
Alan: Tale of Origin Blood

A story of a boy, who tried to find his origins. A tale of worlds giving him more questions than answers. And a path of life that sneered at it. Current world: Witcher. Note: I own only characters and events of my own creation. It is a fan-fic story of HP/Witcher worlds. Chapters mostly 1,5k+. . . . Some facts about MC that confuse people: 1) He is a kid. A real kid and not an adult in child body how someone might think. But he has knowledge about some things. To understand what it all means read auxiliary chapter, Eternal Mind awakening explanation. 2) Amalgal is an AI. He is a program that is strictly regulated by his own creators and thus he is not some helping grandpa. He can't do much. To learn more read auxiliary chapter under category Amalgal.

Greymark · Bücher und Literatur
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181 Chs

Unique Gift

After several days Selena came back from the Ministry in a sour mood. Now dressed up and washed, Alan found out from her what happened. That organization had become corrupt and inept long ago. It will be too much to expect them to correct such a serious matter without a proper pressure and excuse.

They have neither.

So Alan was patient. He will clear the names of his parents and get rid of Percival personally one day.

"Well, my home is a bit of a mess, but you can use whatever you can find." - Selena was running around in awkwardness while tidying up any garbage that landed in her view using magic.

"It is fine." - Alan didn't mind. After a cold single cell and rough stone to meditate on, a small flat in the middle of London with lots of different magic things was like heaven. He liked the place very much. - "I cooked supper for us, let us go eat."

"Oh..." - she stopped her inner monologue and went to the kitchen where her nose already felt something aside from fast food and fried eggs.

"I don't know what you like so I made some salad and grilled fish. I hope you like it." - Alan offered her a seat and sat too. - "Have a nice meal."

Selena never thought that one day, after coming home, a proper meal will wait for her. But here it is. And who cooked it was a boy they saved recently.

"I don't want to go back to Ministry. Better find some other work." - she marveled a little over dishes with slight incredulity deep within her gaze and took a fork, trying it. It was commendable for a boy to manage cooking dishes so well. They turned out to be very good.

"Why not teach?" - asked Alan with a position in mind. If it goes well, the plot of the original Harry Potter will change with flying colors. On one hand, it is a certain risk, but on another – why Alan should care and fear the unknown? It is not like Harry Potter himself did much. There always was someone to wipe his ass and clean up after his "heroic" acts. Snape, Sirius, Dumbledore, Order of Phoenix. Even Cedric while still being a student.

So even if some things went unconventional, there will be smart wizards to adjust it properly. Let the plotters plot and do the menial work. Let alone... Alan highly doubted Voldemort being the deadliest threat. Actually, his way of running around and screaming about supremacy is childish. There must be smarter and more elaborate forces at play in this world that do things very comprehensively.

As far as Voldemort was mentioned, Alan believed that his true aim was never authority, fame, or ruling rights. It was immortality. That useless man was so afraid of death and full of himself thinking a wizard like him deserved to be eternal, that he went insane.

Amalgal sighed inside, witnessing the thought process of a boy. He thought whether he should say it, but opted not to reveal some things for now. Later, when he is older and can at least cope with a part of the danger involved.

He already imagined how Alan will react, knowing that he cannot ever come back here, or risk the destruction of the world. It is not about power, but about bloodline. He never belonged here in the first place.

He himself knew very little about the world outside and needed to gather information. However, some crucial pivot points in history were not hidden from him and one of them is the true origin of Deathly Hollows. Paired with the true identity of the creature that posed as Death.

"Teach?" - Selena looked interested, but it ruined her refined image with the way she devoured food from the table. Alan just watched it with a slight smile, but inside he wondered whether his mother will make the same face while tasting what he cooked.

Not like he can even remember her face.

"Of course. In Hogwarts there is always a problem with a qualified teacher for DADA. You are not regular auror, but from one of the secret teams. And an assault position in it at that. Who if not you?" - Alan said with all certainty.

"Well, Alan, you really gave me peace of mind, but I want to know one thing. How do you know all these things?" - she asked with narrowing eyes. Not that she suspected him about something, but she wanted to know. It was the auror curiosity at play.

"You know where I was. And most of the time guards overlook my existence. I heard many things. Many of them learned magic in Hogwarts."

"Accurate enough." - she felt bad for asking. - "Sorry, it is my habit as an auror. You don't have to answer next time. As for your suggestion, let us wait until you go to school."

Selena was a very mild and compassionate woman at heart, but work made her rough and strict on the edges. Not a terrible trait if you ask about it.

Time went by. His training was progressing, and control over mana went up with a tremendous rate of improvement. He learned several charms and spells, however, only a fraction of them can be cast wandless which ultimately means no gesture involved. The next level is a complete mind spell casting in a non-verbal way.

He found it hard to cast spells without a wand, but never tried to make it all the way. For him, it was enough of a commotion caused inside the Delacour residence. Ministry of magic in France was stopped only because of many witnesses and insistence from Monsieur and Apolline themselves. If he tried to finish spells here even without a wand, there is no guarantee that he won't be sacked as a juvenile offender of the law.

Still, by the age of eleven, he already learned dozens of spells thoroughly.

His Eternal Mind was a true blessing. However, he found spells of nowadays wizard society easy to understand and train. Unlike Isu magic.

Most of his time he tried to create a similar spell but with Isu language. However, he quickly figured that without actual practice that is a no go.

On the other note, now and then he will visit Delacour house. At first, he did it out of Selena's insistence and with her traveling with him through the fireplace. But somehow he grew close to the little mischievous lass Fleur, who was an adventurous hot-head instead of some refined lady from France.

After years of communication they really became friends, but this time they both will enroll inside respective schools, thus promising to keep in touch through owl mails.

"Unbelievable." - Selena looked at the measuring stone.

"What?" - in front of her, Alan stood firm and rather tall. He was very well developed for his age in terms of body and had this wise and steady look in his platinum-gold eyes. Overall, give him three to four years and he will become a charming youth.

"Your level of mana depth is very thorough, on the level of graduates." - that was something new. Seeing his puzzled look, Selena smiled. - "Magic is a path of constant experiments and knowledge research. The more you know, the more powerful you become, but it is not only about strong spells. More than that, it is about a more potent mana of higher depth and development of one's source of magic within. It is a gradual process that not only will increase magic output and amount of spells you can use without facing magic dryness but the very quality of it. One day you will feel it. Approaching Permission. And if you get it, you will step into a completely different realm of wizardry. One Permission wizards had mana of double the power compared to the ones who never underwent one. Also, they experience Baptism after gaining Permission, which will enhance one's mana channels and enlarge source reservoir multiple times."

"Wow... I never knew. Then how many realms are there in total?"

"Known? Four. For example, it is very good for a student to be at your level even in 5th or even 6th year. Mainly the aim of education in any academy will be to gain your peak after receiving first Permission by the end of 7th year and create your own path of magic. Path of magic means you know what type of magic you will do later in your carrier, it doesn't mean to create new magic or spells, but some gifted historical figures did just that. The level of regular auror is two Permissions, as for special team like me – peak condition of second or starting steps of third with signature spells and abilities as a must. Well before you ask it, Dumbledore is a fourth Permission mage as well and Grindelwald and You-Know-Who. As for the fifth – it is just a legend and the only rumored wizard in history who got there was Merlin. As for whether there are higher Permissions and what they bring – that is a question." - Selena clapped her hands and stood up. - "So, you are finally going to school, huh. Let's go, we need to buy all the things needed for your first year. And I have a gift for you."

She went to the corner and took out a bag. Alan looked perplexed.

"I'm sorry for my negligence before. And you seem to have forgotten your own birthday." - Alan's eyes went wide with astonishment.

"It... it's not like I forget it's just... do I deserve this?"

"Where did this come from, Alan?" - Selena asked with a strict voice. - "You better stop it or I will be angry. Don't even try to lift the weight of an adult with your child's capabilities! There are some things you couldn't have done!"

"I..." - he hanged his head down. He remembered the death of his parents and how he killed Silver with his own hands. Looking at his palms, they seem to be dirty and reek of blood. Perhaps Selena is right. - "I'll think about it."

"Well, just take it and wear whenever you feel lonely. But with so many students of your age and pretty girls, I bet you will be very occupied. Oh, perhaps you will miss certain someone he-he. I doubt there you can find many charming girls like her."

"Selena!" - Alan rolled his eyes.

'That is some serious crime, you know. We are too young!'

Inside the gift bag, he found a scarf. But with his unique vision, he was astonished by what he saw.