
Trouble #5

Yes, Diana led the gang of the notorious gangsters.

This new yet fearful gang was named "Trouble #5" by the public. Though the gang was new, it had created a storm in the city just as it kept a foot. It was four months back that the gang appeared out of the blue when the city was sound asleep.

Diana (aka D) , the founder and leader of the group, is an outstanding hacker and also appreciable for her exceptional markmenship. She could never miss her aim. Her martial arts and kung fu were also up to par. In better words she is an outstanding fighter. Plus she was also the present CEO of the Jonnes corporation led by her late father.

Liam, the best fighter in the gang, excells in both his kung fu and martial arts. And also the Vice president of Jonnes corporation. He is also Diana's boyfriend. Before this he was actually a playboy fooling around with every beautiful girls seducing them with his good looks and strength. But later he proposed to Diana claiming that he truly loved her and wouldn't ever cheat on her.

Jazz and Mike were also exceptional fighters in the gang. They were soft on the outside but very cunning in the inside. Nobody could guess their thoughts by their looks. They were also the directors of PR and HR department of the corporation.

Jin was the youngest in the gang, but was exceptionally good with his stamina and kung fu. He was the most notorious when it came to killing. He worked as Diana's personal assisstant in the corporation.

Kira, the personal doctor of the gang, was Diana's best friend since secondary school. She was very good at her medical skills, in fact excellent. As for any other things, she had no knowledge about any other f*cking thing.

But she was beautiful with an exceptionally sexy body. Plus, she always dressed herself in an exposing manner seducing every guy she came across, intentionally.

On the other hand Diana was unaware of Kira's intentions. She was truely innocent when it came to love and friendship. But mastermind towards enemies.

And maybe that was the reason she couldn't see the secret affair between hee boyfriend and bestfriend, which was even noticed by the rest of the gang. But all they cared for was profit and nothing else bothered them.

While Diana was working for the whole gang, they were just being selfish. And Diana was as expected blimd to this dark truth since see treasured their friendship a lot.

She had even sighned 50%of her share of the company on Liam's name, cherishing her upcoming future with him. While he was already planning to snatch everything from her.

Though he never liked her, he never wished to leave her too. Because he knew what kind of a mastermind she was when it came to business and underworld.

They had started the futureless business just seven months ago and Diana had already made it stable and worth recognising in the city. Hence, he wanted to use her as the stepping stone until he reached the peak. And then he would ditch her and carry on his rich life with his love, Kira.

Poor Diana was unaware of all this shit.

Her focus was only on earning for her gang. She was always busy preparing missions and programmes for her gang to boost their image and power. She never once bothered about herself. She never spent time or money on herself. She was always happy with the happiness for her gang. She loved them to the heaven and back.

She had never once shown any importance towards her appearance. She never cared how she looked or dressed. She always looked like a typical hacker, with her round glass specs, round neck hoodie and long lenth jeans and her hair always tied up into a simple bun. She never once exposed her beauty to anyone. Because she too was equally unaware of how beautiful she actually was. Poor her.

She just wanted the gangs security.