
Feud of the Snow Crow 2/2

"Oh, you shouldn't have" Qrow chuckled seeing the three Sirens Winter had summoned, "And quite the cuties as well, truly an amazing gift" he smirked, oogling the three sirens that were hidden behind their illusions making them look like regular human women who floated around Winter, each one soon charging towards him leaving a trail of thin white mist in their paths, as well as filling the air with a strange echoing laughter.

"Quite the feisty bunch" Qrow grinned as he defended himself from the Sirens slashes they sent towards him as they circled around him, often swimming above him a diving down towards him with enough speed that they left cracks in the ground around Qrow when he blocked them.

Each one working in harmony with the others as they attacked simultaneously, when one came from the top the other two would lower themselves closer to the ground, one going behind him whilst the other charge at him from the front aiming for his lower abdomen.

Yet each attack being skilfully dodged as Qrow threw a kick at the one in front of him, while his weapon blocked the one behind him and he grabbed the wrist of the last one throwing it to the side to a location he wanted it to be, in the direct line of a certain white haired boy.

And just as Winter charged him with her semblance creating a glyph behind and beneath her, her body bent to the side with both her blades folded over her body, that Qrow threw a single aura powered kick to the Siren sending it flying towards Arthur.

All whilst he pulled a lever on the handle of Harbinger causing the visible gears in the guard to begin to spin, causing the different segments of the blade to come apart and begin to curve backwards as sharp red blades emerged from them, along with the handle extending to almost the same height as himself, revealing his scythe in all its glory as it spun around almost instantly decapitating the two sirens around him, causing them to explode dissipate into a fine white mist.

Qrow met Winter on her charge, meeting her halfway with a wide sweep of his scythe, seeing this, a glyph quickly appeared under Winter as she launched herself into the air with a flip over Qrows head, coming to land on the handle of Qrow's weapon, the Scythe only moving down slightly from her added weight on top of it.

Smirking at Qrow Winter once again jumped into the air, another glyph appearing behind her from which a single large nevermore emerged which she landed upon and began to fly around the field, Qrow running behind her, the blade of his scythe having transformed back into its sword form apart from the blade which fell forward as he took shots at her.

Winter soon flying over the forest, more glyphs appearing behind her from which dozens of smaller nevermores dived into the forest towards Qrow who had begun darting behind trees whenever the nevermores got close causing them to crash into them and disintegrate.

Throughout her flight over the Emerald Forest Winter had kept an eye on Qrow as he darted between the trees dodging her seemingly endless army of young nevermores, yet as luck would have it one of her nevermores struck a particularly weak tree causing it to crack and collapse sending a cloud of dust and leaves into the sky, causing her to lose track of Qrow.

"Tch" Winter huffed, her nevermore coming to fly around the same area for a moment as she looked over the sides of it searching for any sign of him. Yet all she could see were dozens of white streaks that were her young nevermores flying throughout the forest also searching for Qrow, as well as her last Siren which was also moving throughout the forest, "Why is it still summoned?" Winter muttered to herself as she quickly analysed the Siren which she had cut her aura from when she summoned her nevermores, her eyes taking note that it released a light grey mist instead of the usual white her summons did.

Yet before she could even think about it anymore the nevermore she was riding atop suddenly disintegrated along with the sound of an explosion due to Qrow having taken a shot from his hiding spot amongst the treetops destroying the summoned grimm.

Winter quickly locked eyes with Qrow for a second, her body having already opened up to slow her decent, but soon she curled her arms and legs closer to her body, spinning forward, two small glyphs appearing on each of her heels as she straightened her legs, the glyphs activated immediately halting her descent, the glyphs breaking her fall completely and making her appear as if she were standing on the air.

But, Qrow was not one to let others rest as he continued firing volley after volley of shotgun blasts at her which she quickly blocked by blocking each individual pellet with her dual blades before she began to run in a parabola around where Qrow was, the glyphs on the bottom of her shoes acting as footholds in the air, allowing her to run across the sky.

She eventually dove into the sky, an even large anti-grave glyph appearing in the sky above her, her heels coming to a rest on then as she launched herself off it towards Qrow, her body becoming a blur while she brought her two blades up and spun her body around a single time before slashing down at Qrow, causing an explosion that created a crater around them as well as destroyed many trees around them.

"That's a new one" Qrow chuckled, his blade locked with Winter's.

"Yes, unlike you, I put effort into my training and learning new things" Winter stated, breaking from their lock and once again trading blow after blow, dodging the falling branches from the fractured trees as a grey shadow appeared in their vicinity which charged towards them both and causing them to both jump back from each other.

"Oh, your still here" Qrow muttered as he watched the familiar female figure of the sirens illusion, the one he had kicked towards Arthur in particular that was now between him and Winter who was also staring at it, "Strange…" she muttered, squinting as she tried to comprehend her summoned Siren which seemed to have changed.

Instead of its usual pure white and blue colouring that all her summons had this one had instead taken on a more greyish white colouration. Its body having also gone through some changes in the short time she hadn't seen it, it's arms seemed to have shortened, becoming much more proportionate to its body, albeit not by much, it's fingers having also shortened to the point where they were only slightly longer than normal, the nails having remaind just as long and sharp, maybe even sharper.

It's feet had also gone through a change, where they were large straight fins previously, they had now changed to becoming more humanoid, albeit with three thin spine like 'toes making up the foot each connected by a thin, blue, almost white membrane.

It's head having gone through the most change, it's hair which was once knotted was now smoother, still flowing around it's body as if submerged in water, the neck also shortened slightly whilst the mask that covered the entire upper part of its face became thinner and resembling more that of an actual woman's face albeit still missing facial feature such as the nose and ears, the only indication of a 'nose being the slightly raised portion just between its two blue light blue eyes that had sunken back into its skull losing their unnerving look of them nearly falling out of the eye sockets, now having a form of see-through pseudo eyelid that blinked every now and then, the two antennae having also become much thinner and more streamlined with glowing lines running across them and down the mask creating a look of tear streaks running down its cheeks.

The Siren stared at Winter for a moment, tilting its head as if pondering something, its claw poking the cheek of its mask, before turning to look at Qrow, to which the light at the end of its antennae turned white it's eyes immediately turning vicious and charging towards him, it's claws extending even further as its mouth opened, the lower part of its jaw cracking from the mask and causing a massive jagged toothed maw spanning the entirety of its cheeks to open only being held together by a fleshy white membrane, from its throat coming a loud, ear piercing screech that caused the trees surrounding them to vibrate and crack slightly as it resonated with them.

The sound also causing both Qrow's and Winter's weapons to vibrate as well, but not enough to the point that they lost any structural integrity.

"Enough!" The voice of a woman filled the forest as Glynda, causing the 'evolved' Siren to stop its attack, its mouth closing and its claws retracting as a 'smile' seemed to form on its face as it quickly flew past Glynda towards Arthur who was following behind her, the siren happily floating around Arthur who was trying to figure out what to do with the strangely attached summon, Winter giving Qrow a final scowl before quickly sheathing her blades and straightening her body and turning on the spot towards Glynda, her body held straight and proud, whilst Qrow returned harbinger to his back and pulled out a flask taking a swig from it, getting two scowls from two different people.

"You two, stop this little 'spat' of yours this instant" Glynda snapped her riding crop against her palm, "The students have lessons and you two have caused them to miss half of the morning sessions" Glynda turned back to Arthur, who was struggling with the overly affectionate Siren which was rubbings its 'cheek' against his, one of its antennae wrapping around his neck.

"And you, why is it that whenever something happens you are always involved in some capacity? We now have over a dozen students that have been brought to the infirmary because of that thing" she waved her riding crop towards the Siren whose head was being pushed back by Arthur trying to break free from its grasp, Glynda only able to see the illusion it was casting and not seeing its actual form.

"Hey, it's not like I wanted it to do that, I didn't even get a chance to do anything before it knocked everyone out" Arthur complained, eventually giving up and letting the floating Siren hang off his back, its chin resting atop his head, "Hell, I barely have any idea as to what happened, all I did was feed it some aura and this happened" he muttered as Winter began to lightly walked towards.

"You, who are you? And what have you done to my summon?" She questioned staring up at Arthur.

"Honestly, I have no idea, this is a first for me, I seem to be having a lot of those recently…"


Alternate Chapter names: [Who needs the ground? Not Winter, that's who] [Summon Hijacking] [Overly Affectionate Fish]


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Next World (Runs until the end of the RWBY storyline)


Favourite characters (Includes spoilers of characters that appear up to ch.88)


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