
Aizen Sōsuke: The Savior

Aizen is sent to the Naruto verse for unknown reasons, he is given a mission by the gods. Will he succeed? Or will he perish?

OHRashed1 · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter V

Previously -

Finally, the teacher arrived and managed to restore order to the classroom. The two girls grudgingly retreated, and Sasuke returned to his brooding silence. The class proceeded as usual, with Iruka teaching and the students learning.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, the students gathered their things and headed out. Naruto and his family were soon reunited, with Minato and Kushina asking how their day had gone. Naruko recounted the day's events, with Sasuke's brooding presence taking center stage.

And as they headed home in a flash of yellow light, everyone was left to wonder what the future would hold for Sasuke and his unrelenting pursuit of revenge.

This Chapter -

Tomorrow -

Naruto was at the academy, they were doing sparring matches, "And finally, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze vs Sasuke Uchiha, step into the ring"

Naruto and Sasuke faced each other in the training field, ready to engage in a sparring match. Naruto was at the top of his game, having trained relentlessly to become one of the strongest ninjas in the village. Sasuke, on the other hand, was still trying to catch up to Naruto's level of skill(Keep dreaming boi, after all. It's just a dream at the end of the day)

"Sasuke, I am gonna give myself a handicap, I am only gonna use 0.1 percent of my power. Try to beat me" Naruto said, Sasuke was already frustrated, Naruto was acting like he was already superior than him, today he is gonna prove that he is far superior than that dumb yellow-haired dumbass

The two ninja started their fight, with Sasuke attempting to land a few blows on Naruto. However, Naruto easily dodged them with his lightning-fast reflexes. He then countered with a few quick punches that landed squarely on Sasuke's chest, causing him to stagger backward.

"Is that all you've got?" Naruto taunted, grinning widely. "Come on, Sasuke, show me what you're made of!"

Sasuke gritted his teeth and lunged forward, trying to catch Naruto off guard. However, Naruto was always one step ahead, effortlessly dodging Sasuke's attacks and landing a few of his own.

"You're too slow, Sasuke," Naruto said, still grinning. "You'll have to do better than that if you want to beat me. While I use 0.1 percent of my power that is" Naruto said. Sasuke was just angry now, he, he is from the Uchiha clan. He should be able to beat this freak, why can't he?

Sasuke growled in frustration and activated his Sharingan(yeah, he can activate the Sharingan at this age in this. Or else it will be a little too unfair), hoping to gain an edge over Naruto. However, even with his enhanced visual perception, he still couldn't keep up with Naruto's speed and agility.

Naruto continued to toy with Sasuke, dodging his attacks and landing a few hits every now and then. It was clear that he was vastly superior to Sasuke in terms of skill and power.

"You're just not good enough, Sasuke," Naruto said, shaking his head. "Maybe you should consider a different line of work."

Sasuke seethed with anger, but he knew that Naruto was right. He simply wasn't strong enough to defeat him.

The sparring match ended with Naruto as the clear winner, leaving Sasuke feeling defeated and demoralized. However, he knew that he had to keep training if he wanted to become as strong as Naruto one day.

"Just you wait Naruto, I am gonna defeat you one day" Sasuke said, "Ho ho, did you perhaps forget that I was only using 0.1 percent of my power? Not even 1 percent and you couldn't beat me, imagine if I used 100 percent, I could easily obliterate you into nothingness" Naruto walked away laughing after saying that

Sasuke just looked at Naruto with rage, 'I need that power' Sasuke thought with anger

That Night -

Aizen's Mindscape -

"So, Kurama," Aizen's voice resonated with anticipation, "what is this way you spoke of yesterday?" The air was thick with curiosity as Aizen leaned forward, eager to uncover the path that promised even greater power.

Kurama's eyes narrowed, a hint of caution in his voice. "It is a method that can grant you immeasurable strength, effectively pushing most of your stats to their maximum potential. However," he paused, emphasizing the gravity of his warning, "it comes with a cost. Your chance of obtaining the coveted Rinnegan and Rinne-Sharingan will be reduced by 10 percent."

Undeterred, Aizen's determination shone through his resolute expression. "I'll do it," he declared, the weight of his decision apparent. He understood that every choice carried consequences, and he was willing to face them head-on.

"Very well," Kurama acknowledged, his tone tinged with both respect and concern. He took a deep breath before revealing the secret method. "The way lies in consuming a unique fruit, known as the Chakra Fruit. This fruit possesses an unpredictable ability to enhance certain aspects of your abilities to their utmost limit. However," he warned, his voice taking on a somber note, "there is a significant risk involved. There is a 30 to 40 percent chance that the consumption of this fruit will result in your death or inflict excruciating pain upon you—pain that surpasses even the fusion you underwent, magnified countless times over."

Aizen's eyes widened at the prospect, his mind racing to comprehend the level of torment involved. "And what about the benefits?" he inquired, a mixture of apprehension and curiosity lacing his words.

Kurama's gaze softened, recognizing Aizen's unwavering resolve. "Should you endure the unimaginable pain, there are rewards awaiting you," he explained. "Not only will your stats reach their maximum potential, but you will also unlock a new level cap. Ordinarily, the highest level you can attain is 150, but consuming the Chakra Fruit can elevate that cap even further, allowing you to push your stats to a staggering level of 500."

Aizen's face contorted in contemplation, his mind grappling with the unfathomable agony he would potentially endure. "It sounds... painful," he admitted, his voice betraying a mixture of trepidation and determination.

A flicker of admiration gleamed in Kurama's eyes as he regarded Aizen's unwavering resolve. "It is not a journey for the faint-hearted," he cautioned. "But if you are truly prepared to embrace the path, to bear the unbearable, then I shall guide you through this ordeal."

Aizen's gaze locked with Kurama's, his determination unwavering. "I am ready to consume that fruit, and I willingly embrace the pain that awaits me," he affirmed, his voice filled with an unyielding resolve. The die was cast, and Aizen's quest for power would lead him down a path of unimaginable torment, where his fortitude and ambition would be tested like never before

Aizen's piercing gaze swept across the surroundings, his mind focused on the task at hand. "I have a job to do, now where is this fruit?" he demanded, his voice laced with determination. He awaited Kurama's guidance, eager to embark on the next step of his journey towards ultimate power.

"You will find it inside a secret part in the Forest of Death. I will guide you," Kurama replied, his voice echoing within Aizen's mind. The duo had forged an unlikely alliance, their destinies intertwined by a shared pursuit of unparalleled strength.

Returning to the real world, Aizen's form flickered and dissipated, only to materialize moments later within the depths of the enigmatic Forest of Death. The air was heavy with an otherworldly aura, as if the very trees whispered secrets known only to those who dared to seek them.

Kurama's voice resonated in Aizen's mind, guiding him through the treacherous labyrinth of the forest. "Now, go to your right," he instructed, "the wall that seems indestructible. You shall go to the left corner and bend downwards, and then chant, 'Oh wall of power! Reveal the path! For I shall attain eternal power!'" Aizen followed the instructions meticulously, the words of the chant escaping his lips in unison with Kurama's.

As the last syllable reverberated through the air, the seemingly impenetrable wall vanished, unveiling a massive tree hidden within the concealed chamber. It stood tall and imposing, its branches laden with enigma and potential. Amidst the lush foliage, a solitary fruit gleamed in a vibrant shade of blue.

"Looks like we were fortunate," Kurama remarked from the depths of Aizen's consciousness. "I had expected to find a golden fruit, but fate has gifted us with a diamond one instead. It possesses its own unique benefits. Consuming it will not only maximize your stats to level 500 but also unlock an even greater level cap. Your new threshold, once you partake of this fruit, will soar to level 1000. Moreover, it holds the power to grant you the essence of the 10 tails, and if luck favors you, you may even attain the ultimate form of the Juubi."

Aizen's eyes glimmered with intrigue, his mind processing the magnitude of the fruit's potential. "Is there anything superior to the diamond fruit?" he inquired, a hint of curiosity tinged with a desire for further transcendence.

Kurama's voice brimmed with ancient wisdom as he responded, "Indeed, there exists a fruit beyond compare. It is known as the 'Fruit of The Ruler.' However, the chances of finding it are infinitesimally small, with odds of 1 out of 1 googolplex. Its power transcends comprehension, capable of obliterating infinite omniverses in a mere instant. With it, you would wield dominion over time itself."

"I don't want to find it," Aizen calmly asserted, his voice laced with a sense of detached wisdom. He understood the peril of reaching the pinnacle of power too quickly, recognizing that it would strip away the exhilaration of battle and the thrill of pushing his limits. Aizen cherished the journey, the evolution, and the growth that came with each hard-fought victory.

With an unwavering sense of purpose, Aizen turned his attention to the fruit before him, the embodiment of untapped potential. "Now, eat the chakra fruit," Kurama commanded, his voice carrying a weight of both caution and anticipation.

As Aizen reached out to claim the fruit, an unexpected stillness descended upon the scene. It was as if the world held its breath, anticipating the transformation that was about to unfold. Time itself seemed to suspend its march, creating a palpable tension in the air.

Without hesitation, Aizen consumed the fruit in its entirety, ensuring not a single morsel escaped his grasp. In that instant, an intense brightness erupted, blinding even the eyes that knew no sight. It was a radiant burst of energy, a dazzling display that seemed to transcend the limits of perception.

As the luminance dissipated, a new figure emerged, standing where Aizen once stood. The transformation was awe-inspiring. Aizen now possessed Naruto's form, yet infused with the essence of the 10 tails. Behind him, dark truth-seeking orbs floated, emanating an aura of unparalleled power. Adorning his head was a horn-like structure, gracefully wrapped around his brow. His once-blond hair had transformed into a resplendent shade of white, and his eyes blazed with the intensity of the Kyuubi sage mode.

With newfound might coursing through his veins, Aizen uttered the word that would unlock the depths of his power. "Status," he commanded, his voice resonating with an air of authority.

Status -

Physical Strength: 7,500 to <Maxed-225,000> (Surpassing the average ninja's capabilities, which typically hovered around 3,000, and even surpassing the Sannins, who stood at approximately 8,000).

Mental State: <Maxed-Level 150> to <Maxed-Level 500>, a realm of unparalleled mental fortitude.

Sharingan: 3 Tomoe Sharingan to 4 Tomoe Sharingan, the secret eyes of the uchiha

Mangekyou Sharingan: <Unacquired> to <Unacquired>, a dormant power yet to be awakened.

Rinnegan: <Unacquired> to <Unacquired>, the mystical eyes of godhood still out of his reach.

Rinne-Sharingan: <Unacquired> to <Unacquired>, the ultimate ocular manifestation remained elusive.

Availability for Rinnegan: 100% to 90%, a glimmer of potential within his grasp.

Availability for Rinne-Sharingan: 20% to 10%, a door to unimaginable power that remained partially open.

Requirements To Get Rinnegan/Rinne-Sharingan = <ERROR>

Chakra Quantity: <Maxed-1,000,000> to <Maxed-4,500,000>, surpassing the average shinobi's reservoir of 20,000 and even the Sannins' capacity of 150,000.

Ninjutsu: Level 500 to <Maxed-Level 15,000>, an augmentation of his mastery over the arts.

Taijutsu: Level 750 to <Maxed-Level 22,500>, a testament to his physical combat prowess.

Genjutsu = Level 20 - <Maxed-Level 1,000>, inferior to Kyoka Suigetsu

Intelligence = IQ 500 - <Maxed-IQ 15,000>, key to success

Speed = 10000 Km/s - 300,000 Km/s, faster than the wind

Stamina Quantity = <Maxed-1,000,000> - <Maxed-4,500,000>, never tired

Stamina Recovery(New!) = 50/s - <Maxed-1,500/s>, faster than sound

Hand Seals = <Maxed-50/s> - <Maxed-225/s>, 20 jutsus in 1 second

Reiryoku(Spiritual Power) = 100,000 - <Maxed-3,000,000>, old powers back

Kidō/Bakudō/Hadō/Kaido = Can cast upto level 70 - <Maxed-Can cast upto level 99>, full power achieved

Overall = Level 1,000(Sannins are at level 70 or lower, normal shinobi are 50 or a little higher)

Real world -

Aizen stood there, his transformed appearance radiating an aura of untold power and potential. The amalgamation of Naruto's form and the 10 tails had bestowed upon him an otherworldly presence. His figure seemed to emanate a sense of harmonious fusion, as if the very essence of these two forces had become one.

His physical strength, once modest, had skyrocketed to extraordinary levels. Aizen's muscles now brimmed with an incredible power that surpassed the capabilities of an average ninja, whose physical prowess typically rested around 3,000. Even the esteemed Sannins, revered for their formidable might, would find themselves outmatched by Aizen's physical strength, which had ascended to a range of 225,000.

Yet, it wasn't merely his physicality that had undergone a dramatic transformation. Aizen's mental state had reached an unprecedented height. From the initial maximum level of 150, his mental fortitude had expanded to a new realm, encompassing a range of Level 500. His mind had become a fortress, impervious to the assaults of doubt or fear.

Aizen's eyes, now adorned with the four-tomoe Sharingan, glimmered with an otherworldly luminescence. The ocular power he possessed enabled him to perceive the world in ways unfathomable to ordinary individuals. It granted him heightened perception, unrivaled clarity, and the potential to unravel the deepest mysteries of existence. Though his Sharingan had yet to evolve further, the seeds of untapped potential lay within.

The Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, and Rinne-Sharingan—those coveted symbols of godlike prowess—remained unacquired by Aizen. However, the proximity to these legendary ocular abilities was tantalizingly close. The availability for the Rinnegan stood at an impressive 90%, while the prospect of attaining the rare and enigmatic Rinne-Sharingan loomed at 10%. The requirements to unlock these ocular manifestations remained shrouded in mystery.

Aizen's chakra quantity had become a reservoir of unparalleled magnitude. Surpassing the average shinobi's capacity of 20,000 and even dwarfing the Sannins' impressive 150,000, his chakra now surged within him, ranging from 1,000,000 to 4,500,000. The sheer magnitude of his chakra reserves endowed him with incredible endurance, the ability to unleash devastating techniques, and the potential for prolonged engagements that would leave his adversaries in awe.

His mastery over the various ninja arts had been greatly enhanced. Aizen's ninjutsu proficiency, once at an impressive level of 500, had transcended mortal limitations, reaching an awe-inspiring range of level 15,000. His command over the mystical and elemental forces of nature became an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

Similarly, his expertise in taijutsu had grown exponentially. From a level of 750, his skill in physical combat had soared to a range of level 22,500. Aizen's movements now epitomized grace and precision, blending raw power with seamless finesse. His strikes could shatter mountains, and his agility surpassed the swiftest of creatures.

Although Aizen's genjutsu proficiency still remained modest, his potential in this elusive art had expanded. From a modest level of 20, his mastery had reached an impressive level 1000. The ethereal realm of illusions had become his playground, where he could manipulate the very fabric of perception and bend the minds of his adversaries to his will.

Aizen's intelligence, measured by his IQ, had reached new heights. While his initial intellectual capacity stood at an impressive 500, it had now ascended to a realm beyond mortal comprehension. His intelligence had attained a range from IQ 15,000, where his mind became a wellspring of strategic acumen, analytical prowess, and unrivaled problem-solving abilities. Aizen's thoughts moved with lightning speed, dissecting and comprehending complex situations in mere moments.

Speed, a crucial attribute in the world of shinobi, had become one of Aizen's greatest assets. His velocity surpassed the boundaries of ordinary perception. From a starting point of 10,000 km/s, his rapidity had surged to an astonishing range of 300,000 km/s. He could traverse vast distances in the blink of an eye, leaving behind nothing but a streak of motion as he effortlessly outpaced even the swiftest opponents.

Aizen's stamina quantity had expanded exponentially. His endurance far exceeded the limits of ordinary shinobi. From a maximum baseline of 1,000,000, his stamina had surged to a range of 4,500,000. This formidable reservoir allowed him to engage in extended battles, channeling his chakra and physical capabilities without succumbing to fatigue. He became a relentless force, unyielding and tireless.

Furthermore, Aizen's stamina recovery had undergone a significant upgrade. While initially standing at a rate of 50/s, his ability to replenish his energy had increased exponentially, reaching a range of 1,500/s. This accelerated regeneration enabled him to swiftly recover from exertion, allowing him to maintain his peak performance for extended periods and overwhelm opponents with unrelenting assaults.

The mastery of hand seals, a fundamental aspect of ninja techniques, had become second nature to Aizen. His dexterity and precision in forming the intricate sequences of hand movements had attained the pinnacle of skill. From a mastery level of 50/s, he now possessed a range of 225/s, enabling him to seamlessly weave the threads of chakra and invoke powerful jutsu with unparalleled speed and accuracy.

Aizen's spiritual power, known as reiryoku, had surged to incredible heights. Initially standing at an impressive 100,000, it now spanned a range from 3,000,000. His sheer presence exuded an overwhelming aura, a manifestation of his indomitable will and the vast wellspring of energy within him. His reiryoku resonated with the very essence of existence, granting him an unmatched spiritual strength.

The intricacies of Kidō, Bakudō, Hadō, and Kaido, the mystical arts of the Bleach world, had become a playground for Aizen's formidable abilities. While his proficiency enabled him to cast spells up to level 70, his potential had reached the precipice of mastery. He now possessed the capacity to cast spells up to level 99, delving into the deepest recesses of arcane knowledge and unleashing devastating incantations that could reshape the battlefield.

In the real world, where Aizen's enigmatic presence had its roots, his newfound power and elevated stats spoke volumes. They were a testament to his unwavering determination to push the boundaries of his potential and dominate all that stood in his path. With a profound sense of satisfaction, Aizen acknowledged the potency of his augmented capabilities, yet an insatiable hunger for power still burned within him. The quest for further enhancement beckoned, driving him to seek even greater heights and plunge deeper into the realms of limitless strength. "Now those are stats befitting me," Aizen calmly declared, "but I need more power to save this world" Aizen said

"Now, now," Kurama's voice resonated with a mixture of caution and wisdom. "You already possess a considerable amount of power, enough to potentially save the world. But always remember, there may exist beings even stronger than you in the vast expanse of this universe."

Aizen's gaze turned introspective, his eyes searching the depths of his thoughts. "There definitely are," he replied with a tinge of certainty. "That's precisely why the gods have chosen me. I can't fathom any other reason for their intervention."

Kurama nodded, acknowledging the gravity of Aizen's realization. "You could be right," Kurama conceded, his voice holding traces of agreement. "But for now, let us revel in this newfound power. It is a gift that should not be squandered, regardless of what lies ahead."

Aizen's guarded expression softened as he gradually warmed up to Kurama. The walls that once stood between them began to crumble, making room for a burgeoning friendship. Their shared understanding of the immense challenges they would face nurtured a sense of camaraderie between the two unlikely allies.

"Now, I must rest," Aizen declared, a hint of weariness creeping into his voice. "It's already late, well past 2 a.m." Without a trace or sound, he effortlessly vanished from the scene, leaving behind no evidence of his departure. The once-displaced wall seamlessly reassembled itself, as if guarding the secret of Aizen's presence.

Naruto(reminder: I will say "Naruto" when he is acting like Naruto and "Aizen" when he is acting like Aizen), as he assumed his true self, found solace in the embrace of sleep. The dreamscape awaited him, laden with untold possibilities. But his respite would be brief, for the following day held an important engagement at the academy—a reminder of his dual existence as both Naruto and Aizen. As he succumbed to the beckoning realm of slumber, his mind brimmed with anticipation and uncertainty, ready to navigate the trials that awaited him.


This is it for this chapter, hope you liked it. Next "Chapter VI". See you next time!