
Not done Yet

Hey guys, many thought that this fanfic has been finished, but it has been not, it will still continue and will go before the alicization part, I haven't watched alicization so I won't reach that part.

Also according to poll, the one with the highest votes is mogul of culture, which is great because I love writing this book, its stress free, but the poll will continue for a week so there may still be some changes.

Thanks for always liking my work, if you are outstanding enough to drop a dollar for me, visit https://ko-fi.com/verylazytanaka or https://www.patre0n.com/LazyTanaka.

Also for those who are lazy like me not to check my other book, here is a sneak peek for the Mogul of Culture first chapter, also yes, each chapter will be this long, though, the exchange is a little slow on updates, but I guess you guys like longer chapters more than dropping a chapter each day.

That is all, have a great day!

5k+ words per chap.

Chapter 1-


Tanaka hummed as he looked at his face in the mirror, no matter how much he looks at his appearance it won't revert back. Instead of his ugly fat appearance, the one in the mirror right now is a guy with average height and he has a slim figure with pale skin.

He is quite handsome and attractive with long lashes and a slightly feminine-looking face. He also has deep blue eyes, messy black hair that goes down to his nape with parted bangs and thin eyebrows.

But one thing that further boosted this appearance were the piercings and tattoos on his body, he looked like a Yakuza? Or a bad boy maybe? Well, anyway, Tanaka could tell that he now has the appearance of Miyamura Izumi from Horimiya.



Tanaka was surprised with the sudden sound of ringing inside his head, then in the next moment, a floating game-like panel appeared in front of him.

[Mogul System has been Activated]

Tanaka immediately got excited when he saw this string of words, as a person who loved to read and watch anime/manga/novel/H-ahem, Tanaka of course knew the existence of Systems, after all, it was a cheat.

Who doesn't like to cheat? I mean in Exams or in games, never cheat on your partner's boys, anyway, people like things to make things easier, it was the reason why there was technology, we want to make lives easier.

"Open system!"

Tanaka excitedly called out his system.

[Name: Ryuuji Tanaka]

[Wealth: 300 Yen/ 2 dollars]

[Fame: 10]

[Missions in queue: 3]

'That's it?'

Tanaka thought as he looked at his system, it seemed plain compared to the systems described in the novels or anime.

"Wait, maybe, there are some cool features hidden on the missions"

Tanaka kept his hopes ups and immediately opened his missions.

[Main Mission: Recreate 1,000 games/anime/manga/songs/dance/etc from your past life, -Rewards: System Upgrade and more]

[Mission 1: Earn 5,000 Yen from recreating anything from your past life, -Rewards: Gacha System Opens, Gacha Ticket x1]

[Mission 2: Earn 300 Fame Points from the things you recreated, -Rewards: Gacha Ticket x1]

Tanaka sighed in relief when he saw that there are somethings he could get from the system, he was excited to see what things he would get from the Gacha and also some expectations from when the system upgrades.

"But to recreate anime and games from my past life? Does this system want me to spread the sacred culture? Well, challenge accepted"

Tanaka smiled, he loved spreading what he liked the most, if he enjoys it, the others will also have to enjoy it.

"Now then, what should I make first? A song? A Game? A Manga? Ah, there's so many things to choose from"

Tanaka started thinking of what to do first, but just as he was in deep thought.

"Tanaka Onii-chan! Breakfast is ready! We will be late for school!"

Tanaka suddenly heard a voice calling for him.

"I'm coming!"

Tanaka replied back then with great familiarity, he started changing his clothes into his school uniform and also cleaning himself up, after that, he left his room, today is the start of Tanaka's highschool.

The Ryuuji Family is a family with 5 members, unfortunately, only 3 were left, their parents have died from an accident, now these 3 can only support each other.

"Good morning Kashima, you too Kotarou"

Tanaka smiled as he saw his two brothers, Kashima is only 14 years old and at his Junior Highschool while Kotarou is only a 3 year old baby.

"Good morning to you too Onii-chan"

"Nii nii!"

Kotarou who was playing immediately ran towards Tanaka the moment the little guy saw him, though he was clumsy he was trying his best to come towards Tanaka,

"How is my cute little brother!"

Tanaka lifted Kotarou up and gave the cute little guy a kiss on the cheeks, it has been a few days since Tanaka had come to this world and he cared a lot for his family, since their parents were gone, it was a responsibility for him to carry, and he won't ever abandon his family.

"The food is ready"

Kashima called as he finished preparing, Tanaka and Kotarou stopped playing and immediately joined the table.

"Oh? Pancakes in the morning! It's Kotarous favorite! Come on, let's say it together!"

Tanaka smiled and looked at Kotarou who was also looking at him back with twinkling eyes.

"Thank you for the food Kashima Nii-chan! We love you!" x2

"I love you too"


This is the Ryuuji Family, even though they are struggling, they are still having fun.

They then started eating, their meal always seemed fun, they were laughing and joking with each other, after their breakfast, they all prepared to leave the house, Kotarou is going with Kashima since they have a baby sitting area in their school.

While Tanaka had to go to a private school with his scholarship.

"Sorry Kashima for always letting you take care Kotarou by yourself"

Tanaka looked at Kashima who was carrying Kotarou.

"Its okay Onii-chan, you are already working just to support us and you also have to focus in school, at least, this much I could do"

Tanaka smiled helplessly and could not help but ruffle Kashima's hair.

"You have grown up"

Tanaka made sure to walk his two brothers to their school before making his way, Tanaka's school is Itan Private Highschool, Itan Private High School is an elite prep school located in Japan, Tanaka was able to get in because of his good grades and for some reason he got accepted by this school and was offered a scholarship.

Actually, there are more schools that Tanaka(Former) could go to but this is the closest one to their home so he chose it, it was also a somewhat interesting school.

The male uniform of Itan Private High School consists of navy blue blazer (worn on winter), white shirt (sleeve length depends on season), striped red-navy necktie, black pants, and dark brown shoes/

The female uniform of Itan Private High School consists of navy blue blazer (worn on winter), white shirt (sleeve length depends on season), striped red-navy bowtie, striped red-navy skirt (length varies). Legwear varies from no socks at all to full-length tights.

It took about half an hour to reach the school by walking, while on his way, Tanaka met many students from the same school and each of them had happy expressions.


Tanaka thought, well, Tanaka(former) doesn't have any friends because of his gloomy appearance, his hair made him like an emo, he was wearing a winter uniform even though it was summer and glasses that made him look like a nerd, all in all, he looked like kind of a guy that has no confidence.

But in actuality, his get up is only like this because he has to hide his tattoos and piercings. The former of his body seemed to have gone through a rebellious phase or something but anyway, Tanaka kinda liked the appearance.

Tanaka reached the gates of the school when the students around him suddenly started getting restless, turning his head around, there he saw a beautiful girl, A girl with glossy dark purple/black hair that flows to her lower back, a slender body and an incredibly beautiful face.

"Yep, she is beautiful'

Tanaka could not help but agree with the others, but he didn't really pay that much attention to her, he made his way towards his shoe locker and changed his shoes.

Just as he was changing his shoe, he noticed a shadow next to him.

'Hmm, let's make friends with someone then'

"Good morning"

Tanaka said as he turned his head but when he turned his head, he saw the beautiful girl from earlier who was also changing her shoes. She turned her head and looked at him.


She stared at him for a long while, which made it very awkward for Tanaka, but after a while, she suddenly rushed away without saying anything.

"What was that?"

Tanaka couldn't help but be confused by what just happened, then after looking at her body language for a while, he was able to tell that she is bad with talking to other people.

Being able to read body language was something that Tanaka learned for fun in his past life, and it also greatly helped him with talking with other people from his past life and also getting connections.

He just shrugged what happened off, and maybe, try to talk with her later, maybe he could help her from her problem of having a hard time talking with other people, well, that is for later, after he finished changing his shoes, he made his way towards his classroom.

His classroom is 1-1 which means 1st year class 1, it took him quite some time to reach his classroom since he was a little bad with directions, reaching his classroom, he looked for his seat, according to the paper he received from the school, his seat is located at the 2nd row to the back of the classroom near the window.

"Its this one"

Tanaka found his seat and sat down, he then put his bag down and decided to greet his seatmate.

"Hmm, nice to mee-"

Tanaka stopped as he looked beside him, it was the girl he had met from earlier, the one with the communication problem, he just stopped greeting her and pulled out a piece of paper.

He wrote some words into it then passed it to the girl next to him.

The girl was surprised at first then looked at him, then she took the paper and read what was written on it.

[Hi, nice to meet you, my name is Tanaka Ryuuji, I will be your seatmate, I kinda know you have trouble talking with others so I decided to just write, hope we have a good year]

She stared at the paper then turned her head to Tanaka beside her, she kept turning her head back to Tanaka then to the paper for a while, before she suddenly realized something and wrote something on the back of the paper, then passed it back to Tanaka.

[Hello, nice to meet you too, my name is Komi Shouko, let's have a great year and thank you for understanding, and i'm sorry for earlier running away from you, I get frozen whenever I talk with other people, and I just suddenly stare at them or run away, i'm really sorry]

Seeing her message, Tanaka's hunch was right, he sighed with a small smile on his face before taking another new paper and writing another one and passing it to Komi.

[It's a great day isn't it?]


[What do you think of it?]

[It's a wonderful]

[Yes, I especially like the breeze brushing on my face, how about you?]

[I also love the feeling of the breeze]

From then on they started exchanging papers with each other, Tanaka specifically trying to continue the talk, from what he understood, this girl likes to talk to others but she is having a difficulty, so what he is doing now is helping her to get comfortable before trying to help her talk.

While they were busy exchanging with each other, Tanaka didn't notice that his classmates were staring at him full of killing intent. To them, Komi was already their goddess and Tanaka, who looked gloomy, was like a peasant talking to her.

Though no matter what they do, they can't stop it right now since their goddess Komi didn't say anything, well, even if Tanaka knew, he wouldn't care, it's not like he has ulterior motives, there is nothing wrong with trying to help somebody.

Their paper messaging continued until the teacher finally arrived, Tanaka stopped and Komi was a little sad that their conversation stopped but Tanaka made her happy with a last message with let's continue later.

The class started with introductions, Tanaka made sure to memorize their names and also he found that his classmates were a little unique on their own, it was then time for Tanaka to introduce himself.

"My name is Tanaka Ryuuji, I am friend if you are kind to me, you are my enemy if you mess with me, that is all thank you"

It was an intimidating speech that Tanaka used but he made sure no one messes with him. Tanaka didn't like troubles coming one after another, he liked a peaceful life and he also needed to take care of his family.

Tanaka sat back on his seat and everyone fell silent, next after him was Komi Shouko, it was a little funny of how she tried to introduce herself verbally but in the end, she slowly walked towards the board before writing her name and the classmates cheering loudly as if she just sent a prophecy to the land.

After the class started, Tanaka didn't really listen that much to the teachers, for some reason ever since he unlocked the system his memory has been very clear, and he could remember almost everything from his past life.

So while spending his time, he decided to write down his plans for the first mission, earning 5,000 yen from recreating something from his past world.

There are many things to recreate but Tanaka had to be careful and he also couldn't do some large ones because he literally has no money, so after thinking for a while, he decided to go with a novel.

There are also some easier ones such as singing or making a game but Tanaka doesn't know how to sing or even make a game, he also doesn't know how to draw a manga, and muchless make an anime, so his final choice is making a novel.

'Now the question is what novel to make?'

There are a lot of popular novels from Tanaka's past life, such as Harry Potter, the Hobbits,and more, but the thing that made Tanaka hesitate is that he doesn't have any plans going international for now, and he was not sure if those stories are up to taste of the japanese people.

Tanaka then sneaked his phone under the table and started searching online, it looks like most of the stories from his past life don't exist in this world.

'Should I go sword art online? I could also go for God of Highschool, or even something… which Genre should I go by the way? Fantasy? Romcom? Action?'

Tanaka didn't make a decision immediately and continued doing research. After a while, he decided to go with an easy to write light novel, Log Horizon, not only it has the same genre as Sword Art Online, it was also shorter and not that fussy about details.

So with that, Tanaka chose Log Horizon.

As Tanaka finished searching ,he lifted his head to get back to the class but as he got up, he noticed the teacher looking at him.

"So, Tanaka, can you answer the question on the board"

The teacher said, there are some who laughed at his misfortune or there is Komi who was looking at him worriedly, Tanaka couldn't help but smile when he saw her reaction, are they already that close? Wellm whatever, Tanaka looked at the question and it was fairly easy, so he stood up and wrote down the answer before going back to his seat like it was nothing.

The teacher didn't say anything and knew Tanaka was a scholarship holder so she just continued the class. If there is one you shouldn't mess with, it's the genius students as you will only embarrass yourself.

The class continued and Tanaka decided to focus on the class, he have to go to a internet cafe later to start writing the novel, or maybe he could go to the Computer Lab since using it doesn't cost anything.

Anyway, while the class continued, Komi mistakenly bumped her eraser causing it to fall on the ground, Tanaka who was near it picked it up but just as he was about to pick it up, he stopped as a compass went through his fingers nearly hitting him.

Seeing this Tanaka turned his head and looked behind him, there he saw a man wearing a clothes that masked his face looking like a ninja, Tanaka smiled then and nodded before giving the eraser to Kimo then standing up to pick up the compass.

His sudden movements were noticed by the classroom and they immediately turned their attention towards him and saw he had just picked up a compass, so they turned their heads back to the class.

Tanaka picked up the compass and walked towards the ninja guy before raising the compass on his hands then slamming it on the table of the ninja.


It made a loud sound that everyone in the room was surprised about and immediately turned their heads towards where the sound came from, they saw Tanaka standing in front of the Ninja.

"Next time learn who you are dealing with okay?"

Tanaka smiled then went back to his seat while the ninja who was left behind is sweating buckets as the compass almost pierced his hand, it was just a hair breath away.

Everyone who saw this decided to ignore what happened and wrote down to never mess with Tanaka, that guy was ruthless.

The class continued and it didn't take long for the class to end, Tanaka gave Komi a message that he has to do something so he won't be able to talk with her this time, he then made his way towards the Computer Lab of the school and finally found it after asking some students on the way.

He doesn't eat lunch since he needed to save money to help his family. When he reached the Computer Lab, there was a teacher there so after talking with the teacher, he was allowed to use one, so Tanaka sat on one of the computers then inserted his USB on the computer before he started writing.

His typing is very fast and he also doesn't have to think about the plot since everything was on his mind so in his 30 minutes break, Tanaka was able to write 10,000 words, he then saved the file to his USB before making his way back to the classroom.

While walking in the halls, from the corner, one girl suddenly came out and accidentally bumped into him.


The girl shouted as she fell on the ground.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?"

Tanaka immediately helped the girl up.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was walking"

The girl replied as she took Tanaka's hand and stood up.

"No, it was also my fault"

Tanaka smiled, then suddenly he heard the bell rang.

"I got to go now, please be careful"

After he said that, Tanaka immediately ran towards his classroom, thankfully, when he arrived back to his classroom, the teacher wasn't there yet. Sighing in relief, Tanaka sat on his seat and noticed Komi staring at him, like staring at him with her eyes wide open.

Tanaka chuckled, then took out a paper and started talking with Komi once again, it seems like she is getting comfortable now. They talked for a while until they started talking about each other.

Komi has a dream. She wants to make a hundred friends. Well, it was quite cute when she told him that and she started blushing when she saw Tanaka giving her a knowing smile.

To get back to her, Tanaka also told his dream? Well, it can be counted. Tanaka had already told her about his family conditions and what he wanted was to be rich so that he could have his brothers have a good life.

Komi seemed to be impressed when she read that. They then continued talking to each other until the next class started.

Afternoon, it was time to go home, but Tanaka didn't go home but went to the Computer Lab. He must squeeze as much as he could so that the faster he could write the light novel, he would finish the first mission as fast as he could.

He was so focused in writing that he forgot everything around him and just wrote as fast as he could, slowly the time passed by in a blink of an eye.

"Excuse me!"

Someone suddenly patted him on the shoulder, Tanaka stopped writing and looked behind him, he recognized who it was, it was the girl he bumped in the halls earlier.


Tanaka asked as he looked at her.

"Sorry for disturbing you, I tried calling you a few times but you didn't respond, I came to tell you that the school is closing"

Tanaka looked at the time and it was already late,

"Ah, sorry, I didn't notice the time. I will go now. Sorry for taking a lot of your time"

"No, it's okay, nice to meet you my name is Hori Kyoko, we are actually classmates"

"Ryuuji Tanaka, nice to meet you too, and yes, I know we are classmates"

After some little talk, Tanaka immediately left the school, he didn't go home immediately but went to his work first, it was located not far from school, at a coffee shop called Cafe Endou.

"Boss, I'm here"

Tanaka reported the moment he arrived at the doors, then at the counter, a very cute girl with back-length golden hair that has bangs swept to the left with two grey hairpins on the left side, brown eyes that has small pupils and a particularly flat chest was sitting there.

Her name is Endo Saya, the daughter of the owner of the cafe, She then suddenly turned her head and looked at him.

"Did you just insult me?"

"No, your just imagining things"

Saya hummed then nodded, Tanaka sighed when she saw this. Girls are very scary with their intuitions.

Tanaka then went to the backroom and changed his clothes to a proper work uniform which is like a bartender's clothes.

The cafe has not many customers, the only reason Tanaka could work here is because the owner was a friend of his father, the owner pitied him and let him work here, doing nothing. Tanaka decided to just clean for a little.

*Bell sounds~(I don't know how the bell sound effects goes)


Tanaka, who was cleaning, immediately greeted the customer.

A girl with blonde wavy hair that reached down her waist and beautiful pale indigo eyes, she was carrying what seemed to be a violin.

"Can I get some espresso and a chocolate cake"

She immediately ordered, then turned to Kaya and walked towards her.

"Hello Kaya!"

"Huh? Kaori! What a surprise for you to come here"

"I just want to relax then I was passing by and decided to rest here"

"You are more than welcome"

The two girls started talking with each other while Tanaka started brewing her orders, even though, he had only been working here for the few days, Tanaka was able to learn things in a fast pace, it didn't take long for him to give her order.

And so while waiting, Tanaka decided to sit and wait, he looked around and saw Kaya's laptop on the corner.

"Kaya, let me borrow your laptop for a bit"

"Huh? What are you going to need it for?"

"I'm going to make a project, it won't take long"

"Okay, just return it after you finished using it"

"Okay, thank you"

Tanaka then continued writing the light novel, with his pace, it didn't take long for him to write a full 100,000 words, though it was still far from finish the novel, this was enough for the first volume, the next thing Tanaka had to do is look for a publisher.

It was already late at night when Tanaka arrived at his home, his two brothers are already sleeping and his dinner was on the table, he just needed to heat it up on the microwave.

Tanaka didn't go to bed immediately but checked up on his two cute brothers, they were sleeping peacefully. He sat beside them and gave them each a kiss on the forehead, he stayed with them for a time before leaving. He ate his dinner and went to his room to sleep.

The next day, Tanaka changed his clothes to his uniform and went to school once again, as for looking for a publisher, it can be done in the weekends, or if he have time in the afternoon but for now, he can research for some publishers.

Just like usual, he brought his two brothers to their school.

"Kashima, here is your allowance, Kotarou's pocket money is also there, remember to eat a lot okay, stay healthy"

Tanaka smiled and gave both each a kiss on the forehead, then left, Kashima looked at his brother until he disappeared from their sight and he sighed.

Arriving at the classroom, Tanaka immediately saw Komi was already sitting on her seat, with smile he said good morning which surprised her then trying to give a reply back only to stutter a lot of times and her head exploding exuding smoke.

Tanaka laughed and just told her that she could write if she is still uncomfortable, things like this could not be rushed after all, while he was talking with Komi another one entered the classroom.

"Good morning Komi-san and Tanaka-san too:

"You are… Tadano Hitohito right?"

"Yes, that is correct"

Tadana seemed happy that Tanaka somehow remembered his name.

"Good morning to you too"

It seemed like Komi got to know Tadana yesterday at lunch after Tanaka went to the Computer Lab, he also discovered Komi is bad at communicating so Tadano decided to help her, Tanaka had a good impression of Tadano so he made friends with him.

"So, you now have two friends Komi, isn't that good"

Tanaka said with an innocent smile.

Komi blushed when she heard that but nodded.

So for the remaining time, the three talked with each other, mostly Tanaka and Tadano, also Komi who just writes, Komi was very happy that she now had someone to talk with.

While they were talking, Tanaka opened his phone and started researching for popular publishing companies, there are 3 publishing companies, the Shiroyasha Ltd, a company that publishes Manga/Light novels, it was a medium company but has a good popularity.

The second is Asura, a company that also publishes Manga/Light novel, it was a small company but was very popular in tokyo because they always ensure the quality of the works they publish.

Last is Kadokawa Media Company, a company that mains Manga but recently they also started accepting Light Novels, it's a big company and has their own week shonen jump, they are popular.

Just as Tanaka was researching, Tadano, who was preceptive, noticed this and immediately turned to Tanaka.

"Eh? Are you going to publish a manga?"

Tadano asked, which also got the attention of Komi who looked over curiously.

"Not a manga but a light novel, I started writing recently and I think its quite good so I plan to publish it"

Tanaka replied with a smile, he didn't really need to hide it.

"That's amazing! We will definitely read it once it comes out"

Tadana is a guy who seemed to be good at flattery but it was his honest compliment.

"Of course, once it was printed I will send you guys a book with my autograph"

"Thank you Tanaka-san"

[That is great I can't wait to read it]

After that they continued talking with each other, they also tried asking for his light novel but Tanaka kept quiet about it to not spoil the story, It was quite a unique story since Sword Art Online doesn't exist in this world yet

A little while later, the teacher arrived and the three halted their chatting, and focused on the class, Tanaka didn' really need to listed that much because he could remember everything, so in his spare time he was choosing which publisher to go.

After thinking for a while he decided to go with Kadokawa Media Company, it was already a popular and big publishing company, and according to their site, the best Light Novel will be added to the Weekly shonen jump, even chance to get the light novel turned into a manga.

"Well, that's done"

Tanaka put his phone back in his pocket before listening back to the class.

In a blink of an eye, the class ended and it was time for the lunch break, Tanaka stretched his body and since he had already written the first volume, he wasn't going to the Computer Lab.

"Hmm? Tadano are you going to buy in the cafeteria?"


"Good, Komi wait for us, we are just going to buy some buns"


She seemed excited that she will eat with them, Tanaka and Tadano then made their way towards the cafeteria on their way they met someone.

"Hachiman, let's go to the cafeteria together"

Tanaka smiled when he saw his good buddy(Former) Hachiman seemed surprised at first but after seeing it was his friend, he relaxed.

"Oh, it's only you, Sorry for your lost by the way"

"You don't have to worry about that"

Tanaka knew he was talking about his parents, Hachiman's parents were kind of close to his parents that is how they became friends.

They reached the cafeteria and Tanaka didn't buy anything expensive, he bought the cheapest ones, enough to fill his stomach for the time.

But just as he was about to leave, Hachiman came again. He was carrying 4 pieces of buns and gave the other two to Tanaka.

"It's my treat"

"Haha, sorry about this Hachiman"

Tanaka awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"Its okay, you also helped me a lot, at least, I could pay you back now"

"Thank you, then see you later"


Tanaka returned to their room with Tadano and saw Komi being surrounded bytheir classmates, but as expected she didn't reply to them and only stood there like a statue, it was also becoming uncomfortable for her now.

*Clap! *Clap!

"Okay, that is enough everyone, Komi is getting uncomfortable from you flocking around her, give her some time to eat her lunch"

Everyone immediately realized their mistakes and said sorry to Komi before dispersing away.

Tanaka then took his table and chair and stuck it close to Komi's table, he also called Tadano to join them. Tadano is a good guy and a good guy to be friends with.

"Let's eat lunch together"

Tanaka said to Komi with a smile, then taking out the two buns he received from Hachiman and also the spicy sticks that he bought.

Tanaka and Tadano then trend to Komi waiting for her to take her lunch out in which she immediately pulled one out from her bag, Tanaka laughed out as he saw Komi had cat ears like on her head.

"You have cat ears, haha, that is cute"

Tanaka complimented her unknowingly, Komi was surprised at first then blushed, Tanaka just laughed it out once again and they started eating their lunch, Tadano also bought his lunch and he went to the cafeteria earlier to buy some water.

When the two saw Tanaka's lunch are just 2 pieces of buns and a spicy stick, they couldn't help but look at him, then they remembered that Tanaka is working to keep his family living so he is saving money and didn't even bring his own lunch.

Komi didn't notice yesterday because Tanaka was in the Computer Lab.


Tanaka seemed dubious of their looks and asked while happily eating the buns he got.

"Is that enough Tanaka-san?"

Tadano asked in concern.

"Of course, its enough to give me energy for the day"

"That's not enough Tanaka-san, how about I share some of my lunch with you? I already ate a lot this morning"

[I will also share some of mine]

"Haha, I'm thankful but it's okay"

Tanaka felt warm as the two were willing to share their lunch with him but he is really okay, he is not a heavy eater anyway,

Komi and Tadano looked at each other and nodded, Tadano took the lid of his lunchbox before putting some of his lunch, Komi also put some then they gave it to Tanaka who was late to notice it because he was looking around for some loner classmates.

"Uh.. you guys"

Tanaka was helpless as they still shared some of their lunch to him, he just smiled and thanked them once again before digging into what was given to him, they then happily ate their lunch while telling some stories to each other.

"So I will help Komi get friends"

Tadano spoke.

"I'm going to help too then, but I don't know anyone from this classroom and they are already scared of me, so you take it Tadano, if someone makes trouble with you just tell me, I will take care of them"

Komi wasn't able to say anything as she was very shy at the moment.

So to help her right now, Tadano decided to go for it immediately, he looked around and saw the most social? Group, it was led by a girl named Yamai. She seemed to be a good girl?

So Tadano and Tanaka approached her to talk to her.

Tadano was the one who called out to her and then when she turned around, she started whispering to Tadano's ears that even Tanaka could hear.

'This girl is a shit talker'

Tanaka immediately thought, so with a move he grabbed her by the mouth, and pushed her away.

"For someone who is near me, you have the guts to shit talk, don't think that just because you are a woman I won't smack you, I'm someone who support gender equality by the way"

She looked at Tanaka with hatred but she knew she couldn't win so she gave up and turned away.

"What a bitch personality, nice facade though"

Tanaka said with a loud voice that made everyone hear it, Yamai jolted when she heard that and she turned red from embarrassment before running away, then followed by the two who were talking with her earlier.

"Let's find another one, we don't want any bad influence to Komi"

Tanaka said to Tadano who nodded, but after looking for awhile, they weren't able to find any.

"I have someone, let me try first"

Tadano said before making their way towards a girl? Boy? What the hell is this? Tanaka was confused as he looked at this student. If he remembers 'its' name correctly, his/her name is Osana Najimi.

Tanaka didn't know this one but 'it' seemed friendly and Tanaka was amazed by the skills of Najimi, talking with multiple people and was able to listen to all of them and even make a conversation? And from what seemed like it, almost everyone in the classroom is Najimi's friends, truly a master at making friends.

Even Tanaka himself, was not capable of doing this, Tanaka immediately decided Najimi is a must friend for Komi, maybe she could learn a thing or two from Najimi, he told Tadano that he would leave it to him before making his way back towards his seat.

Tadano and Najimi talked for a while before they decided that Najimi would walk home with Komi. After knowing that, Tanaka just left it to Tadano while he himself will go to the Kadokawa Media Company to see if his book will get accepted.

He was confident it would get accepted though but not a hundred percent.

After the school ended, Tanaka said goodbye to Komi and Tadano before making his way towards the Kadokawa Media Company. He needed to ride a train for a few minutes to reach the place, but Tanaka wanted to save so he just borrowed a bike and then went to Kadokawa Media Company.

Reaching the place, the sun was already setting but thankfully, the place is still open. The Kadokawa Media Company is a very big establishment. Tanaka parked the bike in the parking lot for bikes and then entered the building.

Looking around, there were not a lot of people inside, probably because it was already late, but Tanaka coil still some people in their uniforms, they should be the employees, Tanaka approached one of them.

"Hi, nice to meet you, what can I help you with?"

"Ah, yes, I want to publish a light novel of mine, is this where I'm going to submit it?"

"Yes, may we see your manuscript?"

"Uhhh… Its over here"

Tanaka showed the USB on his hands.

"I see, you must print it first before submitting to us so we can accept it"

"Oh, sorry, its my first time"

"Its okay, we actually have a printer, we can print it for you"

"Really, thank you very much"

"Please wait a moment"

The worker then picked up a telephone and called someone, then he was instructed to wait for a few minutes, Tanaka nodded and sat in the lounge to wait.

While Tanaka was waiting, a person sat in front of him, the guy seemed to be the same age as him, the guy noticed hi and bowed his head, Tanaka also showed courtesy and bowed his head,

Then it became quiet, Tanaka is really not a person who liked to engage conversations with someone so he just remained silent.

"Umm… it's my first time seeing you here, are you new?"

The guy asked.

"Ah, yes, this is my first time here, I want to submit a light novel of mine"

"Oh, so you are a fellow writer, my name is Izumi Masamune, my pen name is 'Izumi Masamune', the same name with the kanji switched around a little"

"I see, my name is Tanaka Ryuuji, as for my Pen name, I don't have one yet"

The two with each other mainly about light novels, though it didn't take long before a person arrived.

"So you are here too Izumi, and you must be the new one?"

It was a woman with short brown hair and wearing a suit, she also looked young.

"Yes, it's me"

"Good, my name is Ayame Kagurzaka, just call me Ayame, I'm an editor here, let's go then, I'm interested to see the works of young bloods, follow me too Izumi"

She smiled and walked away, Tanaka and Izumi then followed her, they took the elevator and reached the 3rd floor. Tanaka saw the office of the editors, he was then guided towards the printing machine, they then started printing Tanaka's light novel.

Ayame became interested in his works and immediately took the paper after it was printed. Izumi was also interested, for writers, there are bound to be some interesting newbies who write completely new interesting ideas, they also see if the newbie has a talent for writing light novels.

"Log Horizon? That's an interesting title"

Ayame nodded and started reading the paper.

Tanaka didn't mind and just continued printing the paper, it took about half an hour before the whole volume was printed. Tanaka then turned his head and looked at Ayame and Izumi who seemed to be very focused on reading.

Tanaka didn't mind and just sat down and waited for them. Log Horizon's story is really interesting but it was not on par to the story of Sword Art Online, specially the Alicization where the story was on its peak in Tanaka's past life.

It didn't take long for them to finish reading the book.

"It's interesting, it's a whole new genre and you actually wrote a lot"

"Yes, that's the first volume, my book has a total of eleven volumes, and I already have completed it on my mind, I just have to write it down"

"That is great! I will send this to our chief editor and see their reaction, leave your contracts and also your address, maybe by weekend, we will contact you again, thank you for choosing Kadokawa Media Company"

"It's no problem"

Tanaka and Ayame then talked more about his novel details and it was a little late when they finished, Tanaka already messaged the owner of the cafe that he has to do something today so he won't be able to come.

After it was all done, Tanaka went back home, this can be considered successful right?

Before Tanaka went home, he bought some things to give to his two brothers before going home.

When he arrived home, his two little brothers were still awake. Tanaka gave them the cakes that he bought and played with them, after that, they all went to sleep, Koatarou didn't want to let go of Tanaka so he slept with the two.

Waking up in the morning, Kahima was the first one to wake up and have prepared all of the breakfast, Tanaka cleaned up Kotarou and then they ate breakfast, just like usual brining the two to their school, tanaka went to his.

Arriving at school, the first thing he saw after he entered the classroom was Komi, she is always early, Tanaka sat on his seat and greeted Komi, then they both started talking mostly about what happened yesterday. It seemed like it was successful since Najimi became her friend.

It didn't take long for their classmates to arrive and class starting, it was quite easy for Tanaka and doesn't really need to give attention so in the blink of an eye, it was already lunch.


Najimi was the first one to call out, then Najimi turned to look at Tanaka, he was surprised for a bit before turning back to Komi.

"Komi=san can you buy me- *Blah *Blah *Blah"

In short Najimi wanted to buy Komi something for Najimi that has a long description, and if she doesn't go, Najimi won't be friends with her anymore, a little bit forceful but it will help Komi from communicating but before she go, Tanaka gave her a paper that she could read what she could read out if she somehow forget what she would need to buy.

Tanaka didn't follow after them and let Tadano do it, while he will chat with Najimi.

It didn't take long for Komi to arrive but according to Tadano, she wasn't able to order and just gave the paper that Tanaka gave, well, at least, she did go so it was a step forward

For the coming days, it was pretty normal for Tanaka, Ayame also contacted him, telling him to come this weekend, Tanaka accepted and so today is Saturday, Tanaka arrived at Kadokawa Media Company.

He was wearing his highschool uniform and also didn't show his piercings, he needed to look presentable after all, he still went traveling with a bike.

Then outside, Ayame is already waiting with a smile on her face, after Tanaka parked the bike, he was immediately pulled by Ayame inside the editors office and there he met the chief editor of this place.

"Nice to meet you my name is Minano Matome, I'm the chief editor here"

"I see nice to meet you"

Tanaka was surprised at first to see the chief editor is a small girl with green hair but he didn't think much about it since it wasn't really that strange in this world.

They then started talking about the contract, Tanaka will receive 18% royalty from the company, it was a lot for a newcomer but according to Minano, the book is a new genre and will surely be popular.

Well, Tanaka isn't sure too much about that but in his past life, SAO took almost all of the heat, so maybe in this world it will become a hit? Well doesn't matter, other than the royalty, Tanaka also gets paid 500 Yen per 5,000 words and also received 20 thousand Yen which is already a good deal so Tanaka immediately signed it.

Next is printing of the Light Novel and also Tanaka's pen name, as for his editor, it will be Ayame since they are already acquainted with each other.

"I'll go for LazyTanaka as my Pen name, and also I don't want to reveal my identity"

Tanaka said after thinking for a while the pen name LazyTanaka came from his favorite author who wasn't able to finish a lot of his books but he keeps pumping new ideas so Tanaka admired that person, as for not revealing his identity, he just doesn't want his peaceful life to be disturbed.

Maybe in the future if he decided to show his face then that would be in the future. Definitely not now.

After a little more talk, their meeting ended and Tanaka immediately went back home, 30 thousand Yen is a lot of money for a student like him, especially that he also takes care of his family.

So for now, he needed to smartly use the money, first things first is he needed a laptop for his Light Novel, that was all he needed right now, a laptop costs about 10-15 thousand Yen,or maybe just buy a second hand one so it doesn't cost much?

(100,000 ÷5,000 × 500 = 10,000 + 20,000 = 30,000 tell me if my math is incorrect)

After he buys one, he will save the remaining money for his two brothers.

"I'll go buy tomorrow"

After that, Tanaka went back home.

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