

As this is slowly awoke, he became aware in several stages. There was the muffled voice of his chief, giving him a sit rep with the background noise or screams. His vision was blurry and couldn't really make out objects next to a bright light source. Then came various smells of metal, no fire and open wounds. He couldn't feel that he had a solid surface under him. Looking at is Chief he he raised his hand in the motion to tell him to stop talking and give me a minute. He took a deep breath realize he could move all his limbs, and he stood up. Looking around he took in all the information that has since retired. Surprisingly to his Chiefs notice Vincent pause for two minutes with the blank look on his face. He was having trouble with the new processing speed of his mind. It was so fast that is so shoot down as he is watching his mind worth. He was trying to gain situational awareness quickly however, this is nothing in what he had ever experienced before. Then another scream came, which I snapped him out of it, and just took it as the adrenaline coursing through his body. as Vincent gestured to his chief to back him up he began to layout the battlespace.

1) the ship is still in the fight as there is no call for abandon ship.

2) he is down three team members to alive and present due to their screaming in one not making any noise.

3) his team could still provide support to the current operation because they still maintained some key systems.

"Chief, take Warfare Specialist 3rd Class Simpson with you, if it's minor injuries stabilize them and go the next. For the one that we are unsure of triage and go get help. Remain together so that you both can back each other up."

''Yes Sir''…..Chief Fischer and WS3 Simpson moved to accomplish those orders.

''WS1 Mendez gather everyone who is able to work and me meet me at the watch stations side, you got 5minutes.''