
Chapter 2

Mirai's Pov

"So, all you need to do now is to set the card on the machine and it will open!" said Yume.

"Okay," I said.

Basically, now I've finished changing.

"Wow! Mirai san, you're so cute!" said Yume.

"Thank you!" I said.

"So, Mirai chan, all you need to do is scold Yume. This is your line. Yume! Please remember it. No, you can't do this! You can't give up! Isn't your dream is to be the world's best idol? What about Sora? She is your partner! Your friend too! What about her? I'm your friend for over 13 years, trust me!"

"Okay," I said with confidence.

"Can you remember it?" the director asked me.

"Yes!" I said, "but I don't know what the movie is about!"

"It's ok, I don't have time to tell you. Just say what I told you. Okay? Yume? You ready? You know what you're gonna say right?" he asked.

"Umm, okay," I said.

"Yes! Mirai chan! Let's rock it!" she said.

"Of course," I said.

We went outside to the cafe nearby to do the scene.

I was scared, there were butterflies in my stomach. I think Yume saw me trembling.

"Mirai! Can I call you Mirai?" she said.

"Ya," I babbled.

"Mirai, it's okay! If you make a mistake, I'll follow it. I know there are lots of people watching us, but I'm here! I'm with you! It's okay!" she said.

"Yume! Thank you!" I squealed, leaving my butterflies to fly away.

"3 2 1 Action!" the director yelled when we were settled.

We were in a cafe store. I was sitting across Yume. We were waiting for the drinks. I was saying the script in my head.

"Mirai, you know what, I give up being an idol. I hate always practicing, it's so stupid!" Yume said in an annoyed voice.

She was really good at acting. I don't know what to do... I didn't say anything.

"Mirai?" Yume mouthed to me.

"I..." I mouthed back.

Third Person

"Mirai Aino, you have to go through this, or else you can never be your old self..." Anju said.

Mirai's Pov

It was my turn to say something now.

"I..." I mouthed.

"Mirai? Are you okay?" Yume mouthed to me again.

Mirai? Acting is a step to be like me! Forget who you are. You are the person you're acting. That's all. That's how you can be the best actor in the world and a step to be closer to me!

Flashback over

Who was that? I don't know, but I followed the voice's advice. Mirai! Forget who you are! You are Yume's best friend! You were Yume's friend for more than 13 years! Imagine you were supporting her all through your life! What will your reaction be?

"Yume! No! You're lying! No... you can't be! I supported you for more than 13 years. You were always saying you were going to be the world's best idol! You only have a step more to go! What about Sora! She is your partner? Think about her too!" I yell at her.

"Mirai?" she mouthed, "Your lines are different. I ignored her. I'm the Mirai. I'm Yume's friend.

I started to cry.

"No... I'm your friend for over 13 years, you have to trust me..." I sobbed.

It was dead silence for a few minutes.

"Umm, I finished acting..." I said.

"Cut!" yelled the director.

"Thank you for having me!" I said, then bowed.

"Uhh! It's over at last!" I yelled as I wipe my fake tears away. No one was speaking. Did I do something wrong? Is it because I added some other words?

"Excuse me, did I say something wrong?" I asked.

"Uhh, no!" the director said.

I hear clapping sounds. I look. Some of the fans were clapping.

"You were awesome!" yelled the sassy teenager girl I met before.

"I love you!" yelled someone else.

Are they clapping for me?

"Mirai, you were awesome! I thought you were too scared! I was stunned by your act! Well done!" Yume said.

"Thank you, Yume!" I said.

"Mirai chan. You were fascinating. Well done!" the director came out to me and said.

"Thank you!" I said and smiled.

He shook my hand.

"Mirai chan! We love you! We're gonna watch your dramas and shows! You were even better than Yume! Love you!" I heard some teen boys and girls yelled at me. I turned around to look if Yume had heard them, but she wasn't there.

"Thank you. Really thank you!" the director said to me again.

"Mirai chan! That was such a good act! We were too stunned by your act we even forgot to turn off the camera!" said a cameraman.

"Thank you!" I said.

Third Person

"Looks like you went through that challenge Mirai Aino, but can you keep going through all the challenges that are facing you?" Anju said.

Yume's Pov

Wow. Mirai was very good at acting. I thought she was too scared, but she was just starting to fake cry.

Mirai, you were awesome! I thought you were too scared! I was stunned by your act! Well done! I said to her.

Her acting was really good. Really, after saying what I wanted to say, I went to the changing rooms and changed back to my usual clothes and wore a pair of sunglasses so my fans won't know I'm Yume.

"Yume! She's really good at acting!" Koharu said to me.

"Yeah!" I said.

Mirai's Pov

The director said all of us can go home. I walked into the changing rooms and I saw Yume. She finished changing. She went up to me.

"Mirai! Can you give me your phone number?" Yume begged me.

"Of course!" I said.

We changed phone numbers and we separated ways.

MY SECOND CHAPTER!!! I hope u guys will like it:)

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