
Aiding My Queen With My System

Chu Feng transmigrates to a fantasy world only to realize that he’s a handsome but useless man who’s marrying into the family of Ji Rui, a capable woman of very high cultivation level. He quickly falls for his beautiful fiancee only to find out that she just wants to maintain a fake marriage to appease her powerful father, Ji Zheng. He finally finds himself in a situation that he would usually find in novels upon getting married—he is blessed with the Divine-level Son-in-law Freeloader System. The irreverent system rewards him with mysterious gift packs and rare treasures for his efforts in completing missions, resulting in him quickly advancing from an ordinary person to a cultivator. Ironically, Ji Zheng becomes more powerful due to a treasure Chu Feng receives from the system, which culminates in Ji Rui becoming the supreme leader of the four major sects in the world. However, opposing forces remain lurking in the shadows and Ji Zheng decides that a special treasure is required to aid Ji Rui in her ultimate advancement in cultivation. In her search for this rare treasure, a stranger from afar comes with information of a cryptic ravine that splits the Purgatory Sea into two. She decides to follow the stranger and brings Chu Feng with her on the dangerous trip to the faraway Purgatory Sea which teems with itinerant cultivators, demonic beasts, and valuable treasures. When they run into a life-threatening situation, Chu Feng says to Ji Rui, "My instinct is to protect you." She is amazed with this man in front of her. Why would this weak and useless man want to save her when he knows that their marriage is only a sham? What should she do with this husband of hers? What would happen to their relationship when they find the special treasure?

Spirit Caster · Ost
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40 Chs

Tonight You Can Come To Bed

Translator: Atlas Studios Redakteur: Atlas Studios

Even though the disciples already knew that the Sovereign Husband was an ordinary person, they still could not resist his charm.

Those who had doubted the compatibility between Chu Feng and the sect master due to their difference in cultivation levels had also self-consciously kept quiet. After they got to know his temperament better, they were all captivated by him.

Even many female disciples with extraordinary cultivation could not hide the excitement in their eyes whenever they saw Chu Feng.

Many male disciples gave heartfelt thanks in their hearts for the fortunate fact that the sect master had already taken him in. Otherwise, this fellow would probably cause many female disciples in the sect to fight among themselves!

"Sigh, I didn't expect everyone to like my song so much. In that case, I'll sing another song."

Chu Feng took out the zither and placed it in front of him.

The disciples, who had just been extremely noisy, fell silent in unison. Even their breathing became much softer as they waited for Chu Feng to sing.

"Like trying repeatedly, or occasionally being stubborn."

"It's my fault for the silly assessment, refusing to acknowledge the scars in your heart."

"An infatuation is a personal affair, everyone knows the secret but you."

"I don't have the courage to keep chasing a back view, like having a cold drink in winter and hurting my heart…"

"I envy every person who walks with you, there's always a safe distance between us…"

Everyone was affected by the sadness in the song. Even the most innocent and ignorant young disciple could feel the strong emotions in the song.

Ji Rui was also listening to the song from a distance.

Is this a song you wrote for me?

Her heart lurched.

From some point in time, Chu Feng's face would always appear in Ji Rui's mind. Sometimes it was late at night, sometimes it was after she had finished dealing with work matters.

The way he looked as he raised his eyebrows invitingly, the way he looked when he smiled widely, and… the way he looked when he vomited blood after taking that blow for her.

All these scenes overlapped in Ji Rui's mind into the image of a vivid face, which then overlapped with the Chu Feng who was in front of her.

Ji Rui's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Suddenly, there was a huge round of applause. It turned out that Chu Feng had already finished performing the song. The disciples were extremely touched and their eyes were filled with tears.

"Sovereign Husband, please sing another song!"

"It's so touching."

"Please, whether I can make junior sister feel moved would depend on this song!"

Everyone was completely immersed in the song. After they came back to their senses, they all begged Chu Feng for another song.

He rubbed his sore hands and said, "Everyone, the sun is about to set. Let's call it a day. We still have time to have fun tomorrow."

It's a pretty good life to have such a group of enthusiastic little fans during these monotonous days.

Chu Feng smiled and felt much better.

When the disciples heard him refuse, they all felt a sense of regret. However, they had indeed spent too much time having fun today and had forgotten that they still had martial arts practice at night.

They could only bid farewell to Chu Feng.

"S-sect master!"

Chu Feng was stunned. He turned around and saw Ji Rui standing behind him.

His wife really liked pranks. She was not afraid of scaring him to death by suddenly appearing behind him like that…

The smile froze on his face.

"You're all dismissed."

Ji Rui walked over slowly and waved off all the disciples.

"Yes, master!"

All the disciples immediately heaved a big sigh of relief and left.

Ji Rui looked at him indifferently and said, "Your days are quite leisurely."

Chu Feng blushed.

"When did you arrive?"

Could she have been standing behind him all this time? Something was not right. This woman had been out for more than a month. After she returned, she should have been cooped up in the meeting hall dealing with work matters and would not spare the time to come and see him.


Chu Feng smiled and said frivolously, "My wife, the song I sang just now wasn't too bad, right?"

The last time he finished singing a song, many female disciples had cried and asked why they had not met him earlier and said that they could no longer like any other men in their lives,

"How silly."

Ji Rui turned and walked back to her residence.

During the night, Chu Feng had nothing to do so he brought back the books he was reading in the library and prepared to continue reading under the covers.

He skillfully retrieved a thick mattress from the wooden cabinet, dusted it and put it on the clean floor. In the blink of an eye, he was gone.

Ji Rui watched in a daze as he deftly slipped under the covers.

"You should sleep on the bed."

After a long time, she spoke slowly.

Under the covers, Chu Feng did not even raise his head as he replied, "If I sleep on the bed, then where will you sleep?"

Why would she be so kind as to ask me to sleep in the bed? Perhaps she was trying to find an excuse to snap me in half if I should roll around in bed at night.

No, no, this had to be a plot.

Chu Feng's scalp tingled as he thought about it.

Ji Rui frowned as if she had made up her mind about something.

"You sleep on the bed and I…"

Chu Feng hurriedly stopped her. "My wife, how can I let you sleep on the floor? Be good, I think the floor is quite nice to sleep on. I've already fallen in love with sleeping on the floor!"


Ji Rui took a deep breath.

"Bring the covers to bed. We're just sleeping in the same bed, but we keep to our own side."

In the dim light, he could not see a suspicious red hue that was appearing on Ji Rui's face.


Chu Feng's eyes lit up. Could it be that his wife was finally enlightened?

Without another word, he grabbed the covers and was about to get into bed when Ji Rui immediately turned to the other side and said, "Behave yourself when you sleep at night. If I find out that you dare to touch me, you'll regret it!"

Her repeated threats made Chu Feng chuckle.

"My wife, what are you nervous about? I'm just a weak and helpless man. What can I do to you?"

"You're the sect master of the Dual Polarity Sect. How would I dare to touch you?"

Ji Rui was convinced by him again. After a long time had passed, she wanted to talk to him again, but realized that Chu Feng had already fallen asleep hugging the covers.

Fire Cloud Sect.

The continuous mountains gave way to a valley. This was the location of the main hall of the Fire Cloud Sect.

Ever since sect master Hu Fu was killed three months ago by Ji Zheng, who suddenly advanced to the Martial Emperor realm, the forces of the Fire Cloud Sect had been scattered and annexed. At this moment, they had no leader.

A starving camel was still bigger than a horse. Back in the days, the Fire Cloud Sect was extremely prosperous and had gone searching for treasures everywhere. Even though it had declined now, the resources they had in the sect were still several times more than what many small sects had.

In order to become the sect master, the seven elders were locked in a fierce quarrel.

The cultivation resources of the Fire Cloud Sect would be available to the person who was able to take up the position. Naturally, the person would have the opportunity to become a Martial Sage.

This was why, during this period of time, the seven elders of the Fire Cloud Sect were in a heated battle for the position. Their various supporters forgot about their friendships as fellow disciples in the past. When they met, they attacked one another like enemies.