
The Workshop

"Oh, hey Pyrrha" Arthur said as he opened his door, "Come on in" he moved out of the way for her.

"Good evening Arthur" Pyrrha gave him a light smile as she walked in, "Your room is certainly quite, exquisite for Beacon" she commented looking around the room.

"Yeah, not having a team sort of leave's the room empty, don't ask about the bear, that was not my choice" Pyrrha giggling at the sight of Fluffles in the corner.

"I see that Fairy isn't here?" she asked not seeing her bouncing around the room as she usually was.

"Yeah, she and Summer are staying in the room across from mine" he explained casting a glance to the now brightly glowing egg atop Fluffles legs, "Apparently Ozpin said they could take it for awhile" he continued and added, 'At least until the egg hatches' in his head, "Though she still comes over in the morning and afternoon, sometimes she also just likes to sleep with me, she fall asleep instantly then" he began to chuckle as he sat on his stool by his desk.

"That makes sense, you did rescue her so she probably just finds being with you reassuring" Pyrrha's expression turned soft as a small smile formed on her lips.

"I guess so…" he muttered, "So, how have you been? Jaune causing any hassle during training?"

"Oh, I have been grand, once Jaune finally came to his senses things have been getting a lot better in my team, we've gotten much better at teamwork and we've learnt that he is quite the leader now that he's gotten some confidence in him" she began to explain, letting out a sigh as she continued.

"But his battle prowess is still a thing that needs a lot of work, he has been getting better, don't get me wrong, but he still lacks the self-esteem that he needs to put his training to use in the field, he tends to undermine his own skills and that's causing him to hold back what he can really do" she let out another sigh, "Apart from that, he's becoming more leader like, his tactics are getting better and better an everyone's been much more happier now that he's back"

"That's good, what've you been up to today? Still training?"

"No actually, my mother just arrived in Vale a few days ago and wanted to spend some time with me this weekend, so I spent the evening with her today, we went to this brilliant little café called the 'Scarlet Promise' mother is good friends with the owners there and we had lunch together, after that we spent our time just walking around Vale together, it was nice seeing her again" Pyrrha happily chatted about her day.

"I can imagine, she here on vacation?" he asked.

"Oh, no, no, she's an event organizer for the Vytal group, she's here scouting out the route for the festival as well as double checking the other organizers plans, she's been the head event organizer since… I think it was the thirty-eighth Vytal festival, so the last six years I believe it was" she explained.

"She used to take me with her to the different kingdoms when she went over, letting me take part in some of the smaller tournaments around Remnant, though, after I won the Mistralian regionals for the second year she stopped taking me with, as she didn't want me to get attacked by crowds of people with questions and the odd person wanting to challenge me" Her smile became more radiant as she spoke about her mother.

"She sounds like a great mother" he smiled in kind, albeit a sadder one than hers as he tried to imagine what his own mother would have been like, his only comparison being that of Summer and his older sister when she was still alive.

"She is, she is… but enough about me, how have you been, you're looking much calmer than you did on the cliff" her voice turning worried as she remembered Arthur's tired expression just a few day earlier.

Arthur tilted his head up for a second as he thought before returning his gaze to Pyrrha, "I've actually been doing a lot better, there's still a lot going on, but I'm trying to tackle things one at a time, like now, I'm busy finishing up the Sketches for my weapon, I really want to get to at least get the mechashifting done before I head off to Atlas with Weiss" he explained tilting his head back to the sketch on his desk, having been made with the combined efforts of Ruby, Summer and him, making him realize just how valuable two weapon nuts were when designing one for himself.

"Oh really? What type of weapon will it be then?" she asked curiously as she walked up beside him, seeing the intricate blue print of what looked like a spear with a particularly long blade, "A glaive?"

"I guess, its main form will be a short spear" he said pulling out a sketch showing the shape of the weapons deactivated and primary form. In its primary form the spears shaft ran about as long as Arthur's forearm and hand combined whilst the blade was almost twice as long, the actual spear point had the shape of a long clip knife, just much larger and thicker, separated into three different segments that looked to be capable of extending or reducing the length of the blade. There was also a trigger and two small buttons connected to the handle which was also much thicker near the blade as there was a small slot for what looked like where he could place dust or ammunition.

In its deactivated form the three segments began to overlap whilst a clamp at the bottom of the handle connected with the overlapped segments keeping them in place and bringing the blade to just slightly longer than handle which also curved outwards allowing Arthur to still easily grasp it and get to the trigger and buttons on the handle.

This form coming very close to weapon Arthur was all to familiar with, the Saw Spear trick weapon from Bloodborne, him having gotten the idea after Nora's little Tonitrus fuelled birdy hunt a few days ago. Just much less jagged and also having an inbuilt gun on the blade that changed shape depending on what form the weapon was in.

In its deactivated form a gun barrel appeared on the bottom of the blade near where the hinge was turning the weapon into a pistol like form whilst in its spear form the barrel re-entered the handle connecting with another barrel and turning the weapon into a .30cal rifle, Arthur obviously having become a fan during his time with SilverLight.

"I'm going for something much more versatile, I would use cross… my uh, arm, but I want to avoid using it publically" he explained his reasoning, "You got anything to add so far?"

"Hmm, not particularly, you already have some basic understanding of how to use a short spear, so this will be perfect for you, and it's definitely versatile giving you both a powerful ranged attack in both these form as well as giving you enough options so as to avoid problems in more crowded areas where the deactivated form will be much easier to use, such as in caves or in hall ways" she commented, "I can help you with some spear forms if you want, I'm sure Summer's already taught you a few of her own but it might be an idea to try out another type" she suggested.

"I'd appreciate that" he kindly lowered his head in thanks and brought out the second skecth showing the final form of the spear which showed the largest change being in the handle as that elongated hilt the blade split down the middle revealing another inner chamber filled with powdered dust, as was written next to the actual blade on the sketch.

"So you have two different ways of using dust in this then?" Pyrrha asked, "As both ammunition and whatever the powdered dust in the blade is supposed to do"

"Yeah, the first is for ammunition for the rifle and pistol whilst this one is for a powerful single use attack where I stab the blade into a grimm and the blast dust in the two containers in the blade begin to react at which point I can push a button on the handle that fires the two cylinders into the grimm causing an explosion within it" he explained, "Summer's actually talking with her friend Pit to see if he can specially make these containers for me, apparently he has like a whole foundry in his gym" he laughed.

Pyrrha had a frown forming on her face as she heard what he said, "That is without a doubt a powerful move, but it will also severely damage the weapon if anything goes wrong, meaning it will need a lot more repairs and maintenance after every time you use such an attack" she let him know her concerns, which didn't seem to faze Arthur as a smile crept up his face.

"Not if I use this" he said grabbing a large white chunk of rock covered in numerous black soot marks and several flatter parts looking like it had been hit with a hammer, "This, is an ore called Omukadite, its extremely resistant to nearly all types of damage, I took it to the forge and showed Professor Mulberry, he's still trying to damage this stuff, he's had all of his assistants taking turns with hammers, power hammers, drills, saws, knifes, water cutter, dust cutter and other things and I'm pretty sure the only thing that broke was his pride at being unable to even dent it, instead having everything else dented by it" he chuckled.

"Even when he heated it up he said it was a bastard to form, just melting it would take hours at a much higher heat than what their forges could handle… currently" he added, "He's now building a new forge just to take on the higher heat this needs, he'll also be taking care of actually forming it into the parts I'll need while I'll be assisting in the process along with Ruby who's just as interested in it as Professor Mulberry"

"I see, if it truly has such properties I'm sure your weapon will be able to hold together better so long as you keep it well maintained" she picked up the ore, throwing it up slightly and catching it to test its weight, "It's also quite light, a little less than steel, but otherwise it should end up lighter than Ruby's scythe" she muttered, "Will you have enough? For a blade this size it might be enough but you would have to sacrifice some durability due to how thin it would be, do you also intend on having the inner mechanisms forged from this same material?"

"Yeah, but the total amount shouldn't be too much of a problem, I've got that two kilo chunk and I should be able to afford another two or three kilos, not including the costs for other materials and dust, which should be more than enough, for what I need it for, I'll also be selling a kilo of it to Professor Mulberry as well as he wants to keep experimenting with it after this" his mind wandering to the chat he'd had with Ashe earlier in the day where he asked for ways of collecting more Akal after discovering a single Kilo of the ore was worth a thousand Akal, the chat revealing he could sell items to the Tome for Akal or convert lien into it at a 10-1 ratio, luckily his chat with Professor Mulberry ended with him gaining an extra 15k lien, and knowledge that the professor was very generous in how he valued metals.

Even saying that if there was enough of this to go around full body armour would have become no longer just a hunters dream.

"It sounds like you've got everything under control now" Pyrrha smiled once again, happy that Arthur seemed to be back on track and less stressed than before.

"Ha!" Arthur snorted, "I honestly have nothing under control, I'm just starting to get used to things being unpredictable no matter how much I try to keep things, well, predictable" his current problem with the SDC and Salem's interest in him as well as Emerald keeping watch for him in Vale coming to mind.

Pyrrha slowly nodded, "Good if you expect things to be predictable you will become complacent and end up injured when something unpredictable happens, that's one of the things we need to learn, expect the unexpected and prepare for the predicted"


Alternate Chapter names: [Oh good hunter]


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Next World (Runs until the end of the RWBY storyline)


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