
Akatsuki & Fate Over Everything: All Hail Akatsuki-Sama!

Author." This was something I wrote at my free time in between classes at school and my friend which is a girl who is an otaku told me to publish over at Webnovel as I quote." Has better grammar than most fanfics in Webnovel." So yeah here you go..." PS." Im 99.99 percent Sure my grammar is better than most on this site/app so expect good grammar...well I hope hehehe..." -------------------{ SYNOPSIS}-------------------------- In less than an instant the world as we knew it was at its end. That’s right! The Apocalypse. In a single blink Zombies appeared and mutated monsters began to rampage all throughout the world. Now it was the human species turn to fight for survival and planetary dominance! On the same day that the world descends into chaos we meet [Veles Von Ackerman] who gets transported here and woke up after watching anime to an apocalyptic world where zombies and monsters inhabit the world. But fear not! As Veles receives the [Fate Grand Order Akatsuki System]! So let's watch as Veles takes on the world with powers and skills from Naruto and Fare Grand Order! -------------------- "One Died To Protect His Pride! |-| One Died Of A Human Core! |-| One Died For His Loyal Side! |-| One Died In The Hands Of War! |-| One Died To Repent For His Crimes! |-| One Died As A Servant Of Peace! |-| One Died Far Beyond His Time! | |-| BUT FOR ALL OF THEM DEATH WAS A RELEASE!!! |-|" -------------------- White Zetsu: "When you're sad and alone…" Black Zetsu: "…The only one you can count on is yourself." -------------------- Veles." Huh? What are Titans from [Attack On Titan] doing here?" System." Just blast them with more Jutsu and if it doesn't work then just blast them with more Jutsu! As a wise man once said.{ If violence doesn't solve your problems, you simply aren't using enough of it.} Veles." Such wise words! I wonder who said then..." System{-_-}" You said then when you were hitting some random poor human because he said rias is best waifu..." Veles." Hmph! Mongrels all of them! Everybody knows Ophis is best Waifu!" System." Baka henta1 lolicon!!!" Veles." YES! praise me more! Fuhahahahahaha!... Oh oopsy, my inner Gilgamesh is coming to light... again...hehehe." System."-_-" ---------- Author." I do not own anime, manga, and novels mentioned in this novel I only own my OC or OC's. This is just a fanfiction:)"

Akatsuki_God · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter - (2) {{ Apocalypse!?! Wait What!?! Zombies Can Talk!?! Fate Grand Order Akatsuki! Gacha! Summon! I'm A Mommy Now!?!}}

( Word Count - 1473 )


[ Location: Dreamscape /----/Year: Unknown/----/ Time: Unknown/.]



[Beep! Returning to the Host original world in T- minus 5 minutes. So please rise and shine Host.]

Opening his dull purple eyes emotionlessly, Veles said putting his pillow over his head yawning."*Yawn* Be quiet it's still too early for this shit."

[Beep! Host Too much sleep regularly can increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and death according to several studies done over the years. Too much is defined as greater than nine hours...

So please Host wake up...]

"Ugh! Ok ok, I'm getting up mom..." Pushing off the pillow off the bed, Veles grumbled feeling he has another mom that is a teacher making matters worse.

Picking his apple iPhone 12 pro max and unlocking it, Veles thought."Mmm, FGO or clash royale?' As he was thinking he saw a new app next to [FGO] called,[Fate Grand Order Akatsuki]

Lifting his right eyebrow in interest he thought going to touch the app.'Welp! I'm already in the abyss... so not why go deeper?'

But like 'Fate' he heard in his head before he can even touch the app.

[Beep! 3...2..1... Returning to the Host original world...]

Disappearing in gold particles Veles thought smiling with a single 'tear' running down his face in 'happiness'...' Alayashiki I'm coming home so get my cheesecake ready!'

And so the Mansion disappeared out of the jungle and where now a mansion stood a lab covered in Vines housing somebody Veles would love and not love to meet.






[ Location: Somewhere In Japan Back In Veles's World(?)/----/Year: 2025/----/ Time: 1:00 PM./]

"Dreamscape is mysterious as ever bringing me back in time 25 minutes since the time I left..." Veles said appearing in gold particles sitting on his bed kris kross looking at the clock on the right wall. But he then said with much confusion and amusement."Wait! I technically time-traveled didn't I!?!..., ... Then Fuhahahahahaha!"

After letting his inner Gilgamesh out, Veles said while getting off the bed walking to the only door presented in his room."Let's to hoping Fate is on my side today..."

Opening the door he was greeted by something unexpectedly... again.

*RAAAAUUUUGHHHH!!!* *Raauuughhh!*

What presented itself in front of Veles was something he only saw in movies and TV shows.

He can see well... Zombies walking around aimlessly in what looks like a big green grassland with glossy yellow eyes wearing everyday clothes with some donning Japanese military(JSDF) uniforms with guns hanging around their bodies. Surrounding the grassland is a forest of big green trees making seem Mother Nature is protecting them.

*Blink!... Blink!*

"You know what? This wasn't what I had in mind when I said I wanted to visit Japan... I was more like fox girls, cat girls, dog girls! But not zombies!..."

*Raauughh!?!* *Raauughh!?!* *Raauughh!?!*

"What?! Don't you see I'm having an in-life crisis here!" Veles said looking at all the zombies staring at him with their glossy yellow showing clear confusion(?).

{Bro he knows we're dead right?}

{Na dog! He must be smoking something I never had!}

{What a weird human...}

{Yosh! So Youthful...}


{Huh? Why does this human smell like a vegetable?}

{Kukuk! This human looks more undead than we do...and that saying something because I'm missing my d1ck!... Fuck you Karen!}

*Blink!... Blink!

Blinking his eyes for the like hundred times, Veles said hearing different voices in his head." Its the Zetsu bloodline, huh."

[Beep! That is Affirmative My~ Host~]

Before he can mention the system's new more human-like a female voice sounding like Cortana from Halo a hologram screen popped in front of him displaying.

[Beep! {Friend Of Zombies} Title has retrieved the to the Host by the zombies seeing you as a friend or in their words {A Weird Human...}...


{Title Affects}

(1) Zombies Empathy - To understand/feel zombie emotions.

(2) Zombies Control - Can control zombies to the current degree by issuing commands to their head by your thoughts.

(3) Zombie Immunity - Host is immunity the zombie virus of this world...]

"Umu, Ok, this works..." Veles said nodding with a 'very serious face' looking at the zombies who just staring at him with clear happiness and... respect(?)

"I will get right back with you..."Veles said and.


Slammed the door and then proceeding to watch anime on Crunchyroll on his PC somehow working during the apocalypse.

[4 hours later...Time:4.00 PM /.]

"WeIp! I'm bored now..." Saying this Veles took out his phone and tapped the new icon showing some [FGO] servants dressed in the Akatsuki black and red robes.

immediately after pressing the icon a pure white hologram screen with gonna bright golden letters popped up in front of him displaying.

[Beep! Welcome to Fate Grand Order Akatsuki!

Here are my functions.

{~ My Room! ~}

{~ Gacha ~}

{~ Enhance ~}

{~ Collection ~}

{~ Shop ~}


System."My~ Host please have fun!...]

'I'm not the first one getting Yandere vibes aren't I?' Veles thought hearing the system's more human-like female voice.

'Well whatever, I leave this to tomorrow me...' With this thought, Veles went immediately to the Gacha option.

[Beep! Would the Host like to use the 10 free rolls?]

'Yes...' Saying this his head he soon saw a spinning wheel he saw earlier getting his 3 'free' powers.


[Beep! Host won-


2 Barrier Tags!


1 Chakra-Suppressing Seal!


1 Explosive Tag!


Demonic Flute!






Ghost Lantern: Lantern that uses souls as fuel to burn.


Ancient Bell of Tranquility: An enchanted bell made using the techniques of the sages. The sounds it makes when rung is inaudible. It has a soothing effect, and can also control tractable animals such as horses.


Homunculus Baby: The body of a young homunculus before a soul is written into it.


Magical Cerebrospinal Fluid: A potion to turn an ordinary human into a mage. When injected into the spine, it creates temporary artificial Magical Circuits.]

Scanning the rewards he won, Veles thought.' Huh, still the same luck as alwa-'

Before Veles can finish his thought he saw the hologram screen displaying something making his eyes flash gold for a split second.

[Beep! Host has summoned the servant | Jack the Ripper |


Height/Weight: 134cm ・ 33kg

Source: Historical Fact

Region: England/Ireland

Alignment: Chaotic ・ Evil

Gender: Female

The version of Jack in case summoned as an Assassin.

Description: A serial-killer whose name is known all over the world. In Japan, it is often designated as "Jack the Ripper" without change. In spite of the frantic investigations of the Scotland Yard, it butchered five women and then disappeared without ever getting caught...]

"Why does Fate-chan love me so much!" Veles said getting blinded by rainbow colors.

Finally, when the rainbow colors stopped he heard a cute little girl voice." Assassin, Jack the Ripper. Please take care of me, Mommy!"

Standing in front of Vele is a little girl with the appearance of a white-haired girl with green-yellow eyes, with stitched-up scars on her face. Her upper body is that of a adolescent, while her lower body is more mature like that of an adult, creating an odd juxtaposition to her appearance. She dons a black vest, black panties and black stockings with pink shoes. Both her arms are bandaged but only her left hand wears a glove. She has a purple oval-shaped 'O' on each of her shoulders. At the small of her back she carries a number of sheathes that holds her knives. But soon after a tattered coat as a cloak appeared over her outfit covering her body from prying eyes.

Seeing Jack, Veles thought.' Not a lolicon! Not a lolicon! Not a lolicon! Ok, maybe a little... But who cares she will probably kill the FBI before even sees her and if we're being technical here she's older than me and already dead...'

"Mommy?"A cute little girl voice soon broke Veles train of thought.

*Blink!... Blink!

After blinking his eyes twice, Veles smiled as a parent would to their children and said kneeling in front of his adorable little murderous daughter looking at her in the eyes."Yes, my cute and adorable daughter?"

Smiling Jack said giggling looking around his room."Hehehe! Mommy, are you happy you summoned us?"

Patting her head Veles said with a smile looking at the giggling Jack."Yes, Mommy is very happy that I summoned you."

Without warming, Jack jumped on his back still with a big smile. She then yelled making Veles smile a little bigger."Mommy! Mommy! let's go have fun!"

"Yes, my little Jack Mommy will go have fun with you."

"Yay! Mommy is the best we could ask for!"

And Thus Veles started his journey with his daughter Jack in this apocalyptic world that has a few Mysteries up its sleeve waiting for Veles to unravel them.

Author." Don't suspect anything amazing this is my first time writing instead for school exams and so forth. So yeah if you have criticism or just anything then hit me up in the comments."


Tobi." Baka Author is a big Lolicon!"

Author." You're just finding that out now?!"

Tobi." Hmph! Baka Author has thicker skin than the Great Lin Fan!"

Author." Huh!? You're talking about sensei!?"

Tobi." Sensei? Oh!"

Author facepalms and just disappeared.

Tobi." Baka Author get back here!"

Akatsuki_Godcreators' thoughts