
Akashi Seijuro in RWBY

After an incident in his world Akashi suddenly appears in the world of RWBY. What will happen in this world? Who knows? ___________________________________________ Yeah I am shit author so don't expect much. I had this idea for awhile now so I decided to post this. Enjoy

Asce · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 4

2 weeks have passed as Akashi had his first lesson in making weapons from scratch.

The old man finally deemed him ready to start and was even harsher in the training than before.

Akashi soaked up all the knowledge about making the weapons from the different materials needed.

He made many mistakes but pushed forward to learn.

His cooking skill increased the most. Before starting to learn with the old man Akashi put himself through intense training for cooking.

He researched many recipes online, determined to master them.

With all the hard work he put he can finally relax and take solace in the fact that his cooking was no longer comparable to Satsuki's.

' I feel 10x lighter. Glad I got that burden off my shoulders. ' Akashi thought once he was satisfied.

Currently Akashi was in his room meditating. On the table next to him was a notebook along with several other books.

The notebook had many ideas on what to implement into his weapon.

One the more interesting points was the concept of a rail gun. It was fairly simple as it would be a standard gun that was connected to a dust chamber.

The chamber would be filled with lightning dust and when used would accelerate the bullet to kill his enemies.

Akashi opened his eyes from his meditation as his hand clenched. Annoyance can be seen in his eyes.

' Why is it so difficult?!! ' Akashi thought.

During his aura training, Akashi took his time to make sure his aura would be under his control.

However that proved difficult as one of the things he wanted was that he didn't want his aura to leak out.

When he used aura to make a protective layer over his body, his aura would deplete as it would seep out and his aura reserves would diminish.

' Sigh this is annoying. Considering that when I fight occurs, aura is used up constantly. If my aura supplies keeps depleting from me just having a protective layer then I would be wasting my aura.

But I can't get this under control. The book doesn't speak about this, so does that mean that it's natural.

If that's the case I need to figure out a way to overcome this. '

Akashi took the book about aura and read through the chapters trying to find a clue.

After a bit of digging, an idea popped into his head.

' What if it's because my aura is being blocked by something? Aura flows through the body and is projected outward.

It's like a dam. When opened the water is able to flow through and the more of the dam that's opened, more aura can flow through. However in most cases dams have more than one door for water to flow through.

In my case the reason why my aura is hard to control is because not all of the dams are open.

I need to open all of them. Let's give this a try.'

Akashi closed his eyes as he focused on wee his aura was located. Finding it easily he tried to look for all the places where his aura has to flow through.

He found that in some of the places, the 'dams' were not completely opened.

' I was right. '

Akashi then spent his time opening all of them. One by one each one was opened as Akashis aura surrounded him, however this time his aura did not seep out.

' That's better. I have better control over it but it isn't perfect. I have more training to do. That and I have more ideas on how to use aura.

For now let's focus on using aura as a protective layer first and make it perfect. '




* Clang * * Clang *

In the forge, Akashi was currently beating the iron into the shape of a sword.

The old man watched from the sidelines as Akashi focused on hitting the correct places.

' He's improved a lot. His sense for the optimal temperature has increased greatly as well as his knowledge on the materials. '

Akashi then looked at the sword in his hands as he then put the sword in water. Steam was released quickly before Akashi removed the sword from the water.

In his hand was perfect iron sword that can be used in combat.

" You did well brat. You're finally ready to help me with custom orders. "

" Thank you for teaching me. "

" No problem. No then we should really go and set up. We have to open in 30 minutes. "

" Yes sir. Also can you please teach me on how to manipulate dust? " Akashi asked.

" Hmm dust. Sure it's not that much of a problem. We can do it right now. "

The old man left and came back with to dust crystals. Water and wind dust.

" I'm sure you've already read that dust can be triggered by aura right? "

Akashi nods.

" Good. Now pay close attention. "

Activating his aura, the old man used it to break down the 2 dust crystals before merging them together.

The result was a light blue colour dust.

" This is ice dust. By using aura you can break down the dust crystals into powder and combine them to create the dust you need.

However if you use the wrong ratio of the crystals then it be unstable and have high chance to back fire. "

" I see. "

" If you're going to experiment with dust crystals, do it outside so it won't cause damage to the shop. "

" Understood sir. "

" Okay with that Down, come help me set up. We don't have much time till we open. "

Akashi followed as he helped set up the shop.

' Mixing dust all depends on aura. With the amount of dust that's been discovered I can try to make my own to fit my needs.

The rail gun concept can also be changed now. I'll have to experiment more.

However I also need money. I need to buy dust. Luckily they have a good price on them.

As for money, the best way to get money is over the stock exchange. I manage do put the rest of the money I still had into a back account.

The other method would be to right a book. I can use books from my world to earn money. I'll first check if those books exist here first. '

* cling *

The sound of the bell removed Akashi from his thoughts as he looked at the customer that came in.

" Hello what can I do for you? " Akashi asked as he looked at the customer.

The customer in question had long red hair toed in a high ponytail, had emerald eyes, and a pale skin tone. She was wearing a Spartan outfit.

" Hello, i would like a check up on my weapon please. "

" Of course. What's your name? "

" Pyrrha. Pyrrha Nikos. "



Okay so the reason for the dam metaphor was me making a relation to aura nodes from HxH Nen.

I actually found many similarities between Aura in RWBY to Nen in Hxh.

Something which annoyed me in the series for Rwby was that Qrow couldn't stop his semblance when it manifested. The reason for that is because his aura kept seeping out, which in turn affected everything around him in a small radius. If he could stop the extra aura seeping out his semblance would only affect him when he is not in battle.

That's what I did with Akashi when all his aura nodes wernt fully open, which made him try to find a way to fix that.

I don't know if this is the best explanation though.

Anyway hope you enjoyed.