
Alan: Tale of Origin Blood

A story of a boy, who tried to find his origins. A tale of worlds giving him more questions than answers. And a path of life that sneered at it. Current world: Witcher. Note: I own only characters and events of my own creation. It is a fan-fic story of HP/Witcher worlds. Chapters mostly 1,5k+. . . . Some facts about MC that confuse people: 1) He is a kid. A real kid and not an adult in child body how someone might think. But he has knowledge about some things. To understand what it all means read auxiliary chapter, Eternal Mind awakening explanation. 2) Amalgal is an AI. He is a program that is strictly regulated by his own creators and thus he is not some helping grandpa. He can't do much. To learn more read auxiliary chapter under category Amalgal.

Greymark · Bücher und Literatur
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181 Chs


Meanwhile inside the Room of Requirement, Alan sat in it's center with several runic circles floating around him. They were created by Amal to amass huge amount of free mana for him to consume during the process.

Three things were essential for a perfect undergoing of permission.

First known as the cornerstone of all – personal knowledge. The more one knows the more the world will react to the being he or she is in it's quintessential dimension. The theory about it is very complex, yet it never failed. That's why having deep understanding of origin of magic is needed to receive a boost of power. The more fundamental the knowledge the higher the boost will be.

In that aspect Alan was one of the rare mages who really received lucky ticket in life, as Isu were a race of origin mana users and can be termed to be one of the most knowledgeable in magic in existence.

Second part - strong mind to withstand sudden influx of magical transformation to the whole being of oneself. Here Alan covered it with something to spare. This condition also is essential to receive as much enlightenment knowledge as possible in a short while after permission, when soul and mind will be open to the all sources of the universe. Such condition lasts for different periods of time depending on the mage and gives one extreme learning speed and understanding.

During short enlightenment a mage can solve many problems which before made him puzzled or even despaired.

And third, but not the least – enough mana to sustain transformation.

Alan was looking forward to all of it, because he learned many spells from different years and didn't have enough time to train them to wandless state, let alone Isu analog of them. He hoped to do it using permission.

"Prepare yourself. Unlike others, perfect permission of all three cornerstones of existence of a living being is very painful and hard to bare."

"More than two years in Soul Extinguisher?" - Alan asked with a slight smile that clearly portrayed his disregard towards Amal's worry.

"Tch, my good will for you is really misplaced." - old Isu grumbled in response and gave up. But deep inside he couldn't help but agree with his little friend. - "It is coming."

Next several minutes Alan was hard pressed to exactly describe what he felt. It was a pressure that made his mind sluggish, but helped to further compress soul on the basic level. As it was beneficial process Eternal Mind didn't interfere, on the contrary, trait sped up the adaptation. Simultaneously it was something akin to influx of nutrients inside his blood, muscles and bones, into every cell of his flesh, that transformed him on basic level to be something more than normal human and last came a forced syringe of pure tremendous mana, inserted into energyform and it's source.

Actually it wasn't exactly painful, but neither a pleasant ride.

However what came after was something unbelievable. His mind was like a sponge, that devoured information about everything greedily.

It made him able to understand a path to create several Isu spells from basic ones to very complex.

It made him receive huge amount of insight about the aqua flame he received and how to use it.

But more than that it gave him knowledge about his unique bloodline and what it can do. It is the last array of information that astonished him and made literally speechless.

"Hah... so you finally understood." - said Amalgal with a sigh. - "Your birth is really unprecedented phenomenon and perhaps the one that can stop The Way."

"I... that... w-who on earth is my actual father? Where is he from?" - he said in disbelief. - "No... this doesn't make any sense! How can he be killed, whatever he is, this creature... this..."

"Blood memory, huh? Ah, looks like it is time for me to explain to you everything I know, pertaining mystery of your birth. Mila Skymorne and Jason Salvatore your real biological parents. In this life they are at least. But your previous birth was a bit of a shock even to me. When your soul migrated to this world, you brought with yourself the whole ancestry of your father from previous life, so in some sense you have two biological fathers and mothers. I never knew such things are even possible, that looks like something only your father can do."

"And the one with this bloodline is... is my previous father? And mother?"

"Your father. I know not about your mother. But I don't understand how he ended up in your world at all, because he is a creature, known to us, Isu, and in many other worlds. Violergos, the Black Progenitor. He was a demon, not like the ones we fought with, but an ancient being from Asta, the world of demons that was destroyed prior to The Way leading Legion here, to this cluster of Worlds. I won't go into details of what your father did, but I can tell you with full certainty, he was one of the most noble existences I happen to be acquainted with and it is my honor as well as blessing to get to know you, his son."

"Alan, your father is a man with good heart, even if known to be a demon. He saved us all and bought humanity time to develop with his own two hands." - Amal was clearly emotional. - "I sensed something similar to him from you but didn't dare to believe. Now it became obvious. Listen, I can only seal the power of your bloodline for a year and even that is a strech. After that it will go through awakening. You will need an outlet and I believe you know already what it means."

"Yes..." - he said regaining calmness.

"Beware, that it will take you much time to find a way home. If you are able to do it at all. But that is the only thing we can do. As to how and where, I can't tell for sure. But most likely you will go to the key world of this cluster. The so called space tunnel hub. So, a year from now you need to enter the Room again. And about the bloodline power. I don't know much, but what you have for sure is extreme adaptivity and flexibility. Also your father was very adept at space... it can't even be called magic, as he could mold space with just mind alone. Maybe you are the same. However, as far as I know about magical bloodlines, you won't change overnight, you need to properly train."

"There is something else. I felt something... something strange around this world that is fragile in front of me. As if... I will destroy it while just being here. What is this exactly?" - Alan pondered over the feeling and found it unsettling.

"I can't tell you." - Amalgal shook his head.

"Why not?" - asked Alan clearly perplexed. Actually the more information he had, the more he felt like he doesn't know what is going on with the world around him.

"I'm forbidden to do that." - simply stated the AI.

"But you know what it is?" - narrowed his eyes Alan, bumping into another Isu secret.

"Yes." - nodded Amalgal cautiously.

"And my bloodline is destroying it. No, more like the special power of it is to big for this thing to remain intact."

"Correct." - readily agreed Isu.

"And removal of this flimsy thing is very dangerous to the world?" - sighed the boy, seeing where it was going.

"Precisely!" - Amalgal clapped his hands, glad that Alan figured it out himself.

"Quite a fragile piece of shit it is. Looks like I need to figure out how to reinforce it, or going back after I left will be hard. And you didn't even try to tell me this?" - said Alan in deep thought. He wasn't discouraged, as it seemed like just another challenge and thing to do. He thought there might be something fishy about the necessity to leave this world. So this is the answer. At least he can look strait at it and not go around guessing blind. - "Well, whatever, life is long, mysteries are there to be unrevealed and difficult tasks to be conquered. One day I will make it right. I need to go." - he stood up and reappeared near the pond of ravine.

"Wait, there is one more thing I didn't tell you about Permissions. As you can see they seems to be very... systematic. Like a degree level, right?"

"Yeah, I always wondered how in real world there can be something so... strict." - Alan stopped on his tracks and leaned on the tree.

"The thing is, it is artificial. But even us, Isu, have no idea who and why created it. Most likely it was made to help people to develop faster. During Timeless war we used the power of it's source to create a cataclysmic event and destroy most of the invaders and as a result damaged that world spell, leaving only a fraction of it functioning." - Amal seemed regretful while talking about it.

"What I'm saying is whatever world you leave to afterwards, there is a huge possibility that it won't have such convenient source of enlightenment and strengthening and it can slow down your progress. Also, most likely many functions of the Room of Requirement and it's space will be unavailable, time delay for example, it might even go another way around. And so... I implore you to leave Room of Requirement here. I can program it to repair the current spell as I created similar environment from the past in it. It will take years, but it will help humanity tremendously. As for your ring, there will be a copy of it, but without current abilities, only as a storage. I can't copy all knowledge, time is too short and it needs sorting, so you better choose couple of themes you might need out there."

"Healing, Runes, Artifact Creation and Potionmaking with Alchemy." - said Alan after some time.

"Noted." - that's about all he could have comprised after a long period of sorting anyway, after all he wanted to scan everything throughout the history of the world and analyze the best of it, creating the most complete set of knowledge ever, and of course there will be Isu knowledge involved.

Alan never hesitated, even if he has one significant use for Romm of Requirement – time enhanced space! After all, as Amal said, all it's functions might be lost. And he won't speak irresponsibly, most likely he was sure it will happen that way.

All in all he better leave it here.

"Fine." - after some contemplation said Alan. He suddenly thought of something pertaining his return and smirked. He already came up with a raw plan and for that Room had to be here. - "Not like I used it much. But I want it back if... when I return. And make it available for Verga team to train in. Can you somehow bound them to it to grant access like mine?"

"Sure. Easily done. You can even leave something similar to me inside it to train them in Isu magic." - Amal said with untraceable emotions and Alan nodded clearly thinking it was a good idea.

Alan made his way back to Hogwarts to find Selena. The contact is possible through a fireplace she mentioned some time ago in a letter. It was in her little private room.

He used it's only connection and teleported to one of Ilvermorny Academy private yards for teachers, where he found a woman sitting by the table bothered by some random man.

So, The Way and Legion are, technically, the main enemy for Alan's original tale.

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