, when he reached for it, the wolf growled. Zale looked at it curiously, the wolf moved its nose towards the leather bag on my waist. He lifted the wolf up in the air with one hand and untied the bag with the other.

Zale handed the wolf his bag and it used it to cover his pawl, then take he took it off, and nodded towards the flower. "Ah I see."

Zale set the wolf down, then continued toward's the flower. He grabbed the bag and stretched to the flower, careful not to touch it, he slowly put the bag over it.

After he got it down to the bottom of the plant he looked to the wolf for guidance.

The wolf looked at him like he was an idiot. "Don't blame me, blame my master. She was the one that just beat me up instead of teaching me anything." The wolf raised its unbroken paw and made what looked like a scissors closing. "Ahh like this?" Zale grabbed two leaves and put between his index and middle finger and snapped it off at the base of the plant, then used the bag to put the rest of the plant inside the bag.

Zale looked towards the wolf triumphantly but he had his jaw nearly touching the ground, and his eyes wide, the wolf nodded towards his hand the had the leaves on it "whats wron-AAAAHH. WHAT IS THAT?" Zale asked while looking at the leaves on his hand. the leaves he touched to the plant turned red and started growing, it covered his entire right hand, and continued up to his elbow but stopped just short of going over the joint.

Zale looked at the wolf. And its eyes were the size of boulder, it started scratching at the bag around its neck.

He ran faster than humanly passible, and reached the bag.

He opened it up swiftly not frantic but still swiftly. Two letters dumped on the ground and one pencil. Zale ripped open the first one and all it was, was a blank piece of paper. "Not the time for your games master." Zale tore open the second one and it had a short note.

"Yo, onyx sent a wolf to help you, you can keep him if you want. Also I sent another blank letter so you can write on

it and I'll see what it says and write back on the other side, but it only works once so be careful when you use it."

Zale picked up the blank paper, and the pen up off the ground.

"Hey master, I just so happened to pick a poisonous plant that was red with a flower on top of it, I picked it with two

Leaves between my fingers so they wouldn't touch it and the leaves turned red, then started growing up my right arm

but stopped at my elbow."

She wrote back almost instantly.

"I know you can't write back, and you don't need to worry, I'll explain it when you get back, also don't touch anymore

plants. If even an inch of you're would have touched that while it was raw you would have got sick, it wouldn't have killed you but

It would have been bad. i'll tell you how to fix that plant since you must have got it for a reason.

First I'm going to send you a bowl take the flower and grab it by the petals withe the hand thats covered in the red leaf.

And use the spoon I'm going to send you to scoop out the middle into the bowl. Then take the knife to cut it into four centimeter

Bits, put then into the bowl. Then take the roots, and don't worry they are not poisonous, and chew them up until they are ground

Up then put them into the bowl. After you mix them, then add the four centimeter bits of stalk. Mix them together for nine turns clockwise,

Then four turn counter-clockwise. Let it set over night and it should be done by morning.

You got some crazy luck y'know?"

The letter ended there. Zale's heart calmed down after he read the note. Zale went back to where the plant was and dug up the root, then put it in the holding bag.

The leaf covering his arm was weird, he could still feel texture of the dirt but his arm strength was increased.

Zale was careful not to tear the paper that had the instructions on it as he picked up the wolf.

Zale started jogging towards the cave beside the water. As he was jogging, Zale looked at the wolf and asked " do you have a name?"

He shook his head. "Well I'm going to give you one." Zale was think before he started trying name.

"Fluffy?" fluffy bit his hand and growled.

"Blacky?" Blacky bit his Hand and growled.

"Donkey?" Donkey bit his hand and growled.

"Okay, okay, how about Erebus? It's a greek god of darkness's name"

The wolf turned his head to the side and nodded. Then Zale said "Good, though I still prefer fluffy." *sigh* "you know you don't have to bite because I want your name to be fluffy Erebus the second."