

Do you know that in this world, people must have different kind of shells to protect themselves. Some people call it different sides , and the people with the minimum shells' or sides' had two , while the people with the most had 100 types. The first shell is the main personality, while the second shell is called MATURITY,based on the situation. People will show differing kind of sides depending on the situation and the person they are facing. Some people know how many personality they have while most do not know . Now ask yourselves;how many pesonality do you have ???. Narrator 1: I asked them; what was the difference between a mercenary and an assassin? They told me that it was just a minor difference not worth mentioning. Thus later, i realized that the difference between being a mercenary and an assassin was world apart. ................... Once said that this world was all about two kind of people the dead and the ones that would die later. We are all just a bunch of living dead. Akuji once said there were only two types that i would not kill; the dead and the ones that could convince me that they Are not alive or human depending on my mood Inspector john : once said this world is like a thin nylon in a sphere shape the terrorist are like a pin that want to destroy the world so we must vanquish them for the world to be safe said Doctor strange : once said even though they call me an assassin am not a murder after all i never kill people all i did is to try to operate on their esophagus but is an unfortunate pity all that all of the previous operations turns to be unsuccessful. Inspector sofia once said: In this life all i wanted was to hear inspector john say he likes me but was a pity he act like an emotionless machine , i regret falling for him but I just can't leave him. He is just a normal person that was forced to be a mercenary then on his first official work he was schemed against and turned to bait to attract the enemy attention while the rest escaped successfuly now he was back but , who saved him? , How was he still alive ? Is he still the same person As before or has he changed AND THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION WHO IS AKUJI ???

Sparrow_Sparrow · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 Sam

My name is Sam with a surname of Anthony a 15years old male with a slightly black hair slightly dark skin to that reeks of tanning some people call my type of people black Americans and with an eyes so black you would think those eyes were involved in the destruction of a realm and with little play full air about him and a body briming with youthfulness

I came from the bright moon city a former mass grave still a city was built on it some people call ot the dark slum mostly because black people mostly inhabit that place and for some reason that i don't know of

The bright moon City even though it was just one city it was in fact a four layered city where the building was built with first level having only one story building and the second level having two stories building the to third level has three stories building and the fourth level has multitude stories building and a mansion that was build for the city mayor with the city covering 4000 squre meters and because of the planning the city has formed a slope that went ninety five degree down with the going into the bright moon forest .

As you may or may not have guessed I had an apartment at the lowest level where i lived with my cat and looking in my thick brown diary which you are currently perusing through .


All that are just a fleeting introduction occupying half a page in my diary but in fact

Am a member of a hidden but notorious association called soul retrieving association popularly known as the SRA . A very high ranked association popularly known for assassination Even I don't understand how i came into contact with them but ever since knowing who they are i have a feeling that my life will change but am not sure whether it will be for the better or the worst

On the 11th of may 2020

Sitting down on a chair in his little apartment in front of sam lay a small dinning table and on the table lay an assortment of items including a whole bean coffee with taste in different assortment ranging from bitter, sweer,mint,and salty, filtered water in a jug, a demitasse spoon, some sugar cubes, and trying to decide what flavour he wants and between the table and sam lay a small brown cat with a brown eye sleeping on the ground.just when the whole house was silent with the cat sleeping and sam appears to be drifting away in thoughs the phone placed on the window blares with a ringtone signalling an incoming call and calling sam back from his land of thinking.He went to the window to pick his phone but before his hand could even touch the phone hears a voice from the saying my name is MP8X8 is this SA

Shocked sam hurriedly retreated back a few steps back staring at the phone like he as seen a ghost and as hearing the sound of sam retreating the caller asked unhurriedly is this SA seemingly trying to make sam feel safe the owner called again Sam this is Michael we meet at the owain street you remember me and upon hearing that it is Michael sam asked in a low and hesitating voice Micheal is that you and on hearing yes he move to the window and picked up the phone then without waiting for Michael to talk he said exclaimed in surprised how the hell do you did that you practically called and still picked it up before I could pick it up that's amazing tell me how you did that and how do you dissappear on last week Saturday i just turned around to collect my candy and before i could turn around you have disappear and today when you called me you called yourself M O .... I can't remember the remaining but you sounded cool but before he could continue Michael hurriedly stops him wait ! Wait ! Wait ! He was getting an headache listening to Sam's countless questions that was coming one after the other and it seems the questions will continue if he doesn't stop sam now . Taking a deep breath Michael said do you remember what i asked you when we met and sam replied of course I remember you asked me whether i want a job that will earn me 20,000 $ per week and i replied yes and you said you would help me and contact me to inform me if every thing fell into place wait ! You forget to take my contact details right ? Sam asked unsure

Yeah I said I would contact you Michael replied glossing over the last question but do you remember who i said i am and what other questions i asked , hmmm wait i remember now you said you were a secret agent and if I was also interested in being a part of that secret agent , and you replied that you could do anything for money so I contact you today to tell you that I have secured a position for you but you will have to report their on the 13-05-2020 you heard that the before sam could reply the call was ended .

this is just the introduction

Sparrow_Sparrowcreators' thoughts