
Homecoming 1/2

"Winter!"Weiss called out as she walked up to her sister still in Arthur's shirt, having not taken any of the other clothes so as to let the others at least have something to wear.

"Ah, Weiss, how goes it? We will be leaving for Atlas by midday, then we can get you some proper clothing, you must not have eaten much as well" Winter asked as she turned to her sister.

"No, that's not it, it's just… there's someone I want to find, she's the woman who found both me and Arthur and saved us when we first crashed into the forest, I… I want to bring her body back and give her a proper burial, I owe so much to her" Weiss's voice turned sorrowful after she had learnt of Celeste's fate from Arthur, but still thankful to her for everything she had taught her.

Winter squinted her eyes at this, "I do not mind sending a few soldiers to search for her body, but we will be leaving by midday" she said.

To which Weiss quickly shook her head, "No, I-I want to do this myself"

Winter wanted to say something along the lines of, 'You're still dealing with what happened, it's too dangerous for you' but she couldn't bring herself to say this as she let out a sigh, "Fine, do you know which direction this person can be found?"


"We're here…" Weiss muttered, stopping before the ravine where Celeste's cave could be found, a few soldiers behind her whilst Arthur stood next to her. Weiss's breathing slowing as she saw the blood stains on the overhang leading into her cave.

"I'll go down first, you guys stay here, we'll need help bringing her up" Arthur turned to the soldier who gave him a quick 'Affirmative' and began to assemble the rope and pulley contraption that had a metal basket to help with bringing Celeste's body back up.

Arthur turned to Weiss, seeing the sad frown on her face he brought his hand up placing it atop her head, "I can do it myself, you don't need to come" he said.

"No, I have to do this" She replied not giving Arthur a chance to say anything else as she hoped off the cliff and onto the overhang, suddenly feeling incredibly nervous after she left Arthur up there, causing her to freeze in her spot as she sent a scared glance to Arthur who was already jumping towards her.

"I'm here" Arthur said as he landed next to her as she let out a relieved breath.

As they both walked down the entrance of the cave Weiss's unconsciously found her hand trailing along the wall of it as they walked, "It's strange…" Weiss found a small smile forming on her face, "I was here for two days and it feels like I'm returning home…" she chuckled.

Arthur was silent as he listened to her, "She was such a crude woman, swearing every few words, constantly antagonizing me, and yet… I am saddened she's gone" her eyes began to moisten as the weak smile remained on her face.

"When I woke up in here, she had stripped me of my dress and tore it up in front of me to make bandages. It was a really expensive dress as well…" she chuckled her voice halting as the entered the main chamber of the cave, her eyes following the trail of blood on the ground until she saw the blood soaked blanket that covered Celeste's body. Seeing her body Weiss found her steps halting, as she sucked in a deep breath.

"It's okay Weiss, I'm here" Arthur said as he gently took her hand in his own giving it a soft squeeze to let her know he was here for her.

Feeling Arthur's hand grasp hers Weiss almost pulled her hand away as it was inappropriate for anyone to just grab her hand, yet before she could her hand halted as she turned to Arthur, who was giving her a small smile.

Feeling a slight warmth in her chest Weiss gave him a small nod, her smile returning as she also tightened her hand around his, "Thank you" she replied and began to take small steps towards Celeste's body.

Both of them silent as they stood over her body, Weiss's grip on Arthur's hand having gotten tighter and tighter as they got closer, until she had released his hand and kneeled next to her. Weiss's hands trembling as they gripped the top of the blanket and slowly began to pull it down her body, her eyes shutting until she removed it completely.

Feeling Arthur's hand on her shoulder Weiss slowly opened her eyes, the first thing she saw being Celeste's two missing arms, tears uncontrollably falling down her cheek as she saw them, her eyes the trailing to her face which was heavily burnt destroying one of her eyes.

"You should have just left me…" Weiss strangely felt a weak smile forming on her face as her head tilted upwards towards the cave ceiling letting her tears flow unhindered.


Arthur once again found himself resting his head against the same wall of the airship he had just earlier in the day when Winter had first found them, Weiss having long fallen asleep on his shoulder. Arthur having been unable to fall asleep even after everyone else had apart from the soldiers, now that night had long arrived since they left the Schreien forest. Celeste's body having been placed in a bodybag and sent to a room specifically for storing the deceased in case of long travels.

He just silently stared through the window staring at the stars and shattered moon that alway lingered above the world, his head tilting to Weiss when he felt her body tremble as she gripped onto his shirt even tighter, his hand raising to place it atop her head to calm her.

Her body quickly calming down when she felt the feeling of his hand gently stroking her head. Arthur letting out a sigh at how the last few days had affected her, for both better and worse, he could see she had grown as a person, but the trauma would still linger for a while.

Returning his eyes to the moon Arthur closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep, but failing miserably. Letting out a sigh Arthur kept his eyes shut hoping he could fall asleep at some point in the night.

Yet nothing seemed to happen even after half an hour. Yet whilst he was trying he could also hear a faint squeak getting closer to him causing him to open his eyes to see what it was.

"Are… you the one who saved me?" he heard the soft weak voice of a girl, a familiar one, the one who he had asked Weiss to save before escaping, the girl with long black and purple hair and purple eyes. Still emaciated and underfed, not that they had gotten to eat much in the last day.

The girl looking very uncomfortable in her wheel chair as she was constantly squirming in her seat from the ordeal her lower body went through due to Aster's 'playing'

Arthur smiled and shook his head, "No, she's the one who pulled you from that machine and brought you away from that hell hole" he said.

The girl hearing this smiled as a spark ignited in her eyes, "No, you are wrong" she said confusing Arthur as he tilted his head to her, "I still remember what happened, you told her to save me, I doubt had you not said that she would have done that, so you, saved me" she said, impressed by how humble he was.

Arthur went silent his mouth opening slightly before smirking and chuckling, "If that's how you see it" he said, "I'm Ar-" before he could even introduce himself the girl placed her hand up to stop him.

"Please stop" she asked, once again confusing Arthur, the girl seeing Arthur had gone quite locked her wheels in place to prevent her wheel chair from sliding around, her hands gripping at the handles as she slowly began to push herself up, her legs trembling from malnourishment and exhaustion from her days in the compound.

"You don't need to get up, please stay seated you are still weak" Arthur's voice worried at why she was doing this, his concerns soon proving to have been accurate as her legs buckled under her and she collapsed to the ground onto her knees.

The girl not saying a word as she brought her legs together and sat on them in a seiza, her hand extending forward in front of her on the ground as she leaned forward and placed her forehead on the ground in a dogeza.

"I… Saki Mura, have a life debt to you for saving me, I request that you accept my humble request and take me as you're servant" her words slow as she spoke, her head remaining on the ground the only thing covering her being an over sized shirt and loose fitting pants of one of the soldiers.

"What?" Arthur was surprised at her words, blinking rapidly at her.

"I, Saki Mura wish for you to take this one as you're humble servant, I have been trained in espionage and am highly capable of stealth and information gathering. I request you accept me as you're loyal servant" She repeated, her voice turning serious as she repeated it to Arthur, attempting to sell her worth to him.

Arthur had no idea what to say, his eyes widened in surprise while his mouth hung open, "Why?" was all he could ask in his stupor.

Saki slowly raised her body, her hands still on the ground as she locked eyes with Arthur, "I was capture three months ago by those people, my body has been abused near daily, they took my purity and tortured me for fun, strapped me to a machine that destroyed whatever remained of my womanhood after they were done toying with me. I had been able to force myself to stay alive, even after what felt like an eternity on that machine" she explained.

"They destroyed my village, killed my family, slaughtered the children and made it look like a grimm had attacked, I have nothing left, no where to go. But after you rescued me I decided I would do whatever it took to stand by you're side, and when you denied having been the one to save me, I knew that you would be my future and that by standing by you're side I may come to find a new worth in my life" Her voice resolute as she continued.

"After what has happened to me, I doubt I will ever be able to bear a child and no man would want a woman who's body is so mangled. So that is why I request to be by you're side as your servant" She returned to a dogeza after her speech, turning the little corner of the ship silent as Arthur stared at her.


Entity: Saki Mura wishes to enact the contract: Serva


Beings contracted that act as servants to the host

* Beings that hold solely this contract are unable to travel with the host to other records

* The loyalty of the Serva or Servus is not absolute


Saki Mura

Inhabited world: RWBY

Additional Information: N/A

Profession: Kunoichi

Skilled at: Stealth, Information Gathering, Seduction, Espionage

Health: Lower Body heavily damaged

Loyalty: Life Debt





Arthur read through the prompt multiple times and turned to Saki, unsure as to what to do. "I…" he tried to say something but seeing her resolutely bowing her head to him he found his words stuck in his throat, letting out a heavy sigh Arthur said.

"Raise you're head" he ordered to which she quickly followed and locked eyes with him once again.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked her.

"I do" she responded near instantaneously without hesitation.

"I am no leader, and I am being hunted by a group much more dangerous than them, Are you sure?"

"I am" she once again instantly responded.

"Well…" Arthur began to say, "Saki Mura. I, Arthur Fielder accept your proposal" he smiled to her, his head not lowering as he knew that would be inappropriate for him to do when she was offering herself in something he thought reminiscent of a lord and his underlings.


Contract Established with Entity: Saki Mura

Contract Type: Serva



Alternate Chapter names: [Serva] [The Kunoichi]

This is more for the Mobile readers, how are the paragraphs? I've been meaning to ask this for a while but are they too long?

Words: 2,298


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Next World (Runs until the end of the RWBY storyline)


Favourite characters (Includes spoilers of characters that appear up to ch.88)


Who should join Arthurs harem?


Lasaruscreators' thoughts