
rWbY vs FsbT

"Nice boots" Yang grinned as she hit her two fists together causing her gauntlets to cock and load a shotgun shell into the two barrels in each of them, whilst behind her Weiss took her pose, one hand held in front of her whilst her other went behind her, holding her rapier ready to thrust it forward at any time.

"Nice gloves" Flora also grinned as she lightly hit her feet against the ground causing two large mechanical greaves to shift into form along the entirety of her lower leg and most of her thigh, much more streamlined than what she had earlier in the year.

And Tigre who was holding a light blue, metal short staff with a large circular crystal atop it, kept in place by multiple golden 'vines' that wrapped around it, the crystal giving off a small blue glow, holding it in one hand whilst her other hand began to glow with her aura, ready to use it at any moment.

"Their shot-gauntlets, not gloves" Yang retorted, smirking and not really caring about Flora mistaking them.

"Their rocket-greaves, not boots" Flora chuckled, more than happy to keep this game up with Yang, who had also begun to chuckle.

Weiss let out a tired sigh at having to deal with Yang and Tigre awkwardly smiling at her leader, but still enjoying her lax nature.

"Begin" Glynda called out commencing the fight, both Yang and Flora charged towards eachother, Yang first shooting Ember Celica behind her to give her some extra momentum whilst Flora activated the thrusters on her greaves giving her, her own boost.

Yang threw her right arm back, cocking Ember Celica, and Flora's right greave speed up as she threw a kick to Yang, both intersecting with each other sending sparks as they both shot backwards, only stopping as they both used their own weapons to slow themselves and launched themselves towards each other once again, both trading blows, every fist Yang threw Flora deflected with her own kick, every jet fuelled kick Flora threw, Yang would punch away with her shot-gauntlets.

Then there was Weiss and Tigre who were also trading their own attacks, Weiss was darting around Tigre who was steadily holding her ground using her staff to deflect attacks whilst also constructing aura walls around her using her semblance, sometime adding a different elemental effect to them using dust creating walls of flame or raising the earth with earth dust into spikes where ever Weiss landed.

Even creating solid constructs of air she would leap onto to avoid Weiss if she couldn't block it, not that having the high ground helped as Weiss had her own means of somewhat walking on air as she mixed her Glyphs with gravity dust in Myrtenastr giving her footing to stand on, just not as strong as Winter's as she could only make footing large enough for both her feet to stand on but nothing like creating footings for each of her feet.

"Slowmo!" Flora shouted as she jumped into the air, the two jets on her ankles firing and sending her soaring backwards to where Tigre and Weiss were, directly aiming to keep Weiss occupied as Tigre did her magic… semblance.

"On it!" Tigre shouted also leaping backwards towards the centre of the arena, making herself a platform mid-air, her eyes shutting as she began to dance, her staff swinging around leaving an after image of a pale orange ribbon floating around her.


"Is she dancing?" Ruby muttered aloud, entranced by Tigre's elegant display of finely practiced movements, although not complicated it showed a certain elegance to it that drew eyes, the pale orange ribbons adding a strangely almost ethereal feel to her dance.

"She's a war dancer" Blake muttered, her eyes widening in surprise, having never seen Tigre do anything similar before, "They're a type of warrior, rare, extremely rare, I've only ever heard of stories where people would visit Oblitas and see warriors dancing through hordes of grimm before disappearing without leaving a single grimm alive" Blake explained, "Apparently they can be traced to the nomadic clans on Oblitas"


Throughout Tigre's dance Weiss and Yang had been attempting to intercept her, Weiss launching herself towards her whilst yang sent shot after shot from Ember Celica to her, all whilst Flora kept the both occupied, primarily defending against Weiss by blocking her path whist doing her best to deflect Yang's shots, some still going through and colliding with the ribbons of aura Tigre was manifesting, whenever one hit the ribbons they would wave for a second before dissipating, only to reconnect a second later, albeit thinner than it was previously.

Soon Tigre's dance was coming to an end as the tip of her staff scrapped against her solid air platform creating one last ribbon under her that followed her staff as she raised it above her head, letting the staff remain pointing straight up as she seemed to freeze in place, unmoving until she swung it down through all the ribbons she had formed around her.

The moment she did her aura plummeted from its previous 80% to 60%, her cocoon of ribbons began to shiver before expanding rapidly to encapsulate the entirety of the arena, creating a dome of pale orange aura and ribbons around the entire field.

The moment Weiss and Yang saw the field they began to back away in hope that it would end before reaching them, yet they soon found themselves just a few meters from the edge of the field, unable to get any closer in case they get pushed out, they both brought up their own weapons in a defensive stance.

As the field washed over them they both found their movements becoming more sluggish, yet they had little time to think as Flora charged them a wide grin on her face as she sent a roundhouse kick towards Yang's head.

Yang attempted to raise her arm to block it but found her arms being held by the orange aura that encapsulated the entire area of the field as if small hands had latched onto her arm preventing her from moving as she wanted, Flora's kick soon connecting and sending Yang flying to the side, luckily a decent ways away from the edge of the field, her body surprisingly unhindered by the orange aura.

Weiss soon joining her as Flora also kicked her, only in the stomach instead of the head, "Why do I get the head… shot…" Yang retorted, eyes locking on to a long golden strand of hair stuck in Flora's gauntlet.

"Weiss…" Yang growled, "Kill the cat" she raised her fists through the strangly viscous air, her eyes turning crimson as her hair burst into flames, "Never touch my hair!" she roared, the burst of power coming from her breaking her from the shackles of Tigre's barrier, also decreasing Tigre's aura which had been steadily decreasing since she had created the barrier by 1% every few seconds it remained up, but Yang breaking free from it immediately dropped it by another 10% bringing it down to 50%.

"I can't keep it up!" Tigre shouted to Flora, the barrier beginning to tremble as it soon completely dissipated, leaving Tigre heavily breathing as sweat poured down her face, her hands still clutched tight around her staff as she deflected Weiss's lunge after she had been freed.

"Crap, I got cocky" Flora berated herself as she turned to a raging Yang who charged like a bull in a china shop towards her, "Well, might as well end this in style" she sighed, her right greave beginning to shift into a much larger form with many small, powerful jets connected to every part of it.

She soon kicked off the ground the jets on either greave going to full power whilst she began to do a full rotation do to the acceleration of her right side, her leg raising off the ground as she sent a powerful roundhouse to Yang in an effort to halt her approach.

Yet Yang had expected this as she threw both her arms back, cocking both her gauntlets before launching them towards Flora's leg, letting loose a powerful blast that stopped Flora's kick midair.

Her eyes widened in surprise but was unable to even mutter her shock as Yang sent onther punch to her gut whilst grabbing her leg, lifting Flora off the ground and over her head by her ankle, slamming Flora into the ground and cracking it in the process.

Flora attempted to push herself up but was stopped as Yang pushed her foot onto her chest, her arm raised as she rapidly began to send blast after blast of her fists against Flora, barely giving her even time to think as her aura entered the orange.

Yang stopped her assault, breathing heavily, her eyes returning to their regular lilac whilst her hair stopped glowing, "Never, touch, my, hair" she muttered through her pants as she took a step away from Flora who was shakily trying to pull herself out of the crater Yang had formed, whilst Yang lifted Flora by one of her greaves, grabbing either side of it, her body beginning to spin as she spun in a few circles with Flora in her grasp before releasing her and sending her flying towards Tigre who was clearly on the losing end of the fight against Weiss having gone full defensive, Flora soon crashing into Tigre sending them both out of the ring without any more resistance or tricks.

"Winner, Yang Xiao Long and Weiss Schnee" Glynda announced, bringing the last fight for the day to a close and just in time as the bell for lunch break sounded barely even a second later.

As the bell rung Arthur felt a familiar yet feeling as if he… no someone else was being watched, turning his eyes up he began to inspect the windows atop the hall, first seeing his usual crow tagalong in the rafters but outside he saw another black bird.

His eyes widened for a second before the bird locked eyes with him and flew off not a second later.


"Well that was fun" Flora chuckled, nursing her sore face as she sat with both team RWBY and JNPR, "You've got one powerful punch" she muttered as she cracked her jaw, cringing slightly at the jolt of pain that quickly subscided.

"And you've got one hell of a kick" Yang also began to laugh as she also began to feel the after effects of a roundhouse to her faces and on her knuckles after she punched Flora's kicks away.

"So what was that? I thought you're semblance was constructs?" Arthur asked Tigre, "It looked like Weiss and Yang were really having trouble moving in it" he said whilst he messed with some of the cylinders filled with the gravity dust, every now and then causing an apple to suddenly appear in his hand from across the dining hall which he added to his rising pile, all whilst keeping an eye on his aura and the consistently empty cylinders after he used the Warp dust as he named it.

"Yes, it felt truly unusual as if I was trying to fight underwater" Weiss added whilst taking a sip of her tea.

"Oh, it is my semblance, it's just a technique passed down from dancer to dancer in my clan" She began to explain, "All dancers in my clan have the same semblance, we can all create constructs, the one I used mixes our semblance and one of our dances"

"Although, I can't use it that well, my mother could cover the entire tribe for an entire day without losing any of her movement…" she sounded disappointed in herself, "Oh! But yeah, for that it's really just constructing something similar to water or oil to slow our enemies, though, it's very exhausting… I need a nap…" She whined, sprawling her body over the table as she rested her cheek on it as well.

"So your semblance is hereditary then?" Weiss inquired as this was her third time coming across a semblance that seemed hereditary, the first being her own whilst the second was Ruby's speed.

"No… I don't think so?" Tigre mumbled, "Even children we took in from destroyed tribes became Dancers…" she yawned, her eyes drifting closed as she fell into a nap… a cat nap.

"Then is it environmental?" Weiss mumbled as she tried to figure out how people not even related to each other could possibly have the same semblance.

"Hey Arthur… What are you doing?" she asked, watching as he placed a pomegranate atop he mountain of apples that riveled the height of Nora's mountain of pancake plates.

"Testing, you know how I sort of teleported during my fight?" he asked, attracting the attention of everyone at the table, also intrigued at how he did that.

"Yes, I was wondering about that as well, you're semblance is empowerment isn't it?" Pyrrha asked

"Well, yes, and I did use my semblance, when I alter dust I get various different effects, like when I melted Ginger and Trill's weapons with disintegration dust" he explained.

"Disintegration dust?" Weiss inquired.

"Fire dust I empowered with my semblance, I can also turn it into nurture dust which speeds up the growth of things, I think, haven't experimented with it much, it essentially just destroys whatever I want, not even leaving literal dust behind before dissipating, but during the fight I empowered the gravity dust and I somehow ended up making warp dust that lets me teleport"

"And you can just do that at will!?" Weiss was shocked, having only just heard how powerful Arthur's aura could be, "Do you know how valuable such a dust would be! No more dangers about traveling between kingdoms, no more worrying about shipments being hijacked!" Weiss began listing off every possible use of warp dust.

"Uh, Weiss, as far as I can tell, it's really not that valuable, it doesn't matter what I do but every time I use it, it's all gone, even after just warping a fork from across the table, that's not counting that there may even be range or even weight limits to what it can move" he began to calm her down.

"I wouldn't even want to use it in battle, at most it would be useful for scouting or stealth missions" he explained to her, "Not to mention as far as I can see it's linear, I move in one direction, honestly I'm lucky I didn't merge with either Ginger or Trill killing us both, I would really only use it after a lot of preparation"

Weiss seemed to deflate from her excitement, "But even then, given enough research into this dust it may be possible to set up area's directly connected with each other, even if it is only cargo" she theorized.

"Maybe, but even then as far as I know I'm the only one capable of making it so at most it would be a temporary solution" he sighed.

"Yes I suppose…" Weiss sounded slightly disappointed at the revelation as she took another sip from her cup of tea.


[Arthur Fielder, starting December 2nd you will be taking part in extracurricular training with Winter Schnee, Specialist of the Special Operatives Unit of the Atlas Military]

Arthur sighed as he read through the announcement that had just arrived on his scroll, "Somehow, I should have expected this" he muttered to himself as he threw his scroll onto his nightstand and procedded to lay his head atop his pillow, ready to pull his blanket over himself but was stopped as he heard someone knock at his door.

Groaning Arthur pushed himself of his bed, flipping the switch on his lamp, turning it on, for a few seconds before it began to flicker ominously.

"… Ashe, you ever have those moments where you feel like somethings going to happen but your alone, like in a horror movie when someone walks into a house they really shouldn't and something happens that makes you shout, 'no shit'… I'm having one of those moments" he mumbled, his lamp stopping with its flickering as it turned completely off, without even getting a response from Ashe.

The knocking happened once again on his door, luckily even with his curtains shut there was enough light peaking through them to let him walk to the light switch next to his door, which he flipped, the lights not turning on, "Really not making this any more cliché are you?" he chuckled.

"Let me guess, no ones outside and the moment I close the door and turn around a ghost is going to be there" he laughed opening his door to find, as he predicted, no one.

The moment he closed the door his lamp flickered back to life, casting a large shadow directly next to him.

"Hello Arthur, it's payback time"


Alternate Chapter names: [Oil in air] [Never touch the hairdo]

I wonder who our ghost is

Words: 2,824


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Next World (Runs until the end of the RWBY storyline)


Favourite characters (Includes spoilers of characters that appear up to ch.88)


Who should join Arthurs harem?


Lasaruscreators' thoughts